Chapter 496 Gu Tingyan (end 43)
On this day, when Jiang Nuannuan was still sitting behind Gu Tingyan's desk drawing manuscripts, Fu Shiliu, whom she had not seen for many years, walked in under the guidance of Li Assistant. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, she saw her walking in with her head lowered. , without looking at the desk, he knelt down with a plop.

"Gu Tingyan, please, please let me go." The tearful woman raised her head at this moment, and her voice froze when she saw the lazy girl wearing a luxurious brand-name suit.

Jiang Nuannuan put down her pen and sat there without moving, but asked in surprise: "What kind of trouble is this?"

Li Zhu smiled slightly, "Mr. Gu is in a meeting. Miss Fu wants to apologize to him for the wrong things she did before, but I think apologizing to Mr. Gu is the same as apologizing to my wife. See if you accept it." Accept her sincerity."

When Jiang Nuannuan went abroad, Fu Shiliu's private jet was also the reason why Gu Tingyan didn't find her immediately. He was still brooding about this matter and held a grudge in his heart.

Jiang Nuannuan understood what he was thinking, and she didn't like Fu Shiliu very much. As mentioned before, compared with the actress named Hang Panxia on TV, she was so pretentious and conceited. As stupid as a pig's brain, he doesn't have the slightest temperament that a cheongsam should have.

However, Fu Shiliu was behind this incident at most adding fuel to the flames, and it was the result of her own cooperation.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment, lowered her head and continued to draw, "She doesn't need to apologize to anyone. She just tied herself up because of her failed courtship. I have nothing to forgive. I had my own initiative when I got on the plane, so Gu Tingyan has to Whatever she does has nothing to do with me."

Assistant Li's automatic translation was that she was too lazy to talk to Fu Shiliu, so she just wanted to invite two bodyguards to come in and invite him out. How Fu Shiliu leaned into her ear and said that Gu Tingyan was hers, how he ridiculed and looked down on her. After a few years, this The status has changed.

Jiang Nuannuan not only became the hostess of the tallest financial building in Linggang, but she also stepped on Gu Tingyan's head and made trouble, without him saying a word.

One word from her can determine the fate of the Fu family.

The panic in Fu Shiliu's heart was greater than the humiliation. She lay on the ground, folded her hands against her forehead, and begged her again, "Jiang Nuannuan, it was my fault that happened in the past. Please tell Mr. Gu to let me go. "

Jiang Nuannuan put down her pen, took a sip of juice, and said calmly: "Assistant Li, please throw this person out."

When Fu Shiliu was invited out of Gu's building, her hair was messed up and her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

She has been promised by her family to marry Zhou Qi. This young master of the Zhou family is a playboy and has dated countless women. He is the person she despises the most in her life. However, her parents are desperate and want to marry her off. give him.

She was so restless that she really didn't know who to ask for help. Until she met Jiang Nuannuan today, she suddenly remembered a blind date that Gu Tingyan had set up.

Lu Cheng likes her, yes.Lu Cheng likes her.

With the last glimmer of hope, she went home, looked for his business card and called him.

"Mr. Lu, are you busy? Do you want to come out and have coffee together?"

Fu Shiliu Ji had never spoken to him in such an expectant and polite tone before. Lu Cheng had already known about the situation of their family being suppressed by Gu Tingyan. He looked at the shining rings on the counter and said with a smile: "I'm busy. Miss Fu, you are busy choosing a wedding ring."

Fu Shiliu's face froze, "Are you getting married?"

Lu Cheng is also in a business marriage. He held his fiancée's hand and whispered: "It's almost thirty, what else? I heard that you are getting married too, congratulations."

Gu Tingyan once gave Fu Shiliu a flight of steps and she didn't get down, but now she can't get down anymore, and she has met the same tragic ending as her whole life.

The day when she attended her graduation ceremony after completing her internship in her senior year was also Jiang Nuannuan's wedding day.Gu Tingyan had thought about giving her a wedding for so many years, and now it finally came true.

In the European-style castle he bought, countless business tycoons or rich and powerful people came to celebrate. Without the blessings of the two elders, and their blessings were not needed, this wedding was too grand and no one dared to say anything bad about it. I dare not send you a blessing.

In order to take care of Jiang Nuannuan and prevent her from being affected by public opinion, Gu Tingyan found a professional team and rewrote a story that was supposed to be about a forbidden love into a beautiful love story in which he personally raised his wife and put it on the news.

His love that didn't last in his previous life got results in this life.

He finally knelt in front of Jiang Nuannuan and raised the ring he had prepared for a long time to her. His handsome face showed deep love and expectation.

"marry me."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and stretched out her hand, "Okay."

Amidst the cheers, she hugged her husband tenderly and said softly: "Gu Tingyan will not be so sad in this life. I will definitely accompany you until you grow old. There will be no illness or any obstacles. I will only love you."

I only love you.

The man suddenly hugged her tightly.

The music started playing, and they led the newlyweds' opening dance. Jiang Nuannuan led him down the steps, looking up at him with tiny glints in her eyes.

One night before the wedding, countless memories of her previous life flooded into her mind while she was sleeping. She remembered his struggle to be manipulated by the plot and their love-hate separation.

Part of what he said was true.

At that time, she died in front of him, leaving him in the shadow and feeling sad for the rest of his life. She was really good or bad.

Fortunately, they can do it again.

They could make love for once.

At the only wedding, Gu Tingyan's eyes were red and wet. He understood the deep meaning of her expression, held her face and kissed her.

No matter what happens in the future, he has a lover who he needs to protect and who belongs to him alone.

very nice.

It's a good life.

(Written by: The next chapter Fei Jinzhao.)
(End of this chapter)

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