Chapter 49 Gu Shizhou is here
[You should apologize to Jiang Nuannuan for suppressing others so much!If she hadn't come to the rescue, you would all have been eating dirt for a week! 】

[Apologise to Jiang Nuannuan! 】

Yishui's apology to her took up hundreds of pages, and I scrolled through it, all of which were about betrayal. Lu Ling's fans couldn't stand such a war of words, and the criticism was a mess.

The box opened at this time, and the producer of Island Life and Lu Ling came in one after another.

Seeing the bright-eyed woman in the booth, her beautiful eyes tightened and her face instantly darkened.

"You still dare to come."

Jiang Nuannuan hugged Juice and glanced at her casually, "Want to slap me?"

These straightforward words made Lu Ling choke and gritted his teeth, "How dare you."

"Don't you dare ask me what I dare to do?" She smiled with a smile on her lips, looking very impressive.

"Sit down, sit down, we will continue to cooperate in the recording of the next season. A little friction is not harmful." The producer asked Lu Ling to sit down, and then said: "We have already redone part of the script, and we will use it to save you when the time comes. Image.”

Jiang Nuannuan put down her cup and asked strangely: "Next season? I didn't seem to say I wanted to participate."

She really didn't receive any notification.

As soon as she said this, the producer was so frightened that he quickly came to her side, took out the contract that he had prepared and put it in front of her, "You couldn't tell me before, so I planned to invite you over the phone. This season, because of you He Shizhou has made the show the most popular and talked about on the Internet, so I want to work with you for another season. Shizhou said it depends on whether you go, and he will consider whether to accept it."

He originally promised to come and sign the contract for the new season, but then he pulled out such a trick halfway through, which was really frustrating.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't understand, "Look at me?"

"If you go, he will go." The producer flattered: "Can Miss Jiang please come to our show on the last show? Take Shi Zhou with you?"

Isn't this Gu Shizhou too naive? His way of pursuing people is a bit rogue, and he actually asked the program team to beg her in person.

Jiang Nuannuan thought about it for a while and felt that her future schedule would be very tight. Filming a variety show would be a waste of money for her to spend money with other male protagonists.

"No, I'm not suitable." She refused decisively.

The producer thought it was because the estrangement between her and Lu Ling had not been resolved, so he added: "Don't worry, in the next season Lu Ling's character will be the waiter who follows you all the way to wash dishes and wipe tables, so there will be no more conflicts. "


Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Lu Ling, whose face was soy sauce-colored, "Can she agree?"

She is so hot, can she still agree to something that can restore her image?The company has already made arrangements, so I have to go even if I don’t want to go.

Lu Ling's nails were on the rim of the cup, almost breaking it.

If Gu Shizhou hadn't protected her, why would she have done this? After all, she still didn't hug her leg tightly.

Lu Ling took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I will cooperate with you in the new season."

Jiang Nuannuan's smile deepened, "Then I'll think about it and get back to you later."

The producer said: "Take this contract with you and see that the remuneration in it is doubled. It is twice as much as the money credited to your card. It is considered the treatment of a formal actor."

"Has your salary been paid?" She took out her mobile phone and read the bank text messages immediately.

In 7 days, I earned 50 yuan in variety show fees.

It's quite good. Acting is indeed a high-paying profession, and even those on the fringes can make a lot of money.

She didn't bring her bag tonight, so she threw the contract on the table and swayed, "I'll go to the bathroom first, and you guys can play."

She couldn't just stay here all night, she had to go find Fei Jin quickly.

The others walked out of the box swaying on high heels. Luo Ling's eyes were dazzled by her beautiful back that looked like the art of thread carving. He turned his head and suddenly said to Hang Panxia: "Sister Hang, you are completely different."

Hang Panxia was stunned, "What?"

Luo Ling: "I mean, you don't have to worry about Sister Nuan Nuan entering the entertainment industry and bumping into you. You two are completely different." There is no comparison between a gentle Jiangnan beauty and a charming and charming temptress.

For a moment, Hang Panxia reacted and smiled awkwardly. In fact, she had already understood.

Jiang Nuannuan left, and then Gu Shizhou, wearing a dark baseball uniform and sunglasses, walked in.

Lu Ling's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to say hello, he heard the handsome man in front of him with a bit of a ruffian face ask, "Is Jiang Nuannuan here?"

She pushed hard with her nails, and a large piece of colored diamond embedded in the nail plate was forced off, falling to the table, and her eyes darkened again.

"Didn't you go into the mountains to film? Did you come here specifically for Jiang Nuannuan?" The producer saw through his thoughts at a glance and pointed to the contract on the table, "She is here, but she went to the toilet. .”

Gu Shizhou took off his baseball uniform, revealing the black short sleeves underneath, which covered his thin waist.

The faint muscle lines were printed on the short sleeves. Hang Panxia's eyes were slightly straightened and her face turned red.

"Bai Liang didn't come?" He glanced at her lazily.

"No, he has a meeting today." She withdrew her gaze, not daring to look any further.

The man took off his sunglasses, spread his hands, sat where Jiang Nuannuan had just sat, and glanced at the contract, "Did she agree to renew the contract?"

Producer: "Not yet, I said I would think about it."

He nodded lazily, "Then I'll wait for her to come and think about it again."

The producer slapped his forehead, feeling helpless.

Who dares to fart too much as the second master of the Gu Group? As soon as he steps into the entertainment industry, he can only be pampered.

"Want to drink?" Lu Ling poured him a glass of wine himself.

Gu Shizhou glanced at the glass of juice on the table and picked it up casually, "I'll drink this."

She couldn't help it any longer, put the wine glass heavily on the table, stood up and left.

After Jiang Nuannuan wiped her wet hands, she sent a message to Fei Jinzhao.

【Where are you?I have something urgent to ask you. 】

She had just come all the way and passed through several boxes without seeing his shadow. Could it be that the rich woman had taken him away first?
When I think of this, I feel very panicked.

Such a clean male protagonist would not like to be bullied by anyone other than her.

System 66: "I feel like you are trying to cause trouble again."

"Don't guess what I'm thinking."


Throwing the paper into the trash can, Jiang Nuannuan turned to leave, and met the menacing Lu Ling.

She didn't know what she had offended, but she was aggressive: "Do you think he is only good to you? I tell you this is only temporary. When he gets tired of it, he can dump you in just one day!"


"So you are the female artist that he dumped in less than a day? You are obviously not very attractive." Jiang Nuannuan accurately grasped the vitality and gave Lu Ling full level of humiliation.

"Not just one day!"

"Oh, I know, seven days is considered one of the longest girlfriends?"

"Jiang Nuannuan!" Lu Ling raised his hand, his nails so sharp that he wanted to scratch her face.

(End of this chapter)

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