Chapter 504 Fei Jin calls (8)

Ying Hao tightened his fingers so hard that it hurt her, and then he let go and gritted his teeth and said, "You are so young, how can you fall in love!"

Jiang Nuannuan touched her arm, rolled her eyes at him, turned around and ran away.

Fei Jinzhao had good eyesight and had already seen the two people pulling each other in the school. He pushed his bicycle to the door and stood there. The student security here wouldn't let him in unless he said anything. The uneasy and gloomy mood in his cold eyebrows was almost over. overflow.

After the emotional betrayal in his previous life, he was so twisted that he couldn't bear the fact that Jiang Nuannuan would have to tread two boats in this life. He even thought darkly that one day he would definitely lock her up.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know his complicated emotions. She only saw the young man staring at her quietly under the orange street lights. His school uniform seemed to be covered with a layer of light. Just as the summer wind swept over the hem of his open coat, the old tree The green leaves were blown down and two pieces fell down, youthful and picturesque.

After registering, she ran to him, panting slightly, looking at him with admiration in her bright almond eyes, "You've been waiting for a long time."

Fei Jinzhao's eyebrows became less cold, she turned the bike around and sat on it, with the back seat facing her, "Come up."

Jiang Nuannuan saw the leather cushion at a glance, and it was very soft when she pressed it with her palms. She clearly remembered that there was no such thing when he put the big wooden box.

She curled her lips and sat on him, holding the corners of his clothes with her fingers, "It's a cushion specially added for me."

Fei Jin didn't turn around and responded softly.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to take a step closer shamefully, "Can I hug you? There is no place to hold on in the back seat."

The front was silent for two seconds, and then the back of the boy's head nodded again.

A pair of soft arms wrapped around her from behind, and then closed her taut abdomen.

The girl's soft body was completely pressed against his back. Fei Jinzhao tightened his grip on the handle of the car. The numbness that shot up from his tailbone stabbed his chest. He pursed his lips hard to suppress his body's instinctive reaction of wanting to hug her. .

"Hold tight."

The voice was extremely low.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged him tightly and tilted her head against his back, "Let's go."

Shilixiang lives in Linggang Jiangbei, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth. In order to shorten the distance and increase the time spent with her, Fei Jinzhao rented an elevator room in an old community near No. [-] Middle School.

On the way to the community, he had to pass by No. [-] Middle School again, perhaps on purpose. School was about to end soon, and there were still a few day students scattered at the school gate.

When Fei Jin passed by with a girl from the private school next door, the photo was quickly taken and posted on the forum.

The environment of the community is very average, but the advantage is that the quality of the neighbors is very good, and the roads and flower beds are clean. Jiang Nuannuan is not afraid, but she can't figure out why he took her home.

"I remember I told you not to study, you just need to take me to eat delicious food."

Fei Jinzhao turned to look at her, bent down and locked the car first, and then asked her calmly: "Are you not suffering from gastrointestinal discomfort after eating noodles?"

Everything at the food stall was heavy on oil, and even though the place he took her to was clean and tidy, the oil and chili on top of the noodle soup had a strong taste.

Jiang Nuannuan blinked and had to admit: "I have a little diarrhea." "You eat so cleanly that you can't get used to it all at once." He raised his hand to her.



Jiang Nuannuan handed him the schoolbag on her back and watched him walk down the corridor with one hand on his shoulder and the other on his shoulder. After following him up a few steps, he hesitated and asked: "You knew I would have gastrointestinal discomfort, so... Are you going to go home and cook for me? This is your home, right?"

Otherwise, there is really no reason.

Fei Jinzhao stepped on the sensor light and responded softly.


He really wanted to cook for her.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly stopped and looked up at the boy who was a few steps ahead of her.

Hearing that there was no movement behind him, he quickly stopped, turned around and lowered his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, her almond-shaped eyes moved slightly, and she felt an indescribable strange feeling of congestion in her heart.

"It's just that my parents didn't even cook for me. I was shocked."

When she was little, her nanny worked as a cook, and her parents were too busy to go home a few times a year. Now, a boy about her age wanted to cook for her, and he had already expected that she would eat at the night market stall. Eat bad, this kind of care and attentiveness is really unique.

How could he be so nice to her just because of a salary of 5000 yuan!

She wants to buy this kind of service for the rest of her life!

Fei Jinzhao nodded: "I know a lot."

Jiang Nuannuan naturally thought that a poor child would be the head of the family early. She kept thinking that she would always use money to support him. She smiled and followed him, "Okay, I want to eat it all."

When Fei Jin went to the door, she went in, changed into slippers, and unpacked the pink slippers she had prepared in advance and handed them to her, "New ones."

She put her shoes in the shoe cabinet and found that there were only Fei Jinzhao's usual shoes.

"You live alone, am I the first to come?"


So the girl who was following him in the car that night didn't come either. Jiang Nuannuan was satisfied and walked in.

Looking around, she found that the home was very clean. It was so clean that she felt that everything was new. Only the walls and floors had a sense of age.
(Word: The content in the group does not affect the plot here.)
(End of this chapter)

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