Chapter 481 Gu Tingyan (28)

Gu Tingyan was hospitalized for more than half a month, and Gu's father was worried for more than half a month. He came to see him when the momentum was extremely bad. When he broke into his son and put his adopted daughter on the bed with one hand and kissed him, he completely exploded. , all the pent-up fire was released in an instant.

"Your mother is helping you get married into the Fu family, and how dare you do such a thing here!"

Father Gu, who had not slept well for several days, became so angry that he fainted.

Gu Tingyan still held the girl in his arms forcefully and did not move. He was afraid that she would run away. He only had one free hand to press the bedside bell to call the nurse and drag the person out for first aid.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against his chest quietly, feeling quite at ease when she saw several pairs of eyes looking at them with disbelief and shocking discovery.

When she started to fall in love with him, she knew that she couldn't avoid the strange look after being exposed.

She turned her head and looked at Gu Tingyan's expressionless handsome face. It had been so long since the accident happened at home, but he was not in a hurry or made any move. He seemed to be completely sure about the matter.

She felt that she had a good chance of winning.

Sensing her gaze, Gu Tingyan quickly kissed her after everyone had left, "What are you thinking about? Don't think too much."

"Don't think too much. Are you going to be discharged from the hospital soon? I want to go on a date with you." She pressed his leg and straightened up, her eyes filled with expectation. She didn't have much time to spend with him. Once the hide-and-seek game was over, At first, she might never see him again for months, years, or even forever. She wanted to do all the things a couple should do.

Gu Tingyan fully affirmed her behavior of forcing someone to sleep with him in the hospital. After many days of getting along with him, she got used to his closeness and sleeping with him. She even made another big leap today. She couldn't wait Wants to date him.

The gunshot wound on his body was not completely healed, but the bullet did not penetrate deeply and did not damage his vitals. As long as he was not tired, there was no problem in doing some general recreational activities.

So while Lin Xiao was busy negotiating a marriage, and Gu's father was almost cornered by shareholders who were losing money, Gu Tingyan took Jiang Nuannuan out on a date.

The two of them were walking hand in hand on the street, and apart from being looked at by passers-by for their outstanding looks, no one recognized them as the focus of wealthy gossip circles.

They went to buy tickets to watch a movie together, sitting in a couple's seat, with ice cream in their hands that had just been pulled out of the machine.

It was still a working day, and they were the only two people in the cinema.

Jiang Nuannuan took a bite of her own, then looked at the untouched one in his hand, "Want me to taste yours?"

Gu Tingyan handed the ice cream to her and watched her take a big bite of the tip, biting down a few black pearls sprinkled on it. After finishing the meal, the tip of her pink tongue came out to lick her lips, and then she made a regretful comment, "It's better. You taste delicious.”

Originally, he could have given her a taste of both. He didn't like these things anyway, but seeing her lively and pure and alluring expression at the moment, he leaned forward to her and took a bite of the ice cream in the same position. .

Her straight nose almost touched the tip of Jiang Nuannuan's, and as soon as the crisp breath came over her, she saw Gu Tingyan's lips were covered with ice cream, and her heartbeat accelerated.

The lights in the theater went out, and light appeared on the huge screen.

The dim light fell on the faces of the two of them. Jiang Nuannuan suddenly stepped forward, closed the last bit of distance and bit his lips. The tip of her tongue rolled the stain into her mouth. When the other party was about to wrap her around, she quickly backed away. , pushing back the ice cream in his hand, "Okay."

"Don't let me taste yours?" He licked his wet and hot lips, an undercurrent surging in his eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head quickly and looked forward, "Watch a movie."

Gu Tingyan stared at her for a while, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and looked at the screen.

The current popular youth pain movie was specially chosen by Jiang Nuannuan.

The brief content of the plot is a story about a pair of happy enemies who grew up since childhood. Due to different ambitions and incomplete families, they were forced to break up tragically on the way to falling in love, and then reunited many years later.

It is different from the story between her and Gu Tingyan, but the general core can be set.

The ends of her eyes turned red, and she turned to look at Gu Tingyan beside her. The boredom and patience in his eyes were so obvious.

"Isn't it nice?" he asked.

The little girl's tearful eyes made him feel pity for her, and he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms.

He responded softly, "You are better-looking." Jiang Nuannuan said, "Fortunately, after going round and round, these two finally got together."

Gu Tingyan chuckled, "After five years, who would wait for someone in the same place for five years?"

Jiang Nuannuan's heart dropped heavily, her eyes flashed slightly, "You don't know how."

Watching this kind of movie, and still when she was so young, he listened to her suddenly lowered tone, and when he reacted, he had to consider that she would put him in the same situation and let him face the choice.

It was obvious that his firm tone just now had touched her.

Gu Tingyan tapped her waist with his fingers, and after a few seconds, he said: "I have legs, why do I have to stand there and wait like a fool for five years? You are not a poor girl from a poor family. In your hands A single diamond of yours can buy her house, and even your entire cloakroom is enough to buy the entire old shabby neighborhood. It makes no sense to us to bring this kind of movie into the movie, and there is no comparison at all.”

He was very rational and analyzed from various angles. Of course, the conclusion he came to made Jiang Nuannuan's heart flutter back.

She turned around and said in a deliberately arrogant tone, "Will you come back to me wherever you go? Are you really not going to find someone else? You will be 30 years old in five years."

No matter it was in her previous life or this life, she always liked to struggle with her age.

Does she dislike him for getting old again?

Gu Tingyan's eyes darkened, he leaned into her ear and said in a deep voice through the music at the end of the movie: "When a man reaches his thirties, he is most energetic. You will definitely be satisfied with me at this age."

He held his earlobe in his mouth and bit it gently. Jiang Nuannuan clenched his clothes tightly, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

After the two kissed, they came out of the movie theater and went to a nearby hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot. Jiang Nuannuan thought that the love process at the age of 18 would stop here.

Gu Tingyan believed that this was just the beginning, and it was rare to get out. There was absolutely no reason to let people back easily.

He contacted Li Zhu and asked him to book a viewing mountain closest to Linggang suitable for watching the sunrise in advance, and prepared to take people there.

Jiang Nuannuan waited for the car to drive for a while before she realized that this was not the direction home.

Gu Tingyan stopped at the door of the drugstore for a while, then got off the car to buy something alone. In just a moment, countless yellow waste flew through Jiang Nuannuan's head.

At their age, there are already young couples who just push things to the last step, half-assedly going to get a room together.

Until Gu Tingyan got into the car, she saw with her own eyes that he casually threw a box into the groove of the car door with a nonchalant look on his face.

This seems to be a big problem.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't hold it back and asked worriedly, "Aren't we going home tonight?"

Gu Tingyan got a positive answer: "If you don't come back, I will take you to another place."

It was a drugstore, and he took her to another place after 8 o'clock in the evening. Jiang Nuannuan's mind wandered for a moment. She put her hands on the armrest box, opened her clear eyes, and said to him loudly: " I'm not ready yet! You can't take me to the hotel so soon! This is our first date!"

Her angrily accusation made Gu Tingyan stunned for two seconds. After he came to his senses, he braked and parked the car on the side of the road. He looked at her with a half-smile, "Were you thinking about this all the way?"

"It's serious, okay? I even saw you going into the drugstore to buy something." Jiang Nuannuan's face sank, feeling that his attitude was not correct, "I want to get off the car!"

He didn't want to make her angry but he really thought it was cute. He pursed his lips to suppress his smile, pinched his eyebrows with his fingers, and threw the medicine box in the groove into her lap.

"Fortunately, your vigilance will prevent you from being abducted, but it won't last forever, honey."

The long box that fell on the lap had five large characters printed very eye-catchingly on it.

Jianweixiaoshi tablets.
He just had a spicy hot pot with her today and had gastrointestinal discomfort.
(Zuo’s words: It’s not that I don’t update more, I just get more and more stuck as I go to the back.)

(End of this chapter)

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