Chapter 487 Gu Tingyan (34)

In order not to delay Gu Tingyan's work and prevent him from noticing the abnormality, Jiang Nuannuan's mobile phone was finally left in Lin Xiao's hands. He was afraid that she would contact him and warned her not to contact Gu Tingyan when she went to London. After that, Lin Xiao told all about Jiang Nuannuan All the belongings were destroyed, leaving only the bedroom with countless gorgeous luxuries in the home.

On the first night, it was past 11 o'clock when Gu Tingyan finished his work. He thought Jiang Nuannuan should go to bed, so he only sent her a good night without disturbing her, but until noon the next day, there was no reply to this greeting.

He originally wanted to call her directly, but he was worried that this was when school was in session, so he endured it until the evening after school time.

During this period, he vaguely felt that something was wrong and sent her a lot of messages.

[I asked Assistant Li to send some good pictures of the house to your mobile phone. Take a look during the break. 】

【Have you had lunch yet? 】

[I’ll have someone pick you up after school. Nanfuji recently released a glutinous rice cake, and I ordered two boxes. 】


[Nuan Nuan, can you send me a message to reassure me? 】

[I can't work well anymore, Nuannuan, please call me back. 】

All the news was lost, and Gu Tingyan was rarely distracted at the meeting until the driver responsible for picking up Jiang Nuannuan called him and told him that she had not gone to school in the past two days.

Gu Tingyan dialed the phone, and there was only a cold electronic female voice on the other end.

【The number you have dial can not be reached】

He lowered his eyes and looked at the communication interface on his mobile phone, his expression sullen.

Not being a fool, he quickly realized something was wrong.

Despite all precautions, his mother still couldn't stop her from wanting to become a monster.

Originally, Gu's father wanted Gu Tingyan to raise funds, but he booked a private flight back to Linggang without even meeting anyone.

Before getting on the plane, he stood in the private lounge and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window at the plane being prepared, and called Lin Xiao.

She had expected her son's reaction to be quick, but she didn't expect that the incident would be discovered only two days later. His relationship with Jiang Nuannuan was so close that they would ask about her whereabouts every few hours.

Thinking of her adopted daughter's sarcastic smile before getting on the plane, and remembering that she said she didn't care about her son at all, Lin Xiao's heart hung in the air, and she finally made up her mind and mustered up the courage to answer the phone.

"Where did you hide her?"

The question without any emotion made Lin Xiao feel cold in her heart. She controlled her tone and answered with the same calm attitude, "I will tell you after you marry Miss Fu and settle the family affairs."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, so quiet that Lin Xiao could almost hear his own heartbeat, before Gu Tingyan spoke.

"Mom, you should never threaten me with her and her future." His voice turned into ice, stretched into a straight line and could break at any time, and it was like a sharp sword piercing Lin Xiao's heart.

Lin smiled and stood up from his position.

"You come to threaten me? What else can you threaten me with? What else can you threaten me with when my family is like this? Let me tell you Ting Yan, if Jiang Nuannuan doesn't cooperate with this matter, can I still force her to leave? Isn't she the same? Didn’t she tell you anything and hide it from you? Didn’t she run away early because she saw that our family was about to decline!? Do you think she is really as innocent as you thought! She hates that good boy from the Fu family! She even got scratched Do you know that she has exposed her cat claws and hurts people in a place where you can't see her?"

"So why, why are you so aggressive with me for an adopted daughter, for a girl who was adopted out of kindness!"

Lin Xiao seemed to be venting all her dissatisfaction. Her voice started to choke at the end, and she was very dissatisfied with her son's separation from her.

Gu Tingyan suddenly regretted that he should not have brought Jiang Nuannuan back to raise her. He should have secretly left her outside to raise her up, and finally stood in front of her to remove all obstacles. He should not have let her know about his family.

He shouldn't have any luck and think that Lin Xiao's utilitarian heart would develop feelings for such a lovely girl. Now in the end, she has lost the person he has cherished for two lifetimes.

He also secretly hated Lin Xiao for using the little affection in Jiang Nuannuan's heart to drive her away and make her retreat. His plan ultimately became the driving force behind pushing her away.

Lin Xiao went crazy after hearing this.

Gu Tingyan looked at the plane outside the window and said word by word: "If I can get news about her before I come back, I don't have to pursue it, but I didn't see her after I came home. This matter can't be solved. What you said about me being engaged It will also become the biggest joke in Linggang."

He had never hated two women so much.

there has never been.

The phone cut off the busy signal immediately after he finished speaking, leaving no room for Lin Xiao to retort. She stood in the living room and held the phone tightly. Her fingertips were trembling. She was extremely guilty and panicked, but she still insisted that she had done nothing. Wrong, her son will not do things to death. She understands her son and understands him.

Before boarding the plane, Gu Tingyan asked Li Zhu to contact people in Linggang. Airport check-in records, high-speed rails, cars, any available means of transportation and schools were all required to be thoroughly investigated.

How could he let her give her wings and leave?Does she know how much she loves her? After they had the most intimate relationship, how could she not trust him at all and hide everything and want to fly away?

Gu Tingyan suddenly covered his chest, frowning, and his clenched heart felt like tearing pain.

But he's not okay either. Why didn't he discover the abnormality earlier?Why didn't he see that she was thinking of leaving?
His dark eyes were filled with overwhelming emotions, and his memory was like a flood of open floodgates. He quickly found a suspicious scene.

She was only 18 years old, and she had just become an adult and was so conservative that she could only hold hands with him and watch movies. How could she be willing to sleep in his bed and be coaxed to do all those things by him in a short period of time.

She was holding on to her last determination, so she let go of all restraints to embrace him and let herself sink, right?

And what about after this, after she leaves?What would someone like her do?The love she gave him in her previous life was pitiful. She was so heartless in her previous life. What about this life?Will she abandon him again to embrace a new life and new feelings?

His girl is so outstanding and beautiful, so from the beginning he has set up a net to drive away all men who approach her. Now that she has left him, will she find a new love soon, right?
The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, and the more he thought about it, the more intolerable he became. Li Zhu looked at his boss's face covered with frost, and his anxiety and anger were about to solidify. He felt helpless and at the same time disliked his boss's parents.

Mr. Gu had warned Mr. Gu from very early on. However, this man, taking advantage of his age and having two more years of rice, never listened to his son's advice and stepped into his trap step by step. , my wife is still a troublemaker who can’t understand what she is doing, she has really done something wrong.

(Composition: If something happens today, please don’t hit me. I love you.)
(End of this chapter)

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