Chapter 482 Gu Tingyan (29)

Jiang Nuannuan had a dull expression on her face, silently turning her head towards the window and picking her toes.


After a wordless silence, the more he thought about it, the more funny it became. Gu Tingyan's pursed lips did not hold back and he laughed out loud.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly turned her head and saw a comfortable smile on his profile. His dark eyes flickered as he looked over. The embarrassment in her heart disappeared. She took out the digestive tablets, took out three pills and bit them into her mouth.

Forget it, it was rare to see him smiling so wildly on his old-fashioned and calm face, so she just couldn't bear it.

"Where are we going?"

"The top of the mountain."

After driving for more than an hour, the car finally stopped at the edge of the private helipad. Gu Tingyan took her on the helicopter. The night view of the city came into view from a high altitude, and the stars were shining brightly at night.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed next to a wooden house on the top of a mountain.

Jiang Nuannuan vaguely guessed, "Are you watching the sunrise? I know this place, and many people usually come to check in on weekends."

"Well, I've got it covered."

He held her down, frowned slightly when his body moved his abdomen, and then calmed down, holding her hand and walking into the house.

This is a special B&B with a booming business. When you wake up in the morning and open the terrace door, you can directly see the rising sun and smell the fresh air.

The place was booked today, so there was no one there.

After passing through the gate, there is a large hollowed-out garden inside. The floor lamps illuminate the branches with warm light, echoing the moonlight.

Jiang Nuannuan was amazed by the beauty of this scenery and exclaimed: "It's even more beautiful than the pictures taken."

"You like it? I'll buy it for you tomorrow." Gu Tingyan didn't care at all about the price of this little thing that could coax her to play with.

She squeezed his fingers and said, "No, we won't live here forever. We just need to watch the sunrise occasionally."

After walking around the small garden, it was almost 10 o'clock. Jiang Nuannuan, who had been dating outside for a whole day, couldn't stand it anymore. The two of them checked into the best room with a 270-degree view.

All the supplies inside have been replaced with a new, more comfortable four-piece set in advance, and the clothes that the two of them need to change are also placed in the closet.

They have always slept on the same hospital bed for more than half a month. Apart from kissing, Gu Tingyan has not done anything out of the ordinary. In addition, Jiang Nuannuan's vigilance against him has dropped to the lowest point due to the incident tonight.

There were two bathrooms in the room. When she was drying her hair after taking a shower, an email notification suddenly came in on her phone.

She glanced around, changed the hand holding the hair dryer, took the phone in her right hand and opened the email in front of her.

The acceptance notice from Lun Yi came faster than she imagined.

She was among the first batch to enter, and the dean of the Design Institute personally praised her in the email. He couldn't wait to see such an outstanding Chinese student like her.

Jiang Nuannuan, who thought she would have to wait until at least this month was over, was stunned. There was a frosted wall in the bathroom, and she could vaguely see Gu Tingyan coming out of another bathroom.The hide-and-seek game is about to begin, and the countdown to farewell has begun.

After deleting the email message from the phone interface, Jiang Nuannuan directly turned off the phone, dried her hair, combed it casually, and walked out.

Gu Tingyan was sitting at the end of the bed wearing only a pair of black casual pants. He was applying medicine to himself with his back to her, and the muscles in his back were buckling due to pain.

After all, the wound that had been raised for so long was caused by a bullet. How could it heal so quickly? Thinking that he had stayed with her for a whole day, Jiang Nuannuan felt guilty in her heart. She walked over and squatted down in front of him.

The hideous wound was covered by a dark brown scab, but half of it was separated from the skin, and the tender red flesh inside had not fully grown.

Gu Tingyan was in pain because it must have been torn when he took her off the plane just now.

"What's wrong? "

She suddenly squatted in front of him, and his hand paused.

"Let me help you." Jiang Nuannuan took the wound medicine in his hand, "It looks very painful. It would be too cruel for you to apply it yourself."

Gu Tingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the girl spontaneously squeezed between her spread legs. From this angle, she could clearly see her neckline, as well as the visual impact caused by her special position when she raised her face. He stretched his hands back to support her.

"bring it on."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't think as much as he did. She dipped a cotton swab into the ointment and applied it to him. Her tight belly twitched slightly in front of her. She thought he was in pain, so she pressed his legs and blew on his face. Blow.

The inward cheeks and raised lips were infinitely close to the lower abdomen. Gu Tingyan's eyes could not be darker. He put his hand on the top of her hair and rubbed it gently, "You know lying between the legs of an adult male, Does this mean anything?"

Jiang Nuannuan put her hands around his waist and helped to roll up the gauze on his abdomen. When she heard these suggestive words, she lowered her head subconsciously.

It wasn't like she didn't really know what it was, so she immediately threw her head back in fear, and the hand that was originally on the top of her hair quickly went around to the back of her neck to hold her down, preventing her from moving.

Gu Tingyan bent down, with dark fire in his eyes, "Do you want to give it a try?"

"Gu Tingyan! Why are you even talking about trying it?" Jiang Nuannuan pressed his legs and prevented him from leaning over. During this period, he didn't know how many times he told her to try, and he coaxed and deceived her so much that she was obsessed with it. I have done a lot to break through the bottom line.

But something as outrageous as tonight has never happened before.

"I remember that your school doesn't have physiology classes. We teach one-on-one on-site." He pinched the back of her neck, his voice was a little darker and sexy, "You have to do it with me sooner or later, right?"

He had endured the soft desire in his arms for long enough. Her slightest approach over a long period of time would easily turn into a fire and ignite everything. He could not control his physical impulse towards her at all.

Their eyes intertwined, and the admission email suddenly flashed through Jiang Nuannuan's mind. Her thoughts drifted away. She closed her eyes, and the arm that had been resisting his legs slowly relaxed, and finally bent to rest on it, "I really want to teach him." me?"

Her slightly softened momentum undoubtedly poured gasoline on the rising flames. The very close naked chest exuded a little heat, and the scent of cold-scented shower gel enveloped her whole body.

"After so many nights, don't you really feel that I am reaching the limit of my tolerance? You should feel it." His deep voice sounded in her ears.

Jiang Nuannuan came back to her senses and looked up at him. The man's red and sexy lips were very close. She supported his legs, leaned over and kissed him, "Okay, give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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