Chapter 474 Gu Tingyan (21)

"Nuan Nuan, you know the general situation very well." Lin Xiao patted her shoulder sympathetically, hugged her in his arms again, and sighed softly, "You have grown up and understand many things. I know this is a good thing for you." It's not fair to you, but when everything is over, the Gu family will still ensure that you have enough food and clothing, and a happy life."

Jiang Nuannuan put his chin on her shoulder and said softly: "But Aunt Lin, this is my only accommodation and concession."

She made the best choice after all considerations, but for once, she was not without selfish motives.

Lin Xiao: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Nuannuan pushed her away, her face under the moonlight was cold and distant, "Since I entered the Gu family when I was 13 years old, although Gu Tingyan is not often around me, I heard him say that every money I spent on him was from him. Yes, he will come back to celebrate my birthday with me every year. He knows my preferences and will spend a lot of money to satisfy some of my financial desires. In fact, I should have understood this a long time ago."

In the Gu family, the only one who was sincere to her was Gu Tingyan.

It was because Gu Tingyan, the only son in the family, wanted to be nice to her that Lin Xiao took her in and took great care of her. She had never really liked someone with a foreign surname like herself, so no matter how well-behaved she usually was, she still remained in Lin Xiao's heart. It is a weight that can be discarded or used for trading at any time.

People who are used to being wives of wealthy families really have their eyes set on others and there is nothing they can do about it.

So for this reason, Jiang Nuannuan chose to use up all her personal emotions to give in. She chose to retreat. She wanted to see Gu Ting's reaction at the banquet. He had said before that as long as he believed in him, just wanted him, to test his The time has come.

If he chooses to get married to resolve all crises, she will respect and treat him as her brother forever, and out of his guilt, she will have a bright future in this life.

If there is still room for things to take a turn for the worse, he will try his best to settle everything and come to her. She will also finish her studies step by step and realize her dream. She will be with him without hesitation, and her future will still be bright.

At that time, she wouldn't have any worries.

In fact, no matter how she chooses the life before her, she will not be wrong. She makes full use of everyone, advances and retreats in a measured way, and is full of calculations.

Lin Xiao looked at her calm expression, feeling as if her fig leaf had been torn off. She held her arm, "Nuan Nuan, it's not that I don't have feelings for you. After several years of getting along, unless my heart is made of stone, I will be indifferent to you because of what I did. It is really, really disgraceful to do something, and with such a big thing happening at home, I hope you can understand my difficulties."

"I understand, really." Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said softly: "So I choose to help my family. Just this time, I give up everything here."

Lin Xiao felt a little guilty. She understood better than anyone else that this girl was innocent, but at the same time she was lucky. Her ordinary life had been changed. Her future life would not be any worse, as long as she was not with her son. , no matter what.

Really not knowing what to say, Lin Xiao finally sighed, "Oh."

"Come in, it's time for us to cut the cake." Jiang Nuannuan got up from the swing, took Lin Xiao by the arm and returned to the banquet hall.

The four-story cake cart had been pushed up, and it was very late. The guests gathered around Jiang Nuannuan. She looked at the crowd of mostly unfamiliar faces, but she had not seen Gu Tingyan for a long time.

She held the knife, feeling that he would definitely come. When she hesitated in her heart, her raised and bent arm could not fall down.

Jiang Nuannuan tilted her head and asked softly: "Aunt Lin, will brother come again tonight?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "He didn't tell me to cut the cake first. Now that the company is in chaos, he may not be free to accompany you."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yeah." The moment she looked at the little candy man who looked very similar to her, holding the knife and cutting the cake, the smile that had been on her face faded to an unknown extent.

Lu Cheng saw the change in her expression clearly and said softly: "Gu Tingyan won't come tonight? His baby doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

Feixin couldn't deny it, "Who knows, it's not impossible that his legs were broken by an enemy on the way."

Lu Cheng couldn't help but laugh, "You are really angry because he robbed you of resources. Didn't he just give you two last Valentine's Day?"

Feixin snorted coldly, "Don't make it sound like a charity. I don't know how long he, a big-tailed wolf, will keep pretending. Isn't he the one who killed his father with his own hands? He can still be busy at the Gu family company." Do you believe it? How many people’s fortunes have been affected by the emergence of the ‘Liu Xiang’ app? Now that he is running two companies, something will inevitably happen.”

This was also the conclusion of her reasonable analysis. After Lu Cheng listened, the smile on his lips faded, and he understood that it might be what she said. He put down his wine glass and turned around and walked out, "I'll go out and make a call to ask about the situation. Can I be with him?" He has invested money in me, so he can’t let me lose money.”

After Jiang Nuannuan symbolically cut the cake, she sat boredly on the sofa. Unintentionally, she looked at Fu Shiliu's meaningful eyes. The cheongsam woman came over and took a piece of cake. She sat down next to her and said warmly: "Ting Yan" I've been busy lately. In the past, he would definitely have a piece of your birthday cake. Today I'm here to try it and eat his share, will you feel happier?"

It sounds like what a sister-in-law is saying to her sister-in-law, which is inexplicably unpleasant.

Jiang Nuannuan is actually not a person who hides her temper very well, especially since she knows that Gu Tingyan doesn't like Fu Shiliu, and he always likes to remind her secretly in front of her as his sister-in-law.

She would not offend anyone to death, and said leisurely: "Actually, according to what Sister Fu said, you are not my brother's only choice."

Fu Shiliu's face suddenly stiffened, "Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were smiling, "You are not the only woman who wants to be my sister-in-law, and there should be more than one who has the same idea as you. You just have the possibility, Sister Fu."

Fu Shiliu put down his fork, feeling a little more impetuous in his heart, "Don't you like me?"

"It's okay." Jiang Nuannuan said truthfully: "It's just a bit pretentious and I don't think my brother will like it. I wonder if you know the TV star Hang Panxia. She and the cheongsam complement each other and are gorgeous."

The simple meaning is that she, Fu Shiliu, is not even as good as a little entertainer. Fu Shiliu twitched the corners of his lips, said "I'm sorry to be with you" and stood up with a sullen face.

Jiang Nuannuan felt comfortable. After eating a whole piece of cake, she watched the number of people in the banquet hall getting smaller and smaller. Until 11 o'clock in the evening, she and Lin Xiao sent off all the guests with sour smiles on their lips.

Gu Tingyan still hasn't come back. At her 18th coming of age ceremony, he didn't show up to celebrate her birthday.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't describe what she felt in her heart. All in all, she felt lost, sad, and indescribably sour.

Just as the door of Gu's villa was about to close, Lu Cheng's returning car stopped suddenly at the door. Lin Xiao stood by the door and watched him hurriedly come down. He stopped in confusion and asked, "What's wrong? You're back like this." In such a hurry, did you forget something here? "

Lu Cheng took a few steps up the steps, glanced at Jiang Nuannuan who was standing behind Lin Xiao, and said sternly to her: "Something happened to your brother. He is currently being treated at Linggang Hospital."

(Composition: Today’s update)
(End of this chapter)

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