Chapter 495 Gu Tingyan (42)

"Call me like you did when introducing others this afternoon, and I'll give it to you."

"I am leaving."

"I send you."

Jiang Nuannuan must send him off, raising her arms full of marks and humming at him, "Help me get dressed, husband."

"You really don't want to consider going back with me?"

"I will miss you and come back to you as soon as I have the holiday." Jiang Nuannuan rubbed his chest, "It will be four years at most, very soon. During this period we can see each other often."

Gu Tingyan was dissatisfied: "It's too long."

"You are so clingy, brother."

She hadn't called him that for a long time.

"I will only love you."

He had said he loved her so many times, and she had to say it positively a few more times.

Although there is a nearly seven-hour time difference between London and Linggang, Jiang Nuannuan will message Gu Tingyan as soon as she gets up every morning. If he is free, she can still see him sitting in his office wearing a suit and making a video call with her. Accompany her in class.

Long-distance relationships are not as difficult as imagined. He sometimes stops by when he is on business trips. Her school also has three long holidays in spring, summer and autumn. At such times, she will fly back to Linggang to find him.

The tallest building in the center of Linggang was finally completed a year later.

Gu Tingyan opened a special lounge on the top floor. Jiang Nuannuan stayed here when he came back from vacation and waited for him to finish his work before going home or going on a date. After her supervision and daily instructions, the man also insisted on taking medicine and treatment for stomach problems. The improvement in diet is almost good, and Jiang Nuannuan is very pleased with the result.

The relationship between the two of them was almost like that of conjoined twins, so close that the staff below felt something was wrong.

Until Li Zhu said that the fake brother and sister had received their certificates a year ago, many speculations suddenly spread.

It was speculated that Jiang Nuannuan was forced to go abroad because Lin Xiao's methods angered Gu Tingyan, and the wolf-like man brought down the entire family in a rage for a beauty.

Of course, most people thought this very Mary Sue and unrealistic guess was false, and there must be many hidden secrets in it. As a result, Assistant Li "accidentally" revealed that this was closely related to the truth under the instructions of his boss. Later, next When Jiang Nuannuan came back during the holiday, she found that the names people around her had changed.

Mrs. Gu.

Mrs. Gu.Every sound contained respect.

She herself was only 20 today and was younger than these working people. But thinking of Gu Tingyan's age and his increasingly higher status, she followed his wishes and put the "wife crown" on her head.

And with the lessons learned from the past, she was protected by Gu Tingyan in the past two years. All the disputes that happened outside did not come to her, until she came back from the winter break of her junior year and took the nanny car bought for her by Gu Tingyan to visit the studio and prepare to return to China to start a business. During this time, I accidentally met Lin Xiao in a commercial shop on the street.

It was a long time ago that Gu's father was imprisoned. At the same time, Lin Xiao, who had lost his son as a protector, gave up all his glamorous clothes.

She was buying discounted toiletries, and her hair, which she always paid attention to in the past, was now disheveled on top of her head. She was no different from the aunts around her who were in their 50s and still worried about daily necessities.

When Jiang Nuannuan passed by, she stopped for a while. When the other party noticed and turned around, she turned around and got in the car.

Lin Xiao saw her profile in the last few seconds, but the car door blocked the sound. She ran out, cried, knelt on the ground and yelled something.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced back, and her mouth clearly said only three words to her.

I'm wrong.

Gu Tingyan did not meet Jiang Nuannuan in his previous life, and he struggled to maintain the family's expenses when his company went bankrupt. Because of that little family affection and false motherly love, Lin Xiao lived a life of a rich wife.

In this life, after she realized that she was vain and pretending to be a loving mother, her son severed ties with her, and her family's bankrupt house was all mortgaged to pay off debts. She was forced to squeeze into a several-story building and live in a house of dozens of square meters.

She had no ability to earn money and was raised at home long ago. She couldn't even do a basic job. In desperation, she took Gu Tingyan to court for alimony. However, he had an entire elite team in his hands. Although he won the final lawsuit , and it only paid her a monthly alimony of three thousand.

In Linggang, where land is at a premium, this little money was only enough for her to rent a house. She had gone to the Fu family several times to seek help, but Fu Shiliu had mercilessly put aside the relationship. At this point, Lin Xiao finally saw clearly that in the face of Choosing between Jiang Nuannuan and Fu Shiliu, how wrong she was.

There is no regret medicine in her life. In this life, she will have to bear the consequences of falling from heaven to hell.

Fu Shiliu's life didn't get any better. He kept what Gu Tingyan said. Not only did he later suppress the Fu family's industry in an all-round way, but he also directly said harsh words that the Gu Group would never cooperate with the businessmen who cooperated with their family. .

Yes, Gu Tingyan established a group in just two years.

His development was like a rocket. From the beginning, everyone thought he was down and out, to the point where everyone wanted to seek help from him. His intimidation also made everyone shy away from the Fu family's calls for help, and no one dared to intervene. .

The Fu family regretted what they had done following Lin Xiao, and Gu Tingyan's revenge made them almost unable to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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