Chapter 498 Fei Jin calls (2)

Xu Jie was debating whether to buy a black and white sheep crystal or a colorful reindeer crystal. The teller who had been standing in front of her suddenly turned sideways and asked in a gentle voice: "What do you need to see, sir?"


The voice that was clear and cold, like frost in the early morning, was familiar for no reason. From the corner of her eye, Xu Jie saw a trace of the school uniform belonging to No. [-] Middle School beside her, and her eyes moved up.

She met Fei Jinzhao again in a dreamlike way. The distance between the two was at least half an arm's length. Xu Jie's eyes suddenly shone with her otherworldly and astonishing appearance.

"The handsome boy Fei from No. [-] Middle School! We just met in front of your school! What a coincidence!"

Fei Jinzhao looked at her for a few seconds after hearing the sound. His indifferent eyes were filled with strangeness. Out of politeness, he nodded, "You're here to buy something too."

It is said that this god is aloof and does not interact with mortals. Looking at his polite and easy-to-talk appearance, Xu Jie talked to him excitedly, "Yes, it is the birthday of a classmate in my class, and I am choosing a gift for him. Do you want to give it away too?"

Reminiscent of Jiang Nuannuan's words about having a master, she looked stunned, clapped her hands and said, "Oh, it must be the female classmate riding your bicycle. We all thought you were single."

"Single." Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and looked at the pair of crystal lambs nestled together on the counter, with a slightly cold tone, "That is the daughter of the leading family, there is not much relationship."

Xu Jie didn't expect him to explain.

"Ah, in this case, I thought you were a couple." She laughed again. She is as pure a beauty-controlling person as Jiang Nuannuan. Now this flower of the high mountain is back sitting on the top of the mountain. She is quite Happy.

Fei Jinzhao frowned in conflict, "Don't spread such words randomly."

Xu Jie nodded, "I understand, I understand. I will help you clarify everything when you get back."

Fei Jin raised her eyebrows and said, "Thank you."

Seeing that his eyes were always on these two small objects of hers, Xu Jie remembered that he was also here to see the ornaments, so she pushed the things towards him and said, "I can give you any one. Look, you are here." Do you like it?"

Fei Jinzhao then picked up the crystal reindeer and looked at it, and asked as if unintentionally: "Are you sending a girl away? The girl in the same car with you."

"It's not her. It's not her birthday yet. It's Ying Hao who booked a party on the first floor of Yangya Club. The cost of that place is quite high. It's estimated to cost tens of thousands for a night. I can't give gifts too cheaply. But I’ve almost spent my pocket money this month, so I can only buy this.”

Fei Jinzhao listened quietly and placed the reindeer in front of her, "Take this."

Is he recommending it to her?

Xu Jie was a little carried away by the beauty, "Do you think this looks good too?"


She believed in the aesthetics of Kaolin Flower, so she took out her card and paid without saying a word.

"Then buy this."

After paying the payment, Xu Jie took out her mobile phone again, "Hua, ah, no, handsome guy Fei, let's add WeChat to make friends? Let's go out and play together in the future."

Fei Jinzhao was silent and took out an old-fashioned mobile phone with some paint peeling off the edges, "Sorry."

This kind of old mobile phone is almost like a PHS. Xu Jie was surprised when she saw it. Not to mention the function of WeChat, this thing is just enough for a greedy snake.

She had heard rumors before that the dew-drinking school sweetheart's family was not very well off. He was really extremely poor.

Carrying the bag, she finally found Jiang Nuannuan in the milk tea shop who was sitting there eating a cake. After sitting down opposite her, she told her everything about what had just happened. She even acted out the scene where she saw Fei. Sumire's shocked expression when she summoned the broken cell phone.

"That thing is like an elderly phone that someone gave back for free after paying enough phone bills to a mobile company for several years. I feel like my expression just now must have hit someone's self-esteem. Oh my god, how could he be so poor? He's single! It doesn’t seem strange anymore.”

Jiang Nuannuan was so baffled that she bit her straw and asked vaguely: "If you are so poor, it's not a gift for your girlfriend, so why should he go to the Swarovski store to buy it? Can he afford it?" Xu Jie choked, " What you said hurts people's hearts even more. I heard that he often goes out to work, so he probably saves money and spends it on the cutting edge to give to more important people."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "So do you finally get the number?"

Xu Jie sighed, "I didn't have the nerve to ask for it any more, so I quickly escaped from that embarrassing scene."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't take it seriously, took the last bite of cake into her mouth, put her school bag on her back, "Let's go."

Fei Jinzhao finally asked the clerk to buy the two crystal sheep, one black and one white. After coming out with the packing box, he called the person on the other end to ask for a favor.

He needs a job at the Yanga Club, tomorrow.

Several people who collaborated with him in the game all felt that Mr. Q had taken the wrong medicine tonight, and what kind of nerve was wrong to check the license plate and go to the club to work as a waiter.

"Just be a waiter? You know how much assets you have now, right? Do you know how popular that Forest Adventure game you made is now, right?"

"I know, not only being a waiter, but also"

After explaining the follow-up matters, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party's answer and returned to his home in Shili Lane.

Grandma Fei, who had just recovered well from surgery, was sitting on the sofa on the first floor knitting a sweater.

Because her disease was discovered early in this life, Fei Jinzhao, who had already relied on her two lifetimes of memory to make money by selling regular software, was not embarrassed. With unusually sufficient funds, she took her grandmother overseas to find a famous doctor for surgery. Currently, the cancer cells have stopped growing. The platelet count increased to a stable stage and the postoperative recovery was good.

"Just came back?" Grandma Fei put down what she was doing, took off her reading glasses and looked up and said to him: "That girl Rong Zhao came back by herself on your bicycle. She looks quite aggrieved. Did you bully her?"

Fei Jin called over to help her collect her things, sat down next to her, and said with a gentler tone, "She crossed the line tonight."

"That girl is young, but her thoughts about you are written all over her face." Grandma Fei chuckled. Looking at her grandson Qingjun's appearance, she felt that it was normal for the little girl to like her.

"I also heard her say that you are very popular in school. Studying is important, but you also need to be social. That girl is quite easy to get along with."

"I have a girl I like."

Fei Jinzhao pointed it out directly: "It's not her, so her behavior tonight crossed the line."

Grandma Fei was startled, then understood her grandson's hidden meaning and patted his hand, "Did she misunderstand you in front of the girl you like?"


Grandma Fei, who had always only stood by her grandson, nodded, "I understand, the girl you like must be good, as you wish."

Fei Jinzhao's beautiful eyebrows were soft, "Yes."

He finally caught his grandmother in this life, and now there is only one other person left.

The next evening, Jiang Nuannuan picked up Xu Jie on the way, and the two went to Yangya Club together.

Many people had already arrived, and deafening music was playing in the entire large box. Several people from well-off families, including Ying Hao, were used to such occasions. The glasses in their hands clinked with each other, making it very lively.

What was particularly different from these ordinary people was Fei Jinzhao, who was standing in the dark with a wine bottle in his hands. Jiang Nuannuan stopped when she saw him when she walked to the door. She didn't expect that things would turn out to be such a coincidence.

He was wearing the simplest white shirt and black pants, with a black bow tied under his sharp Adam's apple, looking like a waiter.

The flower of the high mountain that Xu Jie praised so much yesterday was served with wine today. The key point is that none of these vulgar things have tainted his temperament at all. He is really good-looking and heart-warming.
(Two more updates after waking up.)
(End of this chapter)

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