Chapter 476 Gu Tingyan (23)

His voice was still hoarse. Jiang Nuannuan realized her dereliction of duty, went to the side to pour some water and came back, reminding: "You have just had the operation. You can't drink too much water. Just keep your mouth moist."

The man took a small sip. His posture was really inconvenient, and a lot of it flowed from the corners of his lips. Jiang Nuannuan quickly took out the paper and leaned over to wipe it for him.

Gu Tingyan allowed her to finish wiping her face. A second before she was about to straighten up, he suddenly raised his hand and pinched her neck. In Jiang Nuannuan's wide-eyed confusion, he bit into the one he had been peeping at for a long time. Lips.

Her lips were almost numb from being bitten by him, but there were two gunshot wounds on his body. She didn't dare to move at all to touch his chest, and she was almost weak.

She had never kissed anyone in her life, and it was so exciting right from the start.

Gu Tingyan held her head tightly and kissed her closely.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had no experience, turned red and pushed his still intact arm with her fingers. After a while, she couldn't bear it anymore and begged for mercy in a soft voice, "I'm going to suffocate."

It was obviously an extremely ambiguous and lingering kiss, but she ruined the atmosphere. The man on her lips chuckled softly, and the smile caused pain in the wound. He restrained slightly, but still had no intention of letting her go. .

He tilted his head and kissed the corner of her lips, licked her red lips, and looked into her hot and astonishing dark eyes.

The magnetic voice was close to her, blending with her breath.

"You are still here, do you think I am willing to die?"

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to step away and talk to him again, but the hand on the back of her neck was too strong, so she had to lower her eyes and press her lips against his, "Don't go too far."

That soft voice had no offensive power at all. Gu Tingyan was surprised. He tilted his head slightly, bit her chin, kissed her soft lips and pecked her along the way, "Who is bullying whom? I even thought when I wanted to vent. It’s all you.”

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for two seconds, and her already hot cheeks turned completely red, "You"

If it weren't for the gauze on his body still looming under the hospital gown, and if it weren't for the fact that his face was still pale, she would have thought he was faking it.

Gu Tingyan: "You know I never joke with you."

He was used to being indifferent to everyone, she was the only exception.

Even these nasty words that were seriously inconsistent with his appearance, he couldn't hold back, so he told her at this young age when she was still 18 years old.

He thought about her countless times to vent, countless times.He only wanted her, for the rest of his life.

"I don't think this joke is funny either." Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip, "Can you let go of me first?"

"Want to run?" He had reasonable doubts.

Jiang Nuannuan glared at him, really a little angry, "Gu Tingyan! Do you know that there is still a needle stuck in the back of your hand? Do you still want your hand? Take it off!"

The little pain would have been ignored by the man if she didn't remind him, but her calling him by his first name gave him a long-lost pleasure.

Gu Tingyan slowly loosened his fingers, and sure enough, blood came back from the needle on the back of his hand.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but worry. She held down his arm and begged him in a low voice, "Please stop moving."

Gu Tingyan's lips moved with some color, his tone was very low, and he compromised: "I won't move anymore, don't be angry, just stay here with me."

He knew how to give in when things were easy for her, and he also showed weakness appropriately to win sympathy and forgiveness at the age when she was most susceptible to weakness.

He was so accurate.

Of course Jiang Nuannuan didn't care. Even she herself understood that her feelings for the man in front of her had changed due to his special differences towards her during this period of time.

She also had an unexplainable fondness for him.

She will be satisfied if you fall in love with a man who has raised you for four years and who has all the gold, silver and jewelry in front of you. He also has an unparalleled perfect appearance and an attitude of doting on you. She will be satisfied with everything. Point, this is too easy for 18-year-old Jiang Nuannuan.

She lifted a corner of the quilt, put his hand in, and touched her lips that were swollen from his bite. Her heart suddenly felt numb. She lowered her eyes and suppressed her thoughts and said, "Go to sleep. If you don't rest, it will be dawn soon. I Go take a nap on the sofa next to you.”

Hearing that she had no intention of leaving, Gu Tingyan calmed down and said, "My bed is very big, don't sleep on that small sofa."

He was just afraid that she would not sleep comfortably.

Jiang Nuannuan looked defensive, "You're injured, can you please stop messing around? I'll rest on the sofa."

(Composition: I won’t update tomorrow, I have to go out to play)
(End of this chapter)

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