Chapter 48 Club

Jiang Nuannuan: "Definitely."

After returning home from Fei Jinzhao, she immediately checked out the Morning Star Club, the top entertainment club in Linggang.

What is he going to do there tonight?
Jiang Nuannuan leaned on the sofa and stared at the club's web interface, lost in thought for a while.

Gu Shizhou's message popped up from the mobile phone interface.

Gu Shizhou: Are you going to the island life party tonight?
Jiang Nuannuan: I won’t go.

Gu Shizhou: I don’t want you to go either, just stay at home and wait for me to come back.

Jiang Nuannuan:
This made it seem like they knew each other very well and had an affair.

She was about to close the dialog box when she thought of something and asked again: Where are they meeting?

Gu Shizhou: Morning Star Club.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, and it was just right.

Gu Shizhou: Are you going? ?

The other party sent two identical messages in succession, but she didn't reply again.

Since they were all Morning Star Club, she had to go there to see what illegal business Fei Jinzhao was going to do there tonight.

There was no reply from the other party for a long time. Gu Shizhou on the plane clutched his phone for a long time and frowned.

The flight attendant came over at this time, "Do you need a blanket? Sir."

He looked up at her through his sunglasses, and suddenly took off his sunglasses, smiling with a pair of peach blossom eyes, "Yes, thank you."

The stewardess who handed the blanket lost control of her expression. The red clouds flew all over her face, and her mouth followed suit. "No, you're welcome. Can I get an autograph?"

Gu Shizhou generously signed her autograph, and when he opened the blanket, he found a personal business card from the stewardess just now.

So there was nothing wrong with his face and it was very attractive. Only Jiang Nuannuan didn't care about his teasing.

"Ha." He chuckled, tore up the card and threw it into a garbage bag, kicking Fan Jiang who was dozing next to him. "Change the schedule and don't go to the shooting location first."

Fan Jiang, who was about to have a dream, cried out in pain. After reacting, he immediately lowered his voice and said, "Ancestor, where are you going? The crew let you out temporarily but gave you two days to shoot for the magazine."

He didn't answer, and his sullen peach blossom eyes were covered by sunglasses again.

As night fell, Jiang Nuannuan still sent a message to Gu Tingyan asking if he would come back for dinner. If he didn't reply for more than half an hour, she went out.

Not long after the message was sent, a phone call came in.

"Hello." She stepped on high heels, fiddled with her fluffy long hair, and answered the phone gently.

"I won't come tonight." Gu Tingyan sat in the car and glanced at the time on his watch. Hearing the other person say hello in silence for a few seconds, his eyes moved slightly and he unconsciously blurted out: "We have a dinner."

Jiang Nuannuan snorted lightly, "Call me if you feel sick to your stomach."

Realizing what he had said, Gu Tingyan pursed his lower lip and cut off the phone unnaturally.

The warmth on Jiang Nuannuan's face disappeared in a second, and she drove her little Audi straight to the club.

Originally, she couldn't get into this top club because of her status, but with the invitation from the director of "Pirate Life", it became much easier.

The lower two floors are used to receive individual visitors, but they also require a certain identity. Only users with VIP cards can enter the upper floors and even the top floor. She doesn't know what is going on above. She only relies on her previous daughter. I have never looked at the identity.

There is also a huge gap between ordinary small wealthy families and powerful people like Gu Tingyan.

The waiters at the reception are all young and beautiful, with respectful eyes and good training.Jiang Nuannuan stepped on her high heels and looked around at the people in white shirts and black vests, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see.

She calmed down and followed the waiter into the box.

Someone has already arrived inside, including Uncle Shen Yang, Hang Panxia, ​​Luo Ling, and several key people living on the island.

Hang Panxia, ​​who was wearing a cheongsam, greeted her warmly, "We thought you wouldn't come."

"Why don't you come?" She took off her thin windbreaker and wore a backless red skirt that was bright and attractive on her porcelain white skin.

When Hang Panxia saw her turn around and hang her clothes on the chair, she discovered that there was only a rope tied behind her slim waist, and the entire exposed fabric from her back to her hips was gathered together.

Even her heart skipped a beat when she saw her waist and hips, let alone Luo Ling sitting on the other side.

When he and Jiang Nuannuan were on the variety show, he didn't realize how dazzling she was, but now she was wearing a red dress, and he couldn't take his eyes away for a while.

"Nuan Nuan, what do you want to drink?"

"Juice." Jiang Nuannuan smiled.

Hang Panxia said: "The deer spirit is coming tonight."

"What does it have to do with me?" Jiang Nuannuan asked with a smile.

She smiled gently and gloated, "Haven't you watched the hot searches yet? She was scolded when the latest episodes of Island Life were released, and the company is urgently trying to save her image."

"The program team is so ruthless that they dare to put this material without editing." Hang Panxia stood next to her and whispered: "It's because of Mr. Gu, to win over you."


Thinking of the words of those students during the day, Jiang Nuannuan turned on her phone, and her name and Lu Ling were ranked fourth and fifth in the hot searches.

[Jiang Nuannuan’s character collapsed again]

[Lu Ling was brutally slapped in the face of island life]

I casually clicked on my hot search, and what I saw was a nine-square grid. There were pictures of her handling seafood, and pictures of her skillfully cooking with a spoon. There was also an intimate picture of her throwing ointment into Gu Shizhou's arms, which was placed in the middle.

A comment below.

[How come her interests and hobbies are so wide-ranging!This guy is definitely a New Oriental graduate!It's not like someone frying vegetables and burning through the pot. 】

[How can He De let the top student from Nanjing University wash dishes and cook? The person who said before said that she can’t even wash dishes, does her face hurt? Not only does she wash the dishes cleaner than your master, she also cooks better. 】

[Don’t you think she is too ambiguous with Movie Emperor Gu? She actually gave ointment to his hand. It looks so familiar. 】

[How strange, does she still have to cook by herself when she is really a daughter?Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to learn how to take the blame. It seems that her life in a wealthy family was not very good. 】

[Not to mention, she and Movie Emperor Gu look very good together as they work on the shrimp lines. 】

This statement is quite fitting and has been attacked by thousands of girlfriend fans, but in general, Jiang Nuannuan's previous bad character designs have been completely wiped out, and her own Weibo account that she rarely uses has also flooded in. I gained a large number of fans and earned a lot of traffic.

Seeing that the number of fans was almost 20, Jiang Nuan clicked his tongue and left to go see Lu Ling again. As expected, there were a lot of curses below.

[This is too green tea. You can’t even cook, but you are still trying to find fault with others while washing the dishes. 】

[She always wanted to rub against our baby, but she was rubbed against Jiang Nuannuan. Can she not do something? 】

[Earlier, you blamed Jiang Nuannuan for not being able to wash the bowls cleanly, and you slapped her in the face for pretending to be a fat guy and talking about cooking. It turned out to be okay, but you were slapped in the face by the program crew! 】

(End of this chapter)

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