Chapter 491 Gu Tingyan (38)

Su Ke didn't expect Jiang Nuannuan to have visitors so late. He stood up from the sofa and said, "I'll open the door."

Jiang Nuannuan followed him to the steps of the entrance hall.

Su Ke opened the door and saw a man standing in the night with silvery shoulders. When he saw his eyes that were cold and almost sinister, the boy was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and shouted, "Brother."

He had simulated meeting countless times in his mind, but now he appeared in front of him sooner than expected. Jiang Nuannuan panicked for a moment when she saw him.

That shout from my brother pushed the situation to an uncontrollable development.

Gu Tingyan stepped into the door expressionlessly, "You found me a relative so quickly?"

Su Ke was casually pushed aside by him. She was a little frightened by the man's aura. The fledgling young man subconsciously stood in front of Jiang Nuannuan to block her.

"Um, Gu, Mr. Gu, what do you want from Nuan Nuan?"

In his opinion, domestic affairs have reached this point and the girl was forced to leave her hometown because her brother wanted to get married. She became that superfluous figure, and he felt pity for her a lot more. Protectiveness.

"Is it related to you?"

Gu Tingyan was tall and strong. His body was wrapped in a suit, and his arm muscles were tight and fit the sleeves. He seemed to feel suffocated, so he unbuttoned the two buttons in front of his abdomen. Jiang Nuannuan saw his impressive aura. Lai Su Ke's life safety is about to be at risk.

She immediately put the water glass on the bar and stood up from behind Su Ke and said, "Uber has arrived at the door. Su Ke, you can go back."

"But." Su Ke turned around, his eyes full of worry. No matter how he looked at him, he felt that this Mr. Gu was very difficult to deal with, especially the thick hostility that almost overwhelmed him.

"Go back, I know better than you that nothing will happen to me." Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his arm and pushed him halfway out of the house.

There was a sound of "Boom -", and when Su Ke was still about to say something, she was swallowed up by the ashes of the closed door.

The lights in the entrance dimmed automatically. Jiang Nuannuan walked up to Gu Tingyan and looked at his face that was about to fall out of the ice. When he wanted to ask questions, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face.

"Is the matter resolved?"

Cracks suddenly appeared on his handsome face covered with ice. Gu Tingyan's narrow black eyes were filled with doubts, and he didn't understand how things suddenly turned out like this.

He thought about her resistance and unwillingness to go home, thought about seeing her chatting about the future with other men, and even thought about throwing her into bed and forcing her tonight.

In each case, she looked unwilling, but now she looked happy and happy.


Probably not following the routine of taking things by force, Gu Tingyan's figure standing under the corridor lamp froze suspiciously.

It was like comforting an injured wolf, but he didn't know that such a gentle and submissive response was his counterattack in pursuit of victory.

"I am going out."

His voice was low and hoarse, and there was an air of anger in it.

Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that something would happen, so she pressed his heaving chest with one hand, and their numb lips collided, "Put me down, and I will go out with you."

The worry in her eyes was not concealed at all. Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes and suppressed her attempt to break away from the intimate embrace. "You have been afraid that I would hurt him from the beginning."

The overturned vinegar vat splashed all over her.

Seeing that his sullen face was so unhappy, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but pull her lips and smile, and touched his face, "Brother, let me ask you again, has the matter been resolved? Answer me properly."

The topic jumped too much. Gu Tingyan leaned back on the sofa, held her waist and asked in a deep voice: "Didn't you watch the news?"

"I'm very busy with my studies." Jiang Nuannuan opened his hand and forced herself off of him. From his tone, she could tell that the matter must have been settled safely.

He did not disappoint her. In this battle with Lin Xiao and Fu Shiliu, she won, completely winning away Gu Tingyan, and abandoning her only few years of affection for Lin Xiao.

"What's going on between you and that kid?" The man stood up after her. The plaid tie at the collar was a little loose. He simply took off the tie and held it in his hand. He loosened two buttons on the collar to expose part of the skin, and a lot of anger leaked out. A bit sexy and lazy.

"It just happened that I went to school in the same place. There is no special relationship. I invited him to dinner just because he often helps me in a foreign country, that's all."

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door. Su Ke had already gone down the steps on the porch and was about to walk out of the small garden and leave.

"Su Ke." She called him.

The boy stopped, turned to look at her, and then stepped up angrily to leave. Then he thought of something and stomped back quickly. He stood at the bottom of the steps and said in an unbelievable voice: "Nuan Nuan! Do you know? That's your brother! What were you doing just now!"

Jiang Nuannuan held Gu Tingyan's hand, her slender figure half blocking him, "We are not related by blood, he just picked me up and raised me."

Su Ke: "So what?! Don't you want your reputation from the outside world?"

"I thought about it before, but later I realized that these are not very important." Jiang Nuannuan paused, the warmth in her eyes melted, and said softly: "He raised me to marry me, and I grew up to like him. .”

Su Ke: "Do you want to repay the favor?"

He preferred to describe this as a deal, she was forced, and her answer finally disappointed him.

Jiang Nuannuan replied seriously: "No, I like him. Although I came here as a choice after reaching a consensus with Aunt Lin, I also have selfish motives. My selfish motives are to hope that Gu Ting Banquet will make a choice and come to me without hesitation."

This was said to Su Ke on the surface, but in fact it was explained to Gu Tingyan.

The confession came unexpectedly, and the man suddenly lowered his head to look at the girl in front of him, his heart beating uncontrollably.

The corners of his lips raised, and he put them on her thin shoulders. He was full of words that he wanted to reprimand the unreasonable junior, but Jiang Nuannuan swallowed them all because of Jiang Nuannuan's choice.

Gu Tingyan, who had already taken the form of a hegemonic boss, stood behind the little girl, showing a bit of gentleness and suppleness.

Su Ke never thought that she could hear such shocking words, and the bubble in her heart that she had imagined having an intimate relationship with Jiang Nuannuan was burst at this moment.

This is the end of teenage love, why didn't you think of snatching it?In front of such a man, his self-esteem will be hit to a degree that is completely incomparable.

Su Ke's eyes turned red unconsciously, she said "It's up to you" and turned around to leave.

Unintentionally hurting a young girl's heart, Jiang Nuannuan didn't have much trouble in her heart. She took Gu Tingyan's hand and pulled him back into the house. As soon as the door closed, he pressed her waist against the door again, tightly. Then the wrist tightened.

The tie that the man was supposed to be wearing around his neck was tied around her wrists.

"Tonight, you made my mood go through a lot of ups and downs, and I was on a roller coaster."

"Don't try to run away."

Gu Tingyan held her chin and raised it, his dark eyes were astonishingly bright.

"I didn't want to run away. I've been waiting for you to come to me." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and put the tied wrists around his neck. In the house where no one was disturbing her, she took the initiative to find his lips. After kissing her, she could hear her murmur of pleasure during the occasional breather.

"Gu Tingyan, you don't know how happy I am."

She was hugged by his thighs, and his sexy voice fell on her ears.

"Where is the room?"

"you guess."

She kissed his neck, and the cardigan hanging loosely around her shoulders slipped off again, looking even more anxious than him.

Gu Tingyan's desire to arouse her was already high. He opened a door, which was her bathroom, and opened the opposite door. The fragrance of a girl filled his nostrils.

He hugged her and laid her back on the extra soft single bed. The iron bed made a hoarse cry and could hardly bear the strength of an adult man.

(Words: 9-12 In XSBN, updates will generally be made before 12 o'clock. If not, there will be no updates or one update.)
(End of this chapter)

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