Chapter 502 Fei Jin calls (6)

It was the long pole of the bicycle that hurt her butt. Whenever the wheels rolled over bumpy roads or conveyor belts, she had to bump on them. After sitting for a long time, she turned her head and raised her chin, muttering: "This The pole is also too stiff.”

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and slowed down to coax her, "We're almost there."

Of course he wanted to drive to pick her up, but in this world he was the same age as her and had just grown up. He didn't have time to take the driver's license test yet. A lot of money was invested in companies and buying houses to create a future life for her.

What's more, if he approaches her dressed up brightly, she may not necessarily be interested in him given her personality.

Fei Jinzhao darkened his eyes. He just wanted to stay by her side and get into her heart little by little. He could use any means, as long as she remained interested in him.

The bicycle was parked at the entrance of the night market stall. Jiang Nuannuan, who had always been asked by her family not to eat junk food, looked at the lively fireworks inside, her eyes shining.

"Nice place!"

She jumped off her bicycle and walked quickly inside, "I didn't know there was such a lively place in Linggang."

When Fei Jinzhao passed by a sweet potato stall, she stopped and asked for a sweet potato, then inserted a plastic spoon into it and handed it to her.

Jiang Nuannuan smelled an alluring sweet fragrance and reached out to take it, but she retracted her hand due to the heat above.

Seeing Fei Jinzhao holding it with one hand with an expressionless face, she touched her ears with her hot fingertips and asked, "Isn't it hot? I think it's very hot." She wanted to take it and eat it later.

Fei Jinzhao paused, then moved a hand close to her side and put the plastic bag in her palm casually, holding the sweet potato, "I'll take it, you eat it."

Seeing that he wasn't hot, Jiang Nuannuan raised her lips and smiled. She couldn't wait to hold down his arm, took a big spoonful, blew on it and put it into her mouth.

"So this is what we're having tonight?"


He took her to a relatively clean noodle shop at the night market, owned by a family in Shili Alley.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the stall, the proprietress recognized him and warmly greeted them to sit down and order, "Xiao Fei, are you going out for supper with your friends?"

The sweet potatoes that had been held all the way were finally placed in front of Jiang Nuannuan. The calloused palm glowed with a sudden red color and he was inadvertently withdrawn from her face.

He held the sweet potato and only ate the ginger Nuannuan. He finally realized that what the man said was false. He also felt very hot, but he didn't say a word to her and endured it until now.

She frowned and held his wrist to see that there were no blisters. Under the narrow gaze of the landlady, she got up and took out a can of Coke from the small refrigerator and put it into his hand. She said unhappily:

"Although I helped you, you don't need to thank me like this, Kuai Bing Yi Bing."

Fei Jinzhao let her take his hand, and when his fingertips were forced to open to accept the Coke can, he pulled it back for a moment, and it passed against her wet fingers.

" What do you want to eat?"

He naturally pushed the menu to her, "Don't keep Auntie waiting for too long, she is very busy."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't notice his intentional touching. She raised her head and glanced at the kind proprietress, then quickly glanced and ordered beef fried noodles.

The landlady has lived in Shili Alley for so many years. Seeing Fei Jin coming in and out and being polite and distant to everyone, this is the first time she has seen him take such care of a little girl.

"Girlfriend?" She memorized two portions of beef fried noodles and gossiped with a smile.

Fei Jinzhao deliberately slowed down for a few seconds and did not answer. Jiang Nuannuan beside him shook his head first, "No."

The landlady smiled meaningfully, "Auntie gives you this can of Coke. It's okay to fall in love, but we can't delay the college entrance examination soon."

When the person left with a smile, Jiang Nuannuan was confused for a moment, then turned to ask him, "Did I just say yes?"

Fei Jinzhao calmly took out paper and wiped the oil stains on the small wooden table, "Maybe."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a while, put her hand on her chin, and said with a smile: "Then it's not a loss for me. I spent fifty thousand for nothing to pick up a male god that millions of girls want to have."

A beautiful man, especially with the double buffs of good character and academics and a poor family, is filled with the love and affection he gets from women and the girl's heart that wants to save him.No one would like such a peerless little pitiful person. Just like when he was bullied innocently like a pitiful little rabbit in a dark bar just now, Jiang Nuannuan's protectiveness was at its peak.

She does like such a man, of course, this is based on the fact that she has money and can afford it.

Fei Jinzhao threw the oil-stained paper into the trash can, raised his chestnut eyes to look at her, and said quietly, "I will return it to you as soon as possible."

Jiang Nuannuan reacted immediately. She clearly stated that money was linked to the worth of a strong and pitiful little person. She was really not a thing to hurt someone's self-esteem like this.

"No, there's no need to rush." ​​She waved her hands hurriedly, turned her head to look at the furnishings in the shop instead of him, and tried to change the subject: "You used to work here?"

Fei Jinzhao nodded slightly, "I just came to help."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, looked back at him, and asked curiously: "How many jobs do you work? The campus forum seems to say that you can work any kind of job."

Fei Jinzhao's eyes narrowed slightly, "Three servings."

His words are indeed true. His life after school is almost filled with all kinds of work and code. His only sleep time is in class. It doesn't matter to him whether he learns the campus knowledge again or not. Keep it the same.

But from the perspective of Jiang Nuannuan, who was still unaware, she was simply shocked by his inhuman routine and willpower.

Is he a superman who doesn’t need to sleep?

"Three copies? It's already 10 o'clock for self-study next night, right? Are you going out to work one after another during day study and not sleeping until dawn?"

Even the oxen who plowed the fields didn't know how to do it.

Fei Jinzhao said with a normal face: "I rarely participate in evening self-study. The school has given special permission to leave at any time."

Jiang Nuannuan continued to be shocked, "Don't you have parents? How can you let the pressure fall on you alone?"

Fei Jin recalled: "Yes, I have no parents."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." Her mouth is so damned!
She lowered her head and coughed lightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Two bowls of beef noodles were served now. Fei Jinzhao still calmly handed her a pair of chopsticks, "It's okay, just eat."

Jiang Nuannuan took the chopsticks and looked at his beautiful face for a while. She felt pity and was a little more eager to move, but soon, she was impressed by the delicious food here.

The beef noodles are so delicious!I don’t know how much better it tastes than the nutritious noodles made at home with clear soup and less water!

After eating less than half a bowl of noodles, her thoughts gradually became clearer and she came up with a bold idea.

Since Fei Jin has no girlfriend and is a lovable little pitiful person who cannot insult others, she can approach him in a roundabout way, right?The kind that benefits both parties.

She wiped the grease stains on her mouth with a piece of paper and tugged on the corner of his clothes, "How about I give you another job?"

Fei Jin, who had been waiting for her for a long time, turned around, a strand of hair in front of her forehead was blown by the fan, her eyebrows were delicate and beautiful.


Jiang Nuannuan's heart trembled, and she moved a bench to sit next to him, "I am preparing to take the exam to London for college, and the score is actually enough, but I told my mother to ask her to ask you to be a teacher, and you don't have to be responsible at night. Teach me how to study, and then take me out for a late-night snack, okay?"

Fei Jinzhao frowned slightly, but when he didn't answer, Jiang Nuannuan continued, "I'm not giving you anything for nothing. Unlike their sympathy, my family doesn't let me eat food from outside, especially food from street stalls. But I like it very much. You just need to take me to eat delicious food after class every day. How about I give you five thousand a month? One-third of my pocket money is definitely more money than you would make if you went to work."

Looking at her bright pupils, you can tell that she really only craves these ordinary foods, but one sentence reminded Fei Jinzhao that she has always eaten very cleanly, and eating too much from roadside stalls will definitely overwhelm her stomach.

Maybe he could take her home to cook something. She liked his cooking before, right?

After hesitating for a moment, Fei Jinzhao nodded, "Okay, let's pay the tens of thousands first."

Unexpectedly, he was so easy to talk to. Jiang Nuannuan said happily and proudly: "No need to pay, you can pay the money back after you work. I am not very short of the money."

(Editor’s note: There are two additional updates in the group.)
(End of this chapter)

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