Chapter 488 Gu Tingyan (35)

The morning after arriving in London, Su Ke came to pick up Jiang Nuannuan. In a completely unfamiliar place and among the deep white faces, the yellow-skinned Su Ke met an old classmate again, and seemed particularly friendly.

She smiled and hugged him, "Su Ke, it seems you are used to life here."

"Except the landlady forbids me from cooking snail noodles in the kitchen, I'm used to it." Su Ke said, "I'm looking for a host family, what about you? Do you live in the school dormitory?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "Aunt Lin has prepared a house for me. I don't live in school."

Probably because he was afraid that it would be inconvenient to monitor her if she lived on campus, or that she would contact Gu Tingyan, he rented a small suite for her alone.

But that's fine. Being alone can avoid some embarrassments caused by cultural differences, and she can devote herself to studying.

Su Ke took her suitcase and said with a smile: "I originally thought that all your family members would be here to take you to school, but now it seems that I am the only one who can introduce you to the local situation. We are in a foreign country. Take good care of each other.”

Jiang Nuannuan nodded with a smile, "I'll treat you to dinner another day. Now I have to go to my residence to pack my things and get jet lag. I'm too tired."

While she was resting on a soft bed in a foreign country, Gu Tingyan, who had been sleepless all night, hurried home at noon.

There were several cars parked at the door. As he strode in, he tore off the neat tie around his neck, loosened the buttons on his suit, and entered the living room with a cold and irritable attitude.

He saw high heels at the door that were not suitable for Jiang Nuannuan's age.

"Where's Lin Xiao?"

The servant was startled by this straightforward question, and he said hurriedly: "I'm with Miss Fu, upstairs."

Lin Xiao couldn't suppress the panic in her heart. When she passed by Jiang Nuannuan's room and saw those luxury goods, she felt angry again. Thinking about how many things her son had bought for her over the years, she could count them on one hand. Now that she has these expensive luxury goods at home, There was no use for it, and she couldn't use it at her age, so she might as well find someone to resell them all.

Before the sale, in order to please Fu Shiliu, she called people over to choose together. She never thought that she had everything and was unambiguous about buying things. She and Jiang Nuannuan never asked for anything. Personalities are so different.

While shopping in the dazzlingly luxurious cloakroom, the door Gu Tingyan opened hit the wall with a loud bang.

The two women were startled and turned their heads at the same time.

Lin Xiao met the man's wolf-like ferocious eyes, and his heart tightened, and then he showed the majesty of a mother in front of outsiders, "You are back so soon? Have you finished everything I asked you to do?"

"Get out."

Those three words were shameless, coupled with the man's downright violent aura. When he approached, his body was like a volcano about to erupt, and a shadow enveloped the frightened Lin Xiao.

"You didn't listen to what I said, and you still want to destroy her bedroom?"

Fu Shiliu tried to persuade him not to get angry, "Ting Yan, aunt just thinks that the value of these luxury goods is almost hundreds of millions, so it is better to sell them to fill the gap in the family."

Gu Tingyan glanced at her, his hateful tone and disgusted eyes piercing Fu Shiliu's heart.

"Did you help her leave? You may not know, Miss Fu, that you could have lived your whole life smoothly, but now I regret letting you live so smoothly."

"What are you talking about?" Fu Shiliu was also stunned, and then he reacted and said in disbelief: "I want to do my best to help you, but you threaten me in turn? How can you threaten me? How else can you threaten me?"

To a certain extent, she and Lin Xiao were modeled after the same character, and even the tone of questioning was very similar.

Gu Tingyan didn't say any nonsense. He directly called someone up and threw this extremely annoying woman out.

When he was kicked out of the Gu family, Fu Shiliu was so confused that his foot sprained due to his high heels and he fell to the ground, feeling extremely humiliated.

"Don't go too far! That's your future wife!"

Lin Xiao couldn't bear it anymore and raised his hand to slap his son, but Gu Tingyan held his hand and pulled him out of the cloakroom.

"Where is Jiang Nuannuan?"

He pressed her again, not making any sense.

Lin Xiao's eyes turned red, but she still said firmly: "Unless you and the Fu family."

She didn't need to finish her words before the man shook off her hand, his overbearing expression showing a different kind of ferociousness on his handsome face.

He interrupted her coldly, his dark eyes as dark as ink, "You have exhausted Jiang Nuannuan's affection for you, and now you have also successfully exhausted my expectations and patience that I should not have for you as a mother."

Lin Xiao almost couldn't stand still and shouted as if he couldn't accept it, "I'm doing this for your own good! For this family! Why don't you understand!"

After two lifetimes, Gu Tingyan was used to killing and rarely rebelling, but now he wanted to do something completely different from what he had done in his previous life.

He gave up this family that he had to lift up even if his backbone was broken.

"You are so eager to keep your home and your trophy, so I will let it be completely destroyed." Gu Tingyan asked people to move away all Jiang Nuannuan's things. Knowing that many of them were her favorite collections, he gave her a separate house Keep them all, she will definitely come back in the future, these are her treasures and he must protect them.

At this time, apart from being heartbroken and immersed in his son's rebellion, Lin Xiao still did not realize the seriousness of the company's current situation.

Gu Tingyan failed to attract funds to repair the broken capital chain. Now that the situation of the Gu family has spread throughout the circle, no one is willing to help fill the hole.

When Gu's father wanted to question Gu Tingyan, he found that his cell phone number had been blocked by his son. When he wanted to go home to discuss the matter with his son, he found that Lin Xiao was making a mess at home, and Gu Tingyan moved out directly.

No one knew where he had been these two days.

Nothing is going as the couple imagined, and the situation is getting increasingly out of control.

Jiang Nuannuan's whereabouts could not be found in all means of transportation including high-speed rail, airplanes and cars. Gu Tingyan thought with a faint possibility that she might still be in Linggang. He checked all the hotel occupancy status and surveillance information non-stop.

He even broke into the parent group of Jiang Nuannuan's high school class and asked about her situation, but still found nothing.

She left too suddenly and secretly. Lin Xiao thought of everything perfectly, leaving no loopholes for him to find.

Li Zhu followed him for several days, until one night his boss had a hole in his stomach due to long-term lack of sleep and drinking without eating at night. He found out in time and sent him to the emergency room overnight.

Gu Tingyan's stomach was completely ruined in this life.

Lin Xiao couldn't find her son, and the promised engagement was postponed again and again. When she still insisted that the Gu family needed the Fu family to save it, the sickle fell that cut off the family's financial lifeline.

The Bureau of Statistics, the Audit Department of the Bureau of Justice, and multiple parties jointly entered Gu's company for a surprise inspection and took away all the account books.

As a businessman, there are many ways to do this, and there are also many cases of tax evasion and tax avoidance. In addition, joint bid-rigging and other matters between companies are common in private. However, once it is exposed, it will be illegal and subject to re-investigation.

The superior department came to Gu's house to search for all the information without letting out any news before. No one knew that the report call was made by Li Zhu when Gu Tingyan was lying in the hospital recuperating.

Looking at the boss's pale and tired face, Li Zhu couldn't help but remind him, "The worst outcome is that Miss Jiang will be sent abroad by his wife. How could a little girl like her in a foreign country be exposed to the new world so quickly?" She must be very hesitant about life and life now. Boss, the most important thing you should do now is to take good care of yourself and finish all the things at hand before you can pick Miss Jiang back in time."

The person in front of him was the 18-year-old Jiang Nuannuan, not the emotionally mature Jiang Nuannuan in her 20s who knew what she wanted. Her young emotional world would not forget him so quickly. She must have made a choice under pressure. She should like him, she should wait for him...
Gu Tingyan stared at the document in hand for a long time with an indifferent expression, suppressed his racing thoughts, signed it and handed it to Li Assistant, "I know."

A full half month has passed, and with the completion of the audit, the amount owed by the Gu family has become a hot news topic in Linggang.

The debt owed by Gu's father was deeper than the Fu family expected, and the amount of money that was revealed was a bottomless pit that could not be filled.

"She, Lin Xiao, still wants us to marry our daughter off! She has no good intentions and wants to drag us into trouble!"

The second elder of the Fu family immediately warned Fu Shiliu, "If you still want to have your own way, I will treat you as my daughter. No matter how capable Gu Tingyan is, he is still a young boy who has just graduated from college! He can't handle his father's situation. Holes! Not even us!"

Fu Shiliu gritted her teeth and finally replied, "I can't, dad. Didn't you see that I didn't answer Aunt Lin's call in the past two days? I didn't expect that she would hide it from me."

Of course she was snobbish, and it was because of Gu Tingyan's ability and flawless face that she insisted on marrying him. But now his family's debts that could not be liquidated were also suspected of being illegal. Gu's father might go to jail, so she wanted to Rethink it.

She was born to live the life of a rich wife. She couldn't get involved in her life just because she liked a man who was completely ruined. What's more, even after Gu Tingyan had come to this point, he was still so rude to her. He was so tough on her that he even threw her out of the house. , she was so aggrieved that she always wanted him to suffer a little bit, and in turn beg for herself.

The news on the Internet is overwhelming, and the news spreads all over the sky.

Gu Tingyan never received a call or a text message of comfort from Jiang Nuannuan. He calmed himself down. He knew that he had to arrange everything and go to her after the dust settled.

He has even thought of many options for the future. He can circulate news in various places to publish missing person notices. It is impossible for her not to show up. He will find her sooner or later, sooner or later.

After Lin Xiao received the news that the Fu family had decided to cancel their engagement, her hopes were shattered so quickly and violently.

Her husband has not left the house for a week, and the media has blocked the house so tightly that even the servants who go out to buy groceries have to be held back for interviews for a long time.

"I didn't know the gap was so big. What should I do now? What did the police station say?"

Lin Xiao, who was helpless, pushed her husband's arm. Looking at his unshaven image, he felt helpless. "Don't just sit here all the time! Think of a way! Is everything in our family going to be sealed off? The company really wants to File for bankruptcy?"

"Where's my son? I can't get through the phone." Father Gu seemed to have aged ten years overnight. He couldn't help but recall Gu Tingyan's advice and said, "Let him come home. Everything can be easily discussed."

Lin stopped laughing and lowered his eyes, "He was still angry with me. I took Jiang Nuannuan away and he broke up with me."

"What's going on now! Tell me first!" She hurriedly pulled his arm. Thinking that her life of fine clothing and fine food would eventually lead to her husband going to jail and her son being separated from her, she was really panicking.

Father Gu was so annoyed that he threw her hand away and pushed her to the end of the sofa. He said in a disgusted and reprimanding tone: "The situation is that because of a break in my funds, I was found to have illegally negotiated bids for an excessive amount. It is very likely that I will be charged." Sentenced to life imprisonment! All assets will be confiscated, and you will be left homeless! The one who can help us now is not the Fu family, but your son!"

"Where's Gu Tingyan!"

"He still wants to ignore me completely! Go find him!"

(Commentary: Two combined into one, one update.)
(End of this chapter)

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