Chapter 501 Fei Jin calls (5)

She was testing the limits of this high mountain flower. After grabbing this beautiful flower with her claws, the other party's half-cast eyes lifted up and fell on her face. He raised his chin slightly, but did not avoid it. , instead moved her fingers to the end of her eyes.

The eyelashes were uncomfortable pressing into his eyes, so did they change their position?


Jiang Nuannuan's heart felt even more itchy, but the boy stepped back and said in a low voice, "Don't do this."

Because she was the savior who helped him once, was he so indulgent and generous towards her behavior?Not likely.
Jiang Nuannuan, who retracted her hand, licked her fingers and smiled, "Fifty thousand is a lot of money. How do you plan to pay me back?"

"As soon as possible," he said.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry, you can do it in installments." Jiang Nuannuan smoothed her messed up hair and stepped down the steps past him, "Don't go back to work now. I haven't eaten. You can treat me to another meal. , you won’t be charged extra interest on the money you owe.”

After hearing what she said, Fei Jinzhao pretended to be calm with a subtle smile in his eyes. It could not be seen that he was mocking the wealthy lady. He only said in a statement tone: "I don't have that much money, and I can also eat at roadside stalls." ?”

His reluctance once again aroused Jiang Nuannuan's curiosity. She thought she would definitely refuse this time, but she did look back with a bit of surprise at the beautiful young man with his spine straight in the night wind.


Although she has never eaten from roadside stalls, it doesn't stop Jiang Nuannuan from liking them as much as milk tea. Junk food is a priority in her stomach.

As Fei Jinzhao walked down the steps, she loosened and untied the tie around her neck. When she came to Jiang Nuannuan's white shirt collar, she had completely loosened the top two buttons. The scent of lavender blew into her face. There is a young man's delicate and beautiful Adam's apple and a white collarbone that is half covered and half exposed.

He stood side by side with her and added, "I'm going to the dressing room to change. Wait for me downstairs for a while."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked and praised him first, "You smell so good."

Fei Jin paused, her Adam's apple rolled slightly, and she didn't dare to turn around to let her see the out-of-control emotions on her face. She pursed her lips lightly and said, "It's just the smell of shower gel."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and said, "Oh, hurry up, I'll wait for you at the door downstairs."

Turning around and going down the first floor, she met a few girls who had left early because of the farce just now. Xu Jie's house had an access control and she was just playing with Lu Qing who was going home to change clothes first. Then she saw Jiang Nuannuan and the savior. Xiide rushed to her and took her hand.

"I thought you just left."

"It's time to go."

Xu Jie: "Then let me take you home. Have you asked the driver to pick you up? My mother's car is already downstairs."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, I have to go to dinner with others, so you can go first."

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment: "Who are you following? Ying Hao?"

"of course not."

He spoke for a few minutes.

"All right."

A calm voice came from behind, and the two of them turned back together.

Fei Jinzhao was wearing a light-colored T-shirt and carried a schoolbag on one shoulder. His eyes were deep-set, and his cold eyebrows were stained with a hint of tiredness.

The young man was as tasteless as boiled water, but he had such a good-looking face, without any extra lively expressions on his face.

The girls in front also turned around when they heard the sound. They all showed surprised expressions when they saw him approaching Jiang Nuannuan. Lu Qing's expression was the ugliest among them.

Xu Jie said in surprise: "So, are you going to have dinner together?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, I'll leave first."

It is said that this flower of the high mountain is difficult to approach. She performed a hero's rescue tonight, but let this snow lotus blooming on the high mountain bend?Xu Jie, who had awesome written all over her face, lamented that she must be too lucky.

Seeing the two people walking by, Lu Qing clenched her fingers into fists and couldn't help but remind her, "Jiang Nuannuan, you have to be careful. There are a lot of Phoenix men out there nowadays."

Fei Jinzhao, who was being mocked, remained silent and stared straight ahead. She was already used to it.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, with pear dimples on both sides of her cheeks, "It's hard to say this, but the feelings that can be bought with money are definitely harder than stone."

Fei Jinzhao turned his head and glanced at her, "You didn't buy me with money."

The two of them had already walked out of the club. Jiang Nuannuan sent a late message home, raised her eyes and said, "I know I can't buy you with money. Does that mean I might buy someone else in the future?"

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes with a confused expression, "Really?"

Not noticing anything was wrong with him, Jiang Nuannuan asked, "Where is your car?"

He walked to the parking shed on the roadside, unlocked an old-fashioned bicycle and pulled it in front of her, "Sit down."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "It's quite new. I have only ridden on my aunt's electric scooter when I was young, and I have never ridden on a bicycle. So, where do you think I should sit? You have a big box in the back seat."

Fei Jinzhao put down his schoolbag and unzipped it, took out his school uniform jacket and handed it to her, "Hold it around."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, looking down at her half-length skirt, her heart moved slightly, and she took it and wrapped it around her.

"It's so sweet."

Fei Jinzhao put on her schoolbag again and sat on the bicycle. She held the handle with one hand and glanced at a horizontal bar in front of her before looking up at her again.

After reacting, Jiang Nuannuan walked up to him, patted the long bar, and said in disbelief: "Sit here?"

Fei Jinzhao nodded slightly, "In the wooden box at the back is a disassembled bedside table. If you can hold it, you can also sit on it."

"Only fools hold you. I'll sit in front."

She turned around and pressed her waist against the long bar. Her thin back was directly pressed into his arms. The infinitely close distance made her feel like she was half-embraced in his arms.

Li Jinzhao lowered his head, and no one noticed that he was holding the handle and leaning slightly over deliberately. The girl's round shoulders were pressed against his chest, soaking up a lot of his warmth.

Jiang Nuannuan immediately jumped up and down. The top of her hair brushed Fei Jinzhao's chin, and her butt hit the long pole accurately. With her feet off the ground, her center of gravity was unstable and she fell backwards into his already prepared arms. .

In order to maintain her balance and not fall, she also pulled the corner of Fei Jinzhao's clothes in time. His clothes were slightly deformed by her. The two of them looked at each other, breathing close at hand.

"Sit forward and hold the handle like me."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were slightly raised, and her long eyelashes trembled. She let him hold her slim waist and sit forward, and the gentle voice in her ears sounded like an impossible hallucination.

When she was still growing this year, her stature was smaller than Fei Jinzhao's. When she sat in front of him and held the handle, she could not block the view behind him at all.

After the long arm passed through her side and trapped her in a safe area, Fei Jin kicked off her standing feet and stepped on the pedal. A voice mixed with warm breath trembled on the girl's small and delicate earlobes, "Sit up and lift your legs." ,Got to go."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but shrink her shoulders. Her chest felt like a marshmallow stuffed inexplicably. It swelled loudly and felt strangely sweet after melting.


This person was completely different from what was described outside. She didn't even need to deliberately flirt with him, she just felt like she was being flirted with.
Ying Hao, who felt his butt was on fire in the club upstairs, didn't hold his breath for long. Hearing that Jiang Nuannuan was leaving, he rushed downstairs and saw her sitting on the front seat of Fei Jinzhao's bicycle with her legs covered by the school uniform of No. [-] Middle School. , the two of them walked past each other intimately.

"Jiang Nuannuan, come down here! If you are so brave, you are not afraid of being abducted and having your waist cut off!"

Ying Hao yelled angrily, but Jiang Nuannuan's ears, which were experiencing new activities, automatically blocked some bad sounds and pretended not to hear them at all.

She found that she could see the night view of the city more intuitively by riding a bicycle than by riding in a convertible.
(End of this chapter)

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