Chapter 486 Gu Tingyan (33)

Gu Tingyan was asked by his father to go on a business trip to raise funds to fill the hole because of the Gu family's bottomless pit. Since he hasn't completely broken up yet, he really needs to go there to discuss other business.

Jiang Nuannuan helped him pack his luggage that night.

"I heard that the turquoise over there is good. Do you like it?" Gu Tingyan looked at her with gentle eyes, "I'll pick out a good-quality one and buy it back."

Jiang Nuannuan helped him pack his suitcase, walked over and hugged him, "How long will you be leaving?"

"One week." He stroked her back, sensing her reluctance, and with love in his heart, he held her face and said, "Want to go with me?"

"I still have classes, but first I'm looking forward to the stones you bring back." She raised her lips and smiled, her eyes darkened, and the man kissed her, lingering for a long time.

This is the last night, after which they will engage in a month-long game of long-distance love and hide-and-seek.

What will his expression be like when he sees Gu Tingyan again?She guessed that he would kick open the door of her house angrily and ask her why she ran away without saying a word. Did she just distrust him so much? His face would definitely look ugly.

How would she cope at that time?

When he pressed her onto the bed, Jiang Nuannuan's thoughts were a little far away. Pleasure came with the speed of her fingertips. She suddenly thought that she should be able to comfort him with her fingers in the same way. He liked this very much.

This should earn his forgiveness.

When he came out of the bathroom in his arms at night, Jiang Nuannuan would usually fall asleep in his arms due to exhaustion at this time, but she had insomnia, and Gu Tingyan slept well on the other hand.

He always slept well with her by his side.

She looked at this handsome face almost lustfully for several hours, until the time on her phone showed 4 a.m., and Gu Tingyan would get up soon to catch a flight, so Jiang Nuannuan closed her eyes and hugged him for a nap. .

He set off relatively early, and the girl in his arms was still sleeping. Gu Tingyan got out of bed and went to wash up in the next bedroom without leaving any movement.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was sleeping lightly, opened her eyes and listened to the servant passing by outside asking Gu Tingyan what he wanted for breakfast.

He said casually: "It's okay, don't bother Nuannuan. She slept late yesterday and is tired. Let her wake up naturally."

"Understood." The servant nodded. She was used to her young master coming out of Jiang Nuannuan's room every day recently. Even the mistress of the house was still arranging his engagement. This chaotic relationship between wealthy families was really frustrating. jaw dropped.

Before Gu Tingyan left, Lin Xiao specially saw him off at the door. She was still worried about Jiang Nuannuan's words about you not loving him. She loved her son, and no one loved her son more than she did.

But apart from taking her son to and from kindergarten, it had been an unknown number of years since she sent him off on a business trip. Facing his indifferent and a little confused look, Lin Xiao suddenly felt guilty, "Recently, because of your dad's affairs, you Thank you for your hard work, please be careful on the road."

Gu Tingyan did not respond to her words, but said indifferently: "Take good care of Nuannuan, buy her whatever she wants, and I will pay the bill."

He didn't ask her as a mother, nor did he tell her to buy whatever she wanted.Lin Xiao smiled stiffly, "Just pamper her."

I got a more indifferent response, "I should love her, she will be my wife sooner or later."

It's not right to pamper her as a mother. He spoiled her rotten in his previous life. After being disappointed in this life, he has no more extravagant expectations.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan got up from bed, washed up, and replied to the WeChat message sent by Gu Tingyan on her mobile phone. He had already boarded the plane at this time, but she replied to a message saying that I was going to school and ignored it.

Her plane took off at 8 o'clock in the evening, and she was going to pack her luggage now. In order to prevent Gu Tingyan from knowing that she was going abroad, everything had been sealed at the school. Lin Xiao did not allow her to tell other students in the class about herself. Su Ke was the only one who knew about this matter.

He was already in London and didn't know anything about what happened at school. However, when he learned that Jiang Nuannuan would arrive in London in the morning, he spontaneously arranged a pick-up service for her, and the two would contact her by phone.

She was about to go abroad to attend a good school and realize her dream. No one sent her blessings. Jiang Nuannuan felt lonely and slightly uncomfortable.

In the afternoon, Gu Tingyan got off the plane and sent her a message to report that she was safe when she was out of school. He enjoyed the feeling of being attached and cared about by her, so he spontaneously reported the itinerary, hoping to get more responses from her and let her get used to it. Get used to his closeness.

Jiang Nuannuan replied: Remember to eat on time.

Gu Tingyan, who originally wanted to go directly to work, heard Li Zhu's voice in the front row urging him to eat first, and finally changed his words with slightly raised lips, "Let's go have dinner."

Li Zhu looked pleased.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Nuannuan was put on a private plane by Lin Qiao as she was having dinner at home. The people who came to see her off happened to be people she didn't like.

Fu Shiliu probably deliberately wanted to disgust her. He gave her a bouquet of beautiful thorny flowers and wished her a happy life in London. When he hugged her, he left a malicious message in her ear, "Never come back, your love affair." Disgusting everyone.”

Jiang Nuannuan was used to being pampered. Although she always recognized her status and had to be forbearing, she did not do it to the outside world. She raised her hand and smashed the flower branch with dew and spikes on Fu Shiliu's face.

The other party let out an ear-piercing scream. Looking at her scratched cheek and meeting her angry gaze, Jiang Nuannuan smiled slightly, "I look forward to seeing you regret it."

In order to send this giant Buddha away as soon as possible, Lin Xiao insisted on holding Fu Shiliu's hand, "You promise me warmth."

The two of them each took a step back. Jiang Nuannuan glanced at her and stopped her attack, saying "I know." She turned around and stepped onto the plane.

The moment the cabin door closed and the plane took off in front of him, the stone Lin Xiao was pressing on his chest finally shattered. Fu Shiliu covered his stinging face with a smile of victory on his angry face.

She is the ultimate winner, she will be Gu Tingyan's legitimate wife, and he is hers.

(End of this chapter)

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