Chapter 489 Gu Tingyan (36)

Another week passed, and Jiang Nuannuan's private university was suddenly injected with a huge amount of money. The investor was the master behind the "group buying" app that brought down Gu's company in a short period of time.

When Gu Tingyan went to school as a shareholder, the principal went to the school gate to greet him. When he saw the man coming out of the Maybach, his face stiffened for a few seconds, and then he said helplessly: "Mr. Gu, no matter how many times your people come to ask, Now that you are here in person, I don’t know where Miss Jiang has gone.”

Gu Tingyan searched everywhere and checked the records, but still couldn't find any news about Jiang Nuannuan, but he knew very well that she was a determined person, and if she could promise Lin Xiao to leave him, it must be a promise she couldn't refuse. Apart from money, the only thing left was her dream.

She loves jewelry design so much that there is no way she would give up this path without studying.

But he sent people to the school several times to check Jiang Nuannuan's profile, but they were all turned back. He didn't believe it if there was no foul play.

Gu Tingyan, who was surrounded by people, just glanced at Principal Fang, his cold and sinister eyes without any emotion.

Li Zhu said: "Principal Fang, didn't the school board inform you? Mr. Gu has just joined the school."

To put it simply, Mr. Gu, whose family had declared bankruptcy and was involved in a lawsuit, had now become his immediate boss.

Principal Fang suddenly had a colorful expression on his face. He was flustered and at the same time puzzled as to where he could get the money to do this.

Gu Tingyan walked into the principal's office and sat on his boss's chair. He was slender and straight, wearing a black suit. Behind the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, his narrow and dark eyes stared at him.

Principal Fang's scalp went numb under his gaze before Gu Tingyan asked, "Where is Jiang Nuannuan?"

"I really don't know." Principal Fang touched his slightly bald head, his expression evasive, and he subconsciously avoided his gaze. When Lin Xiao found him, in order to conceal Jiang Nuannuan's whereabouts, he even signed the signature Confidentiality agreement, if he breaks the contract, he will have to pay Lin Xiao a large amount of money.

Gu Tingyan stopped talking nonsense to him and gave the order without expression: "Inform them to remove Principal Fang from his position and replace him with someone else to sit in this chair."

Li Zhu responded and walked to the side and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Gu Tingyan is now the largest investor in this school and holds half of the say. No one would do the opposite, but Principal Fang doesn't think so.

He supported the table with both hands, leaned over and said angrily and mockingly to the man: "Mr. Gu, your family is like this, and you still use old Mr. Gu's money for investment? You don't know that all the inspections outside are all about Are you going to check the Gu family? There is a high probability that your money will be taken back and fined. Don’t be so lenient."

Gu Tingyan didn't like people threatening him the most. He stared at the other person for two seconds, unbuttoned the gray buttons on his sleeves, picked up the ashtray on the table with his slender fingers, and suddenly smashed it into Principal Fang's head.

Immediately there was a muffled sound, and the other party sat down on the ground and screamed in pain.

"Ah! Gu Tingyan you!"

The bloodthirsty factor in the man's heart that had been suppressed for a long time completely exploded after seeing the blood on Principal Fang's head. He picked up the trophy on the table and held it heavy in his hand. It said runner-up of the [-]rd Football Cup.

Gu Tingyan knelt down on one knee and pressed the ball on top of the trophy against Principal Fang's chin, forcing him to raise his head. The blood from his forehead rolled from his cheek to the trophy, wetting his slender white fingers.

"In addition to the position of principal, if you put the wife of the age director here, your son who goes to school here will be expelled. Do you want to give it a try?"

Gu Tingyan looked back at Li Assistant. His stern and cold face made Li Assistant feel chilly in his heart. He immediately understood and said, "I'll call again right away."

Principal Fang's heart was beating like thunder. He covered his forehead and his voice trembled, "There are students outside, Mr. Gu. If you want to hurt me here, they will all be witnesses. I will sue you!" As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Tingyan shook his head. He hit one of his hands with the trophy.

He couldn't have such a violent temper with his parents, and he couldn't hit women. All the pent-up anger exploded at once on this unlucky and money-grubbing principal who still couldn't figure out the situation.

There were several bodyguards guarding the outside. Even teachers who passed by and asked for help from the principal were all stopped. Even if he wanted to ask for help, no one could answer him.

Li Assistant saw that something was going to happen if things continued like this, so he stopped him at the right time, "Boss, the fracture has been comminuted. Stop fighting."

Gu Tingyan slowly stopped and threw away the trophy. Assistant Li came forward in time and handed him a tissue to wipe his hands.

But a few minutes later, the principal's cell phone rang. Gu Tingyan sat on the leather sofa, lit a cigarette and crossed his legs, watching the person on the ground shivering as he took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket to answer the call.

During this period, Principal Fang looked at Gu Tingyan and Li Zhu nervously, fearing that they would come up and steal his opportunity to seek help.

And when he was trembling and just about to ask his wife to call the police, the other party preempted his words. Her tone was panicked, "Old Fang! What happened? The Education Bureau called me."

Hearing his wife say that she had been fired, Principal Fang was shocked.

Li Zhu very kindly stepped forward and handed him a paper to wipe the blood, while saying: "Our boss has been financially independent from his family since he started his business in college. He has his own account. To put it simply, from his When I first came of age, I left the family to make money on my own. He didn’t have a share in the Gu family company. Only Mr. Gu was in full control. Therefore, there were additional legal liabilities for the company’s bankruptcy. It had nothing to do with our boss. At most, it had to do with Mrs. Gu. Joint and several liability, the assets he has built will not be affected at all."

Li Zhu's understanding smile seemed like a sharp knife stabbing into Principal Fang's brain.

"The owner of 'group buying' that has gained momentum recently is our boss. It seems that the school board hasn't told you about this yet. It just said that a new investor has come and asked you to receive it well?"

I have to say that he got the truth right. Principal Fang, who had sorted out the cause and effect, finally came to Gu Tingyan's legs with a bolt of fire and shouted: "Jiang Nuannuan went to Lunyi, she was sent to Mrs. Lin." to London! Because my wife and I signed a confidentiality agreement, I have kept this matter a secret until now! Mr. Gu! Mr. Gu, please let my family go!"

Doesn’t he know what “group buying” is?It was this app that brought down the Gu family. In the end, it was Gu Tingyan who ruined his own family. Principal Fang simply couldn't imagine how this guy who was so ruthless to his parents would treat him.

After getting the news he wanted, Gu Tingyan was finally satisfied. He finished smoking a cigarette and took a long breath, then put the cigarette into the ashtray and asked indifferently: "Jiang Nuannuan went there voluntarily."

Principal Fang replied repeatedly: "Yes, it is voluntary. Lunyi enrolls students in advance. Miss Jiang needs to take the initiative to submit past scores and design works for review and admission. This will take at least a month to prepare."

Gu Tingyan leaned on the sofa, looking slightly stunned. Now the time was right, and there was no possibility that Principal Fang could deceive him. Lunyi was a world-famous design school, and for Jiang Nuannuan, it was the beginning of his junior year. In a scholar's paradise, he was not surprised at all that she would choose to leave him behind.

She would always go to the end for a certain goal, and never intended to openly talk to him about the matter, even if they made suggestions together, she didn't trust him as much as she said she did, right?
The door to the principal's office was pushed open, and the bodyguard from outside came in and said, "There is a teacher who is looking for the principal in a hurry."

That was Principal Fang's wife. After getting Gu Tingyan's consent, she rushed in and hugged her husband and cried non-stop. The noisy sound shocked his nerves. The man stood up with a cold face and left surrounded by others without saying a word.

It wasn't until he got into the Maybach that Li Assistant asked him where he was going at this time. The afternoon itinerary was all vacant. If he needed to go to London immediately, he could cancel all subsequent itineraries.

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes and thought for a long time, "Go back to the company first and help me book the earliest flight to London in three days."

The action at the police station was almost done. His father would soon be detained and awaiting trial for a lawsuit and jailed. He would not come forward for this. He would wait until the Gu family made news and she saw it before he went to see her.

(One more.)
(End of this chapter)

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