Chapter 473 Gu Tingyan (20)

Fu Shiliu handed Jiang Nuannuan a glass of wine and said softly, "What we are interested in is not the Gu family, but Gu Tingyan."

Another daughter in a goose-yellow dress said: "If something goes wrong, do you still want to accompany him to make a comeback? It sounds quite romantic, but the risk is very high, but Gu Tingyan is indeed very smart, and there are few in the circle who can match it. he."

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her grip on the wine glass and took a sip of wine for the first time in her life.

The wine was sour and a little spicy, and it was still a bit astringent when it rolled into her throat. She pursed her lower lips and listened to Fu Shiliu say again: "I want to help him warm up to Nuan Nuan. How many years have I known him? How can there be a disaster imminent? Just ignore other people’s reasons, and our family will try our best to help them fill their loopholes.”

"Wow, then this little princess of the Gu family should be happy to have a sister-in-law like you."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was mentioned, smiled, looked at Fu Shiliu, and then slowly said, "Do you need me to call you sister-in-law in advance?"

Her eyes were dim and her smile did not reach her eyes. Fu Shiliu's expression did not change and she said gently: "It's still early. It won't be too late for me to help your brother and your family overcome the difficulties."

"Are you really going to help?" Jiang Nuannuan asked. She thought this question was quite important.

Fu Shiliu likes Gu Tingyan, and of course she wants to marry him out of profit considerations. In the past two years, she has followed him and watched him invest in college, watch him make money, and watch him be high-spirited. She knows that he is definitely not Chi Zhong. things.

So what if the family collapsed? She had seen him take control of the overall situation, and she felt that giving him a helping hand at this time would definitely help him stand up again.

Even if there is no relationship, it can be cultivated and cultivated, especially if there is kindness in her family, can he still refuse?
She nodded, "He will help. I'm very optimistic about him."

Even if it doesn't work out in the end and it's just a loss of money, she will leave room for herself so that her family won't be dragged down.

Another daughter said: "You two are in the same class at university, right? This can be considered a wedding dress from campus."

Jiang Nuannuan felt a slight prick in her heart, raised her hand, clinked glasses with Fu Shiliu, "I understand."

She took a sip of wine, put it on the table, and said with a smile: "Excuse me for now, I'm going to find Aunt Lin."

Fu Shiliu watched her leave. Someone next to her asked Jiang Nuannuan in a low voice what she understood. She said quietly: "It's just to let the ugly duckling among the swans see clearly the dusty feathers on her body."

Jiang Nuannuan was unhappy at tonight's birthday party, and felt a little helpless.

She found Lin Xiao and coquettishly said, "When you are tired of playing, come and talk to me in the garden." Lin Xiao put down the entertainment and said with a smile: "This child is clinging to me, so I'll excuse you for now."

Jiang Nuannuan followed her to a small garden at home. The two walked for a while, and Lin Xiao asked gently: "What do Nuannuan want to tell me?"

She pulled her to sit on the swing, her fluffy skirt sweeping the floor, and the fine sequins on it sparkling under the moonlight, making her look otherworldly.

"Aunt Lin, I plan to go to London to study at London Arts University. If everything goes well, I will complete four years of study there."

Lin Xiao: "Aren't you going to take the college entrance examination?"

Jiang Nuannuan touched the hem of her skirt, "Is it really bad at home this time?"

Lin Xiao's expression froze, and he sighed and told her the truth: "Your Uncle Gu's capital chain is broken, and the loophole cannot be repaired. If there is no large influx of external funds to help fight, we will have to file for bankruptcy if we cannot survive. As for Ting Yan, he is still young and has no financial resources. No one can help us tide over the difficulties. There is only one way we can use."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, understanding the difficulties at home, "Well, so Lunyi is the most suitable place for me."

"Why? In fact, you can apply to a good university in Linggang, and we can find a good designer for you." Lin Xiao looked a little anxious when he spoke, a little more pretentious and guilty.

She asked why, why did she ask, and the answer couldn't be more obvious, right?

Jiang Nuannuan chose a future in a relationship and future that may not necessarily lead to marriage. If she could not live in the golden bird's nest for a lifetime, she would have to find another way.

She had long thought about what she would do if the princess aura was no longer there, and what she would do if all the wealth given to her was taken back. Gu Tingyan was not the best choice now. He needed someone to help the family survive the crisis. This person was obviously not her, and Lin Xiao also She didn't want it to be her, and no one even thought it was possible for her to be with her adoptive brother.

She also cannot stand in his way. She is also an egoist. In this uncontrollable heartbeat, she can take the first step to cut off the relationship, retain the most honorable relationship for the two of them, and maximize the interests for him.

Golunyi is the best choice.

Leaving Gu Tingyan was also the best choice. There was a gap between the two from the beginning. They were matched by words. The reality was cruel and she couldn't help him. They were two parallel lines in different fields that did not intersect.

Jiang Nuannuan: "I know very well that my existence has now become an embarrassing trouble. This is a decision that is best for everyone based on realistic considerations. I have taken shortcuts in my life, and now I choose to go back to the path I should have taken." When my brother is ready to marry Miss Fu, I will come back to bless him, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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