Chapter 475 Gu Tingyan (22)

Assistant Li was guarding the door of the ward, and Lin Xiao hurried over with Jiang Nuannuan, asking with panic on his face: "Where is the person? How is the situation?"

Li Zhu lowered his head and answered: "The operation ended two hours ago. There were two gunshot wounds but neither of them hit the vital points. When Mr. Gu was sent to the hospital, he was still conscious. Now the problem is not serious and he is out of danger."

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door and went in first. Jiang Nuannuan walked to the door, stopped and asked him: "Why didn't you notify the family in advance that something happened if he was awake?"

Li Zhu remembered what Gu Tingyan had told him when he was put into the ambulance, and he replied helplessly: "Because it wasn't time for Miss Jiang to cut the cake yet, so he couldn't miss it and let you miss your birthday."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, pursed her lips and walked into the ward.

Lin Xiao was sitting on the edge of the bed shedding tears. She walked over and said, "Assistant Li has already spoken to the police. They are investigating and I believe they will find out soon."

On the hospital bed, Gu Tingyan's face was pale, and his cold and handsome features now looked a little more fragile. He lay there quietly, breathing slowly, which made Jiang Nuannuan's nose sore.

Is he a fool?

She sat beside Lin Xiao without saying a word for a while, until Father Gu learned the news and hurried from the company. His fine-lined eyes were red and bloodshot, "What's going on? Who wants to Hurt my son!"

Lin Xiao, who was supported by Jiang Nuannuan, raised his head, and when he saw her husband coming, she burst into tears and complained, "Who else could it be? Now that the company's capital chain has been cut off because of your decision, it will soon owe a huge debt. Who knows? Which of the creditors killed you? You caused them to go bankrupt and ruined your family, but they can't even hurt your son!"

Father Gu was immediately speechless, and his tall and capable body instantly shrank. He did not refute his wife's words. He knew in his heart that this was the only possibility, but things had already happened, and nothing he could say would help. .

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the time on her phone. It was already past 2 o'clock in the morning. She spoke at the right time: "Aunt Lin, Uncle Gu, you go back first. It's already very late. I'll stay here tonight. If there is anything wrong with my brother, he wakes up." I will call you as soon as possible."

Lin Xiao let go of Gu Tingyan's hand and said sadly, "You'd better go back with us."

"It's okay, I won't have classes tomorrow over the weekend." Jiang Nuannuan waved her hand and helped her up, "I'm still young and it doesn't matter if I stay up late. Brother, you can tell me if you have anything. You guys go back and have a rest."

Lin Xiao didn't shirk anymore. She was really tired after a busy day, "Then I'll come back and take a look tomorrow morning."

Father Gu stood at the door and looked at Jiang Nuannuan with complicated eyes. In the end, he turned and left with his wife without saying anything.

When the ward was empty, Jiang Nuannuan sat down by the bed again and looked at the hand that Lin Xiao had been holding just now. It was strong and long, with slightly protruding blue blood vessels and a needle inserted in it.

She raised her hand and gently placed it under his, then leaned down beside his arm and slowly squeezed her fingers between his fingers.

"Gu Tingyan, you really know how to make me fall in love with you."

She murmured softly, her half-downed eyelashes gradually becoming moist. The emotions that had been suppressed to the extreme throughout the day turned into tears at this moment and wetted his sleeves.

After a few minutes, the medicine on his body dissipated. Gu Tingyan, who had been sleeping all the time, opened his eyes and felt that his hand was wrapped in a touch of warmth. He tilted his head, and his blurred vision focused on his hand. He could see clearly that his shoulders were shaking like a crying baby. The girl, who was a poor little beast who had been abandoned, instantly softened her heart.

"Jiang Nuannuan." His voice was hoarse and awkward, and it was so abrupt when mixed with her soft sobs.Jiang Nuannuan was stunned when her name was called. She raised her head and her moist almond eyes came into his eyes.

Gu Tingyan was hit so hard in the heart that she forgot about the pain of the infusion needle on the back of her hand. She raised her hand to wipe her tears, "Are you scared?"

After he wiped away most of the tears at the end of his eyes, Jiang Nuannuan leaned back suddenly and held down his arm, "Don't move around, be careful of the needle bleeding."

Gu Tingyan looked at her, "Is it your birthday?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, her tone a little reproachful, "Li Zhu told me that you insisted on asking him to wait until after 12 o'clock before letting anyone reveal the news of the accident to his family. Do you know that your life is in danger and mine?" 's birthdays are simply incomparable."

Gu Tingyan looked indifferent, "Did he tell you? I will deduct his bonus."

Jiang Nuannuan said quickly: "I have good intentions, but you can't do this."

"Then why is there no comparison? Your 18th birthday is very important to me." Gu Tingyan replied dumbly.

His eyes were deep and unpredictable, and seemed to be burning with a faint flame. When Jiang Nuannuan was stared at by him like this, she immediately understood what he was implying.

When she turns 18, he said he would pursue her.

What he said has obviously always been in her heart, and she has decided to go to Lunyi to realize her dream.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flickered, and she suddenly took back her hand on his body, "No matter what, if anything happens in the future, you must notify your family as soon as possible."

The warm body temperature on her sleeves quickly dissipated. She seemed to be trying to avoid it, which made Gu Tingyan lower her voice and her eyes darkened a few degrees, "Have a happy birthday?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyelashes trembled slightly, "Well, as usual, many people sent me expensive gifts, and everyone was still very friendly. Aunt Lin made my birthday party grand."

"But you don't seem to like it." Gu Tingyan said calmly.

Jiang Nuannuan's body stiffened, and she mustered up the courage to look at him, "In the past, you were always by my side, and you protected me. I won't feel the least bit uncomfortable when facing those strangers. Today, I'm the only one. It was like a commodity being displayed back and forth, and I didn’t even have the desire to open those gifts. The birthday party was like a conversation between the bosses of a business venue.”

Gu Tingyan looked at her for a while, then a smile slowly appeared on his lips, "It's because I didn't spend the most important day with you. I'll make up for it next time."

"That's not necessary." She sighed, leaned in front of him, and said softly: "I'm very worried about you. I even thought about what to do if you died on the way here. I would be very sad."

After crying on this pretty little face, her cheeks and the tip of her nose were still red. Gu Tingyan felt itchy in her heart and was about to move, "Give me some water first."

(End of this chapter)

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