Chapter 494 Gu Tingyan (41)

Finally no one can bother him and his Nuan Nuan.

After finishing the meal, Jiang Nuannuan thought about it and said, "Can you buy a house like this?"

Gu Tingyan's eyes darkened slightly, and his expression instantly became sharp and alert, "You want to stay in London?"

You just promised him to go home last night. Don't tell him it was a dream just to coax him.

"I've already enrolled in school, at least wait until I finish my studies." Jiang Nuannuan also explained to him solemnly: "This is a very suitable place for me. You can't invite all the teachers back. There are still many students waiting here. They teach, and I want to return to Linggang with you after I finish my studies. Before that, we can change to a bigger house here for convenience."

Gu Tingyan frowned and said in a deep voice, "You know I can't stay here forever."

He can't stay here. His career is in Linggang. They will not see each other for several years. At that time, there will definitely be more than one boy like Su Ke popping up in her life. How should he deal with it?

Seeing that his mood dropped to freezing point, Jiang Nuannuan changed her tone and said, "So I think we should get the certificate here first. I am already old enough to get married in the UK."

These words were like thunder exploding on the ground, forcing him to stare at her for a few seconds before he realized what she meant and his voice became hoarse, "Do you want me to rest assured that I won't interfere in it or block your dream?"


Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and said softly: "Loving you accounts for a large part, and not wanting you to be too preoccupied accounts for another part. I want to completely possess you, so I married you."

She said with a smile: "I also know that you will not really stop me from pursuing my dream."

When nothing happened in Linggang, she had thought about not going abroad. Gu Tingyan would also find several excellent design teachers for her to start a small business. Under his wings, he would do his best to help her realize her dream.

How could such a person who tried his best to help her stop her? He was just worried now. He was worried that she was still just a little girl in front of him, and a child's love could easily be lost in an environment with a bunch of peers. Change of opinion.

She knew very clearly that he was simply afraid that she wouldn't like him in the future.

Getting married is undoubtedly the best reassurance.

she gave him.

The temptation of the marriage certificate was so great that Gu Tingyan quickly considered that if he took her back now, he would have to wait a few more years to register the marriage. Now that Jiang Nuannuan's conditions were in front of him, even Gu Tingyan I don’t even have the courage to say no.

He was weighing it, and there was a gleam in his eyes, a sign of hesitation.

Jiang Nuannuan first packed up everything on the table and put it into the kitchen. After wiping her hands, she saw that he was still sitting on the dining chair. She walked over and sat down on his lap, "And I don't object to it when you're not around." Send someone to monitor me.”

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes to look at her, and the scale in his heart gradually shifted. He put one hand around her waist and continued to listen to her.

"When I was in school before, you told the school not to let others approach me. When I went out to play, there were many people following me to prevent people of the opposite sex from approaching me. When I went out, I had your spies in many places, and only after we got together. You were the most relaxed and didn't care about me for a while."

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed the big hand on her leg, "So I can continue to be your canary. You just need to tie a rope around my ankle. I am willing to do so."

These words hit his heart hard, and he held her hand instead. The man's chest heaved and his breathing was unsteady.

Jiang Nuannuan knew that he was loose, so she kissed his chin, "You can treat me the same way, just keep an eye on me all the time, Gu Tingyan."

His heart was moved, very much. "good."

When the country was still in turmoil, Jiang Nuannuan, who had only spent one night to coax Gu Tingyan, went shopping with him in the mall and bought two white shirts to take registration photos.

Originally, marriage registration here was by appointment only, and the process was very cumbersome, but Gu Tingyan used some tricks to make connections and speed up the progress.

When the two came out with supporting documents and marriage certificates, Jiang Nuannuan was still a little confused and sighed, "How did you do that? "

I just talked about getting the certificate yesterday, and I have it in my hand today, as if I was dreaming.
"There is some business here." Gu Tingyan replied, keeping his eyes on the two notebooks in his hands, flipping them over and over again, with a gentle and bright smile on his lips.

He is not only working on the "group purchase" project, but his privately owned industries have expanded and taken shape just like in his previous life. The building that will be built in the Linggang Financial Center in the future is also currently under construction.

He would once again build a business empire that was entirely his own.

Not long after receiving the certificate, the two went to a villa group near the school and bought a comfortable small villa with a garden. The finely decorated house only needed to be moved in.

Gu Tingyan thought of the pile of jewelry in Linggang and asked her, "I stored your things in another house. Do you want to transport them here?"

"Are you all still here?" She was instantly excited.

Gu Tingyan squeezed her fingers and said, "No one can touch the things I bought for you."

His affection was unabashed, and Jiang Nuannuan sighed to him, "We haven't seen them for so long, I miss them."

The combined value of all the items was too expensive, so Gu Tingyan specially chartered a flight to transport these items overnight and stuff them into her new cloakroom.

In the next few days, Gu Tingyan would drive to pick her up after school in the afternoons. The two of them would spend some time on dates every day, going in and out together, and their relationship heated up quickly.

A luxury car worth millions always appears in the school, which has aroused a lot of public opinion. Today Gu Tingyan came to pick her up from school again. Several students walking with Jiang Nuannuan finally couldn't help but ask her.

"Is this rich and handsome guy who picks you up from school every day your boyfriend?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the man who pressed down the car window and waved to him. Gu Tingyuan got out of the car and walked to her side.

She took his arm and introduced him to her friend with a smile, "Not my boyfriend, we just got married, now he is my husband."

It is rare in London for her to get married so early. Everyone enthusiastically sent their blessings, "Congratulations."

Gu Tingyan saw her introducing herself to her friends openly without showing a cold face. He greeted her politely and took her in the car to go home.

His people are here to watch Jiang Nuannuan at all times to ensure her safety in a foreign country. Gu Tingyan stayed too long and had to go back to handle work.

The night before leaving, he pressed her down in the constant-temperature swimming pool and fucked her hard, and then put his arms around Jiang Nuannuan's waist, leaving many traces belonging to the two of them in the spacious living room and kitchen.

She later lay down on the sofa, and when his movements would hit a certain point that excited her, he would pause again, looking at him with discomfort, "Gu Tingyan"

(End of this chapter)

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