Chapter 497 Fei Jin calls (1)

In her senior year of high school, Jiang Nuannuan had just celebrated her 18th birthday. The private school she attended was one of the best schools in Linggang. At this time, she was still the only blood member of the Jiang family, and they held the beloved little princess in their hands.

Because tomorrow Saturday night is classmate Ying Hao's birthday, he plans to hold a small party, and many students in the class plan to go out to celebrate his birthday.

Jiang Nuannuan was too lazy to go at first. She wanted to go home and draw jewelry pictures and study hard. However, Ying Hao's parents were good friends with her, and the two families had close ties. Her mother called her specifically to ask her to bring a gift to Ying Hao. She had to go.

Xu Jie, a classmate with whom she had a good relationship, asked her: "Shall we go buy gifts together after school? I don't know what to give yet."

Jiang Nuannuan replied casually: "Whatever, he doesn't lack anything anyway."

Xu Jie glanced at her beautiful face and murmured softly, "Then you don't lack anything. Even if you give him shit, he will accept it with a smile."

"Remember to come tonight, I have decided to hold my birthday at the Yanga Club."

Ying Hao, who said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, knocked on Jiang Nuannuan's table. He had just returned from playing ball and placed the Coke he bought on her table.

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and nodded boredly, "Oh."

She has been her next-door neighbor since she moved here with her parents a few years ago, and she is almost the same as the Ji Yansen she met in the compound.

It's just that the two families often get together, and their parents always hope that they can have more contact with each other, so that they can make a perfect couple. Unfortunately, Ying Hao is pretty sunny, but after knowing each other for a long time, she, who is severely facially controlled, can only Treat people like buddies.

There was no rush to go home in the evening anyway. Jiang Nuannuan accepted Xu Jie's invitation and planned to go shopping with her in the shopping street. The two of them took a nanny car assigned to her by the Jiang family.

It was a spring night, the evening breeze was cool, Jiang Nuannuan half-opened the car window and looked out the window with her chin propped up in a daze.

It just so happened that the evening self-study in No. [-] Middle School was also over. There were many students riding bicycles home at the door. There was an intersection in front of the school. Every time we arrived at this point, there were many students waiting for the traffic light on the non-motorized lane.

The nanny car slowed down and stopped behind the white line. Due to inertia, a few strands of long hair tied in a ponytail fell in front of her shoulders. Jiang Nuannuan leaned back and brushed it casually with her hands, and heard a low scream from Xu Jie next to her. call.

"Fuck! Who did I see!"

She suddenly leaned over and pressed her legs, stretched her neck and looked outside.

Seeing the excitement on her face, Jiang Nuannuan turned her eyes again, "Who did you see?"

"This, this, this guy parked next to our car, don't you know him? If you don't know him, you may have heard of him, Fei Jinzhao! The recognized school darling of No. [-] Middle School, he looks even better than the pictures on the campus forum. !”

Probably because she had seen a lot of beauties since she was a child, Jiang Nuannuan didn't feel too cold about it after hearing this. Due to Xu Jie's excited soul almost being taken away, she still had a little more curiosity and leaned forward. With Xu Jie tugging on her arm, she looked up and looked out the window.

When she saw the boy on the bicycle, her pupils narrowed.

With her exquisite facial features and cool temperament, not even the school uniform can hide the sense of independence that comes from being a flower of the high mountains.

Different from all the students wearing the same school uniform around him, looking around, all she could see was him standing out.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes narrowed, thinking that she really believed in Xu Jie's aesthetics for once.

He is so beautiful, and she likes him too, which is to her liking.

Aware of her gaze, the young man's beautiful eyebrows followed the rotation of his head and looked over. Her heart skipped a beat.

Just opening a small part of the car window, Fei Jinzhao could only see those familiar almond eyes that would make her heart beat whenever she saw them. The face was blurred under the black window, and she could tell who it was with just one glance.

His hand holding the handle of the car tightened, and his knuckles stood out, letting out his inner emotional fluctuations where no one was paying attention, and his cold face did not show at all.

"Sumire Summons!"

At this time, a girl with a ponytail came running over, sat down on his back seat and said affectionately: "Please take me home today!"

It turns out he has an owner.Jiang Nuannuan's initially interested gaze suddenly faded. She pushed Xu Jie back and faced her chirping and just said lightly, "The famous grass has its owner, you have no chance."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised the car window completely, blocking those cold and beautiful eyes.

Seeing her misunderstanding, Fei Jinzhao turned around, his eyes were a little impatient and cold, and his words were not polite.

"Go down."

Rong Zhao grew up in the same village as him. Unfortunately, the boy she liked since she was a child refused to give her a chance or show her favor. She pursed her lips and used her usual tricks, "But my mother is working overtime today and can't come." If you pick me up, Grandma Fei will definitely be worried about me, so please just send me home."

As long as Grandma Nafei comes out, she can always look a little different from others in front of him, and at least she can say a few more words. However, Fei Jinzhao today seems to have taken the wrong medicine, and he doesn't even bother to show her a good face. , not sparing any face.

He got off the car neatly, put the handle of the bike directly into her hand, and said expressionlessly: "Ride back by yourself."

When Jiang Nuannuan's car was about to drive away at the green light, the car window was suddenly knocked twice. She turned her head again and saw the thin lips of the cold young man leaning over moving, his deep silhouette reflected in the orange streetlights. On the screen, I was stunned to read some inexplicable emotions.

She was slightly confused, not knowing what he was talking about, or why this stranger was knocking on the window, but Xu Jie next to her wanted to pull down the window for her.

Indeed, there was no time to ask. The nanny car quickly merged into the traffic flow and disappeared. The boy's slightly curved spine straightened up, and his expression was difficult to distinguish.

From Rong Zhao's perspective, he could see two girls vaguely sitting in the car. Her expression changed instantly and she was about to ask something. However, Fei Jinzhao, who was already standing on the roadside with a schoolbag on one shoulder, took out her mobile phone. I made a phone call and didn't notice her at all.

She couldn't turn the light green and still held the bicycle on the road. In addition, the bicycle was owned by Fei Jinzhao. She rode Fei Jinzhao's car home, so she could assert some sovereignty in the eyes of other girls.

After thinking again and again, Rong Zhao finally suppressed his emotions and pedaled away on his bike.

Fei Jinzhao, who was on the roadside, first reported a series of license plate numbers, paused and then whispered: "Help me check where she is going."

There was a laugh from the other side of the receiver. Sensing his discomfort, he replied: "Mr. Q, can't you check it yourself? When will you have to ask me for such a trivial matter?"

"Just after school."

"Ha, okay, you are the boss and you have the final say, but you should at least come to the company this weekend to cut the opening ribbon."

"Say more."

Fei Jin stood there for a few minutes. After receiving the address from the other party, she took a taxi and left.

Rongzheng Shopping Street is a long street for low-end and mid-range consumption in Linggang. It sells everything, and it is also very suitable for students and ordinary office workers to shop.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had been raised proudly since childhood, would not buy these bargains at all. Xu Jie, who was a little different from her family but not bad at all, liked it very much. She pulled her to look around, and finally entered an affordable luxury store.

"What do you think if I give you a small Swarovski crystal ornament? This is the most I can afford as a gift, and my pocket money this month is pitiful." Xu Jie couldn't make up her mind and felt a little bit sick.

Jiang Nuannuan took a serious look and said, "There is no need to give him such a good gift. He is suitable for a buy one get one free gift."

Xu Jie glanced at her speechlessly, "You'd better go and sit next to me and wait for me. There's no point in asking this young lady like you."

"I'm going to buy two cups of milk tea." She was interested in the red bean milk tea when she came to this street. She was not allowed to eat junk drinks at home, which happened to be her favorite.

"Okay." Xu Jie looked like she knew it, and waved her hand to chase her away.

Not long after Jiang Nuannuan walked out of the store, Fei Jinzhao, who rushed to the shopping street, found them without any effort. Of course, he did not go to Jiang Nuannuan head-on. He knew that they were still strangers at this stage, so he turned around Turn around and walk into the shop where Xu Jie is.

(Comments: First update, New Line Kawen, for the sake of my beauty, I know you don’t mind~)

(End of this chapter)

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