Chapter 477 Gu Tingyan (24)

Gu Tingyan didn't want to do anything else at this moment. Seeing her attitude, he raised his hand and rang the nurse bell on the bedside, "Send me the blanket and toiletries."

With makeup still on her face, Jiang Nuannuan entered the toilet with the things the nurse had given her. Facing the mirror, she saw that most of the lipstick on her lips had been taken off and kissed.

She pursed her lips and quickly took out a cotton pad to remove her makeup and wash her face.

After a while, she opened the door and came out. She glanced at Gu Tingyan who closed his eyes again. She walked to the door and turned off the light. She took advantage of the little light outside the window and lay down on the sofa with a blanket and pillows.

The room fell into silence.

When Jiang Nuannuan covered herself with a blanket and was about to close her eyes and sleep, the deep male voice opposite said to her again: "Happy birthday."

She tightened her grip on the corner of the quilt, released it after a moment, and softly responded, "Thank you."

"Next year and the year after that, I will spend every year with you."

The humidifier sprayed mist, and the blue light was faint. Jiang Nuannuan covered her eyes, her throat relaxed, and she suppressed her emotions, "Yeah."

She fell asleep slowly in the latter half of the night, and Jiang Nuannuan was awakened by the sound of the doctor coming to check in the morning. She stood up on the sofa cushions and looked in the direction of Gu Tingyan.

The surgical incision that had just been performed needed regular dressing changes. He leaned on the raised bed and unbuttoned his shirt. There were two hideous wounds on his strong body near his chest and abdomen.

Jiang Nuannuan stared blankly. For a long time, she had believed that the most dangerous thing she encountered at his age was just the hands and feet caused by Gu's father's violent temper, which would not cause any real harm. Until then, The two bullets appeared in front of her, making her fully understand what kind of uncontrollable harm would happen to this man, who was only a few years older than her, when he was creating his own empire outside. He had been struggling, working hard, and... Climb upward.

One day, he will surpass his father and become famous.

Her heart ached, knowing how difficult it was for him to be outside. Now that something happened at home and she needed Fu Shiliu's help, her idea of ​​going to Lunyi would no longer be shaken. She couldn't ruin his future, but if he really Like her, the choices deliberately thrown to him seemed cruel.

"Jiang Nuannuan." Gu Tingyan looked at her in a daze for a while. He always felt that her little expression was full of thoughts and made him feel uncomfortable for no reason, so he called her.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly came to her senses and stood up from the sofa, "Well, I'm going to wash my face."

She used cold water to wash away the emotions in her heart. A few strands of hair on her forehead were also wet. She wiped them with a towel and turned around to go out.

Gu Tingyan had already applied the medicine, and all the hideous wounds were covered with gauze. The nurse blushed and tried to help him fasten his open clothes again, but he raised his hand to block it, "Let her come."

The nurse nodded, glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, and turned away with a sigh of regret.

Jiang Nuannuan came and sat down by the bed. Gu Tingyan held her hand and asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

"I wonder if you are in terrible pain." She lowered her eyes and looked at the medicine spilling out from the edge of the wound, her voice was very soft.

"It doesn't hurt." He frowned slightly, squeezed her fingers and loosened them, and said in a low voice, "Button them up for me."

Jiang Nuannuan hesitated for a moment and stretched out her hands to close the clothes on both sides of his body. Her fingertips unconsciously touched his abdomen, and the cloth was covered bit by bit. The strong muscles undulated and trembled gently with her breathing.

Gu Tingyan's eyes were firmly locked on hers, and the pain in his body was gradually replaced by another strange itching. He tilted his head slightly and fell asleep on the pillow in a more comfortable position, letting out a low sigh between his breaths.

The ambiguous sigh made Jiang Nuannuan look up. She had almost buttoned the button around her neck, and the back of her hand was held by the man in front of her.

"Don't finish it, it's uncomfortable."

He lifted her soft fingers and couldn't help but kiss them with his thin lips.

A burst of electricity surged through her heart, and Jiang Nuannuan quickly wanted to withdraw her arm, but Gu Tingyan's big palm controlled her like an iron pincer.

"Let go." She was afraid that he would take her fingers into his mouth, so she put one hand up to cover his mouth.

He hadn't shaved for two days, and the thorns that came out rubbed her palms, making her unspeakably upset.

The man curled his lips, kissed her palm and muttered: "Baby, wipe my face again."

Jiang Nuannuan:! ! !

Her eyes widened, she pulled back her hand and bit her lower lip, "I'm your sister, why are you screaming?"

"What did you call my mother?"

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, like a deflated rubber ball, "Aunt Lin."

If Lin Xiao really admitted that her family liked her, she would probably have entered their family tree long ago.

"We are not related by blood." Gu Tingyan paused and said with a smile, "So if you want to continue having this kind of fun in the future, I can always accompany you."

Jiang Nuannuan was a little angry, "Didn't you say you wanted to chase me? Are you starting to chase me now, or are you planning to push the progress bar to the end?"

After listening to her accusation, Gu Tingyan thought for a while, stared at her quietly with his dark eyes, and said: "As an adult, I have been guarding you for too long, and I can easily lose control of myself. What do you want?" Pursuit? Go watch hot air balloons in the mountains? Or ask the stars in the sky to pick one for you? Or try everything, I can do it for you."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said nothing after listening. The man's face darkened slightly and he said word by word: "You can do whatever you want from me, as long as you don't reject me, I can't bear it." After she submitted the submission, she went to Lun. It would take at least a month to receive a reply from Yi's design document. During this period, she would have to face Gu Tingyan countless times. She didn't want the relationship between the two to become tense at this time.

She didn't want to reject him either.

Ever since he took her home and showered her with all the love, she had lost any reason to reject him.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his obviously tense and worried face, raised her hand and poked him, "Gu Tingyan."


"Couples in our school go out to watch movies on weekends, and then go shopping and eat hand in hand. If you want to change our original identity of plastic brother and sister with me, can you do these things with me first?"

According to 18-year-old Jiang Nuannuan, lovers start by doing such ambiguous and intimate things.

The 24-year-old Gu Tingyan knew that after years of hard work and patience, he was finally getting what he wanted, so he just wanted to turn the little girl onto the bed and settle down quickly.

There is a shallow generation gap between them, which is filled by the veteran cadres who have experienced two lifetimes and have to cater to their future wives who are still students.

"Okay." He nodded slightly, his heavy face brightened, and he said dotingly: "Whatever you say will be whatever it is."

Jiang Nuannuan looked away, "I'll get you a towel to wipe your face."

Gu Tingyan's arms were intact and he could brush his teeth and shave by himself. Jiang Nuannuan helped change the water and wiped his face, and his slightly decadent face became strong and handsome again.

"What do you want to eat in the morning?" he asked.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Whatever."

She was already hungry while she was waiting for him to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After calling someone outside to buy breakfast and bring it in, Gu Tingyan saw her sitting back on the sofa. After thinking about it for a moment, he lifted the quilt with one hand and slowly sat up on the mattress.

Seeing that he was about to get off the ground, Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to walk over and hold his shoulders to stop him: "Tell me what you want to do, why are you getting out of bed?"

Gu Tingyan raised his head and said, "Go to the toilet."

Jiang Nuannuan's expression changed, she held his hand and said, "Um, do you need to use a urinal or something? It's not convenient for you to get out of bed."

She hadn't thought of doing this yet.

Gu Tingyan glanced at her helplessly, "Do you think I would let you do this?"

He put one arm around her waist and dragged her over, "Come here."

Jiang Nuannuan stood next to him and tried her best to hug his waist without touching his wounds, "Then get up slowly."

When he stood firm, Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and pushed the infusion pole over, "Let's go."

She helped him into the bathroom and pushed the IV pole beside him. She didn't dare to wait any longer and turned around to leave, "I'll wait for you at the door."

After taking care of her physiological needs, Gu Tingyan washed her hands and pushed the shelf out. Jiang Nuannuan saw this and went to help her, finally getting her to the bedside. When the man sat down, his hands were still firmly fixed on her waist, and he took advantage of the situation. Holding someone like this and pressing him on his legs.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. Without any precautions, her body lost balance and she fell directly onto his lap.

Before she could react, her jaw was pinched and turned in a different direction. Gu Tingyan lowered his head and bit her lips accurately.

After being teased by her fingers all morning, he could no longer hold himself back.

The only reason she had left told her that Gu Tingyan's chest was full of wounds. She couldn't struggle, so she could only grab his shoulders and dig in her nails, whimpering to get him to stop.

Fu Shiliu learned about Gu Tingyan's accident from Lin Xiao early in the morning. He hurried over with his bag as soon as he got up, and happened to meet Assistant Li in the corridor who was about to deliver breakfast to the ward.

She took the thing from his hand and said, "I'll go in and see if he's awake."

There was also Jiang Nuannuan inside. Li Zhu didn't stop her too much. He followed her and said, "Wake up. Mr. Gu's sister is taking care of her."

Fu Shiliu opened the door to the ward and walked in. Her pupils suddenly shrank, and she saw the person she liked, her future husband, holding her adopted daughter with a foreign surname in her arms and kissing her fiercely and crazily.

When had she ever seen him look so obsessed and domineering? The expression on his cold face was so vivid and erotic!


All the breakfast boxes fell to the ground. Fu Shiliu took two steps back and staggered out of the door.

The huge movement made Jiang Nuannuan suddenly turn her eyes and look to one side. She knew someone had come in, so she drove Gu Tingyan out with great force, and bit his wet lips hard.
(Composition: 3000+ in one update)

(End of this chapter)

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