Chapter 490 Gu Tingyan (37)

After Principal Fang experienced his dismissal, his wife's dismissal, and his son's expulsion from the school in one day, he made a phone call to Lin Xiao and used almost all the dirty words he had heard in his life to insult this aloof and self-righteous person. Mrs. Lin counted the minutes.

When she heard the other party say that the master behind the "group purchase" was Gu Tingyan, Lin Xiao was stunned and continued to answer the phone despite the insult for a long time. It wasn't until her husband came downstairs in a daze and asked if he was talking to his son on the phone that she Shuddering, he hung up the phone and slid from the sofa to the floor, muttering in confusion.

"I never thought that he would hate me so much, just for Jiang Nuannuan. I never thought that he would start planning so early. He had already thought of the possibility that we would not accept her, and thought of the consequences. ..”

Father Gu impatiently held her shoulders and lifted her up, "What exactly did you say?"

Lin Xiao's empty eyes suddenly burst into tears, "Gu Tingyan, our son is the founder of 'group buying' and the driving force behind the downfall of our family."

It was like a bolt from the blue, and Father Gu was also stunned on the spot.

He originally thought that his son could not ignore me, but in the end it was his son who pushed him into hell with his own hands.

Father Gu rolled his eyes and fainted on the spot.

The servant called 120 and called an ambulance. Lin Xiao accompanied her husband out of the house for the first time. What awaited them was the media that had been dormant around them for a long time. Their faces were swarmed with provocations and flashes of cameras flashing non-stop.

Lin Xiao, who was used to being arrogant, had his self-esteem completely shattered at this moment. He stepped into the swamp full of shame. Only when he was deep in the quagmire did he suddenly realize that he had really done something wrong.

She shouldn't have gotten Jiang Nuannuan out, and she shouldn't have underestimated the influence this girl, who had been raised by her son since childhood, had on him.

Sitting in the ward, Lin Xiao was crying while using a new mobile phone to send a text message to Gu Tingyan, telling him in detail Jiang Nuannuan's current address, existing mobile phone number, and even his daily activity route.

In order to prevent Jiang Nuannuan from getting close to him, Lin Xiao's methods were comprehensive. After reading the text message, Gu Tingyan blocked the number and frowned while looking at the luxurious and gorgeous night view outside the window.

As early as when he first learned that Jiang Nuannuan was missing, he gave his snobbish mother a chance and buried her with her own hands. He would definitely not give it a second time.

The day after Gu's father woke up from a coma in the hospital ward, the police came to the door with an arrest warrant, grabbed the old man on the bed and handcuffed him.

Lin Xiao staggered to catch up but fell down halfway. A passing nurse pulled her up out of pity and suggested that she call her son immediately.

At this time, in the infusion room next to him, a news item was playing on the LCD TV.

The person in charge of "Group Buying" attended the app promotion event today. Looking at the suit and leather suit on the screen, his dignified and dazzling son looked like a winner standing at the top of the pyramid. He held power and dealt with various questions calmly and calmly. Lin Xiao Shaking hands broadcast the call.

The receiver tone on the phone is always cold and cannot be dialed.

She bowed her head to him, but he still ignored his mother's plea for help.

The hospital nurse also followed Lin Xiao's gaze and saw the man's appearance clearly on the distant TV, and her expression suddenly became subtle.

When the truth was exposed, the media were not fools. They rushed to ask Gu Tingyan about family affairs and how it felt to kill a blood relative.

His cold face finally showed a hint of sarcasm, and he said indifferently: "How do you feel about just making some contribution to the country?"

Someone commented on him: "Businessmen are all cold-blooded, right? Mr. Gu, those are your parents."

Gu Tingyan: "Yes."

The look he looked at was too indifferent. The questioner swallowed his saliva and immediately changed the topic to a lighter topic, "Let's talk about gossip. There were rumors in the circle that Miss Fu's relationship with you is about to be good. She herself seems to be the same as you. We are classmates in college and have a very close relationship, is this true?”

Facing the camera, those dark and deep eyes seemed to be looking into Lin Xiao's eyes.

"My girlfriend is currently attending university in London. As for Miss Fu, I don't know her well or know her. "

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he raised his hand and looked at the mechanical watch on his wrist. "When the activities here are over, I will pick her up and take her home."

"Aren't you going to wait for the verdict on Gu's company's case?"

"not going to."

Three crisp words.

"It seems that your relationship with my father is not very good."


Gu Tingyan didn't care at all that tomorrow's newspaper headlines would describe him as a cold-blooded businessman. His whole heart had flown to London and he couldn't wait to see her.

Lin Xiao sat on her knees in the hospital corridor, the last light in her eyes suddenly extinguished.

Who else could she turn to?Who can come and save her?
Fu Shiliu had a similar expression to hers, but he never expected that Gu Tingyan would be so cruel to his family.

Thinking of the cruel words he had said to her, Fu Shiliu clenched his clothes tightly. Panic spread from the bottom of his heart for a moment, and he actually felt that this would come true and that he would really do what he said.

Was he going to ruin her family too?
Simply unimaginable.
As soon as the "Group Buying" personal interview ended, Gu Tingyan boarded the private plane that Li Zhu had prepared long ago and headed to London.

Jiang Nuannuan had just completed all the formalities here, and was a little accustomed to the daily life here. Su Ke took her to check in many places such as the Thames River and the British Museum. The customs here are beautiful, and the artistic atmosphere is also very strong. She is quite Lived comfortably.Jiang Nuannuan just came out of school tonight. Thinking that this old classmate had helped her a lot, Jiang Nuannuan decided to invite him to the restaurant for a meal.

Su Ke even dressed up specially today. She was holding an ordinary black bag in her hand. She waited until she got to the restaurant and handed it to her.

"This is the first time you invited me to dinner, so I return the favor."

"I agreed that this meal is just a thank you gift from me. I was too busy before to formally thank you."

Seeing that Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to accept it, Su Ke added in time, "This thing is just a piece of cabbage to you. It's just a gift between friends, so just accept it."

Relationships can only continue to develop if they have contacts. He knows exactly what to do to take a further step with the girl he likes.

Jiang Nuannuan finally accepted the things.

All the spies monitoring her have been transferred from Lin Xiao's hands to Gu Tingyan's hands. After he learned her specific location, he rushed there as soon as he got off the plane.

Until the low-key black car stopped on the side of the road, the man was just about to open the door and get out of the car, when he saw the two people coming out of the restaurant in the twilight window.

The wind at night was a bit cold, so the childish boy took off his jacket and put it on Jiang Nuannuan's shoulders.

Today she only wore a white chiffon skirt and a beige knitted cardigan. Standing in the night, her whole body was set off by the natural filter like a wisp of white moonlight.

Two people of similar age look so well matched together.

Gu Tingyan's hand on his thigh instantly tightened into a fist. The veins on the back of his hand were beating and popping. The blue veins looked a bit scary under the fair skin.

Li Assistant, who followed, sat in the driver's seat and assumed the responsibility of the driver. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel nervous, "Boss, maybe he is a classmate."

"I know they are classmates." The man's voice was like the anger squeezed out from the gap between his teeth. Of course he knew. At that high school class reunion, Jiang Nuannuan saw off others, and later she was in the classroom when she sprained her ankle. The boy she was talking to.

At that moment, he had a vague sense of crisis. At that moment, he issued a warning to all the male creatures in the school, but there was still a kappa who did not know whether to live or die to peek at his pearl.

There was crazy jealousy in Gu Tingyan's lowered eyebrows that even he couldn't detect.

He will always be resentful of Jiang Nuannuan's disdain for his age for the rest of his life, and this scene before him undoubtedly adds fuel to the fire. He knows that his girl is capable, and he knows that his girl is born to be the King of the Sea.

But being betrayed should never happen a second time.

Even with force, he would take her back.

Gu Tingyan, who was obsessed with anger and jealousy, had already prepared the worst outcome. He watched gloomily as the two got into an Uber and left.


Robbery cases occur frequently in London, and it is not safe to walk at night, so Su Ke escorted Jiang Nuannuan to the door of her house. He stood on the footrest outside and stopped, "Then I'm going back."

He actually wanted her to invite him in for a cup of coffee. Ever since Jiang Nuannuan came to London, he had never entered her house. The two of them had always been in a relationship of unfamiliar classmates, and they were still under his unremitting love. After hard work, I got better.

Unfortunately, Jiang Nuannuan didn't seem to understand his hint and only returned the coat to him, "Be careful on the road."

Su Ke hid some disappointment and nodded, ready to take out her cell phone and call a taxi, but when she reached into her pants pocket, she found nothing.

His face changed.

After Jiang Nuannuan opened the door, she saw him frowning and flipping through his pockets, and asked in anticipation: "Has he been robbed by a thief?"

Su Ke was speechless, "I guess so, I just changed that phone a week ago."

Nowadays, London is full of pickpockets due to the economic depression, making it difficult to guard against. Jiang Nuannuan had had things stolen at school. She understood what was going on, so she said, "You come in and sit for a while, and I will help you take a taxi. Wait for the car to arrive." You go again."

Su Ke's eyes lit up, and the sleepy man gave him a pillow.

"Thank you."

The two of them entered the house one after another, watching the warm orange living room light turn on. Jiang Nuannuan closed the gauze curtain to block the eyes from outside. Gu Tingyan's fists were already clenching.

He really didn't want to think about the possibility of her changing her mind at the speed of light, but he was carrying so many memories that he really panicked.

His mind was full of no, his mind was full of thinking about what they would do, and his mind was filled with the image of the girl riding on his lap and feeling passionate.

Thinking of this, the man's arm banged against the car door, and then he suddenly opened the door and got out of the car, walking quickly towards the small bungalow with his long legs.

Li Zhu looked at this scene and sighed like an onlooker, "It's so urgent."

The actual situation was that it had only been 2 minutes since Jiang Nuannuan invited Su Ke in. As soon as she went to the kitchen to pour two glasses of water, the door rang in a hurry.

(Word: Two in one, one update, this article will end in about 40 chapters. In addition, the update is unstable because I will be traveling for the whole month of June, and I have to take care of another serial and the outline of a new book, so I am too busy. Come on.)
(End of this chapter)

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