Chapter 493 Gu Tingyan (40)

"I've asked for leave for your afternoon class."

Jiang Nuannuan opened her eyes a little more, "It's all your fault."

"Teacher, do you agree to give me a small meal alone?" She turned her head and knocked her chin on his chest.

"It cost me some money to ask Li Zhu to go there."

"Go wash."

"I'll do it myself."

"The bathroom is so small and doesn't even have a bathtub. Can you stand firm?"

"I know." But she couldn't bear to blame him. There was nothing to complain about in this kind of mutual happiness.

After the two of them finished cleaning up and came out, Jiang Nuannuan had almost calmed down, but still had no energy to sit on the sofa.

"Fight" until dawn and then go to sleep. Even after waking up, the fatigue level is at full level.

"Change the sheets for me. There are spare ones in the closet."


With a glance at the small house at the end, Gu Tingyan knew where everything was probably at a glance. He went into the kitchen and poured a glass of warm water for her, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

He was indeed many years older to her, and he was also a promising upstart in the business circle at the age of 25 or 3. He was such a sharp-edged man, standing in the kitchen with a dignified manner, wearing a custom-made shirt, and she also wore her flowers. He turned a blind eye to the slight oil stains on the apron he bought for [-] pounds.

A feeling of conquest arose in Jiang Nuannuan's heart.

There were some tomatoes and chicken breasts in the refrigerator. Gu Tingyan took out his phone and browsed through the recipes before getting started.

"How is life here?" he asked casually.

Jiang Nuannuan stood next to him and ate a few small tomatoes. "It's very good. The teachers are very professional."

"Then please go back and give you lessons."

He was unfamiliar with cooking but maintained a professional level. Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and looked at him for a while before asking: "You asked me about buying a house before, does it still count?"

Gu Tingyan: "Your mobile phone card changed. I don't know how many messages I sent you at that time, including the house I planned to buy."

So it was always calculated, and he never intended to take back the words he opened in front of her.

"Isn't that an extraordinary moment?" Jiang Nuannuan stood behind him, hugged his waist and confessed to him, "I made an exchange with my aunt and I agreed to all her conditions to go abroad. What she paid for me was not money, but All my feelings for her, I don’t like her now.”

The two dishes came out of the pot one after another. Gu Tingyan wiped his hands slowly without any surprise, "I know."

He turned around and looked at her calmly, his voice low and strong, "I don't want her anymore, I just want you."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes trembled slightly and she leaned into his chest, "This is best."

The outside world has speculated on what caused him to do this, and the comment area was filled with netizens ridiculing him for exterminating relatives for justice.

In short, this also indirectly set a new high in the number of downloads and purchases of the apps he operates.

Some people go bankrupt and go to jail, while others make a lot of money. Gu Tingyan is also the biggest winner behind the scenes.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect that he would be so cruel and actually sent Gu's father to jail. She had no other thoughts except sighing, and she even felt a little more relaxed in her dark heart. .

She is now the only little princess in the Gu family, right? No one can stop them.

What Gu Tingyan did did directly cut off all options for Lin Xiao and his wife. He and Jiang Nuannuan now have the same idea.

(End of this chapter)

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