Chapter 505 Fei Jin calls (9)

"You are good at doing housework."
Jiang Nuannuan followed him into the kitchen and watched him open the refrigerator, open a can of yogurt and hand it to him.

"What do you want to eat."

She said: "I think the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket are quite delicious. Do you have any?"

A girl who is used to eating delicacies from home and abroad likes even instant dumplings made by a machine with unknown minced meat.

Fei Jinzhao filled a freezer with fresh food, but he didn't buy any fast food, and he didn't intend to let her eat it.

"No, let's make dumplings next time. Can we have rice dumplings with fermented rice wine?"

She should have had dinner when she arrived, and she should not be allowed to eat too much. Some small snacks are enough for a late-night snack.

He took out a small bag of glutinous rice and red dates and looked down at her.

Jiang Nuannuan sucked on the yogurt and nodded, "Okay, I'll eat anything, I'm not picky about food."

He rolled up the cuffs of his school uniform and washed his hands. It was difficult for both of them to fit in the small kitchen. When he turned around to get the seasonings, he could see Jiang next to him from the corner of his eye, his face full of anticipation. Nuannuan, the words that he wanted her to go out and wait for were stuffed back into his mouth.

Add water to the glutinous rice flour and make the dough into a ball. The cold water poured into the pot was boiling, and the exhaust fan made a buzzing sound. His temples soon became stained with sweat.

Jiang Nuannuan stood aside and saw it. She went out and took out two pieces of paper and came back, "Shall I wipe your sweat?"

Fei Jinzhao paused, looked at her fingers covered with glutinous rice flour, and turned her head for a moment, "Yeah."

The girl, who was a little shorter than him, raised her arm and put a tissue on his forehead and wiped both sides. Her tone couldn't help but say with admiration, "The kitchen in the old house doesn't have air conditioning, so it's not too hot to cook here in the summer. "

"This is how everyone comes here."

Jiang Nuannuan threw away the paper, pushed the sticky hair away from his forehead, and fanned him a few times with her hands, "How about I buy you another air conditioner? How about installing it in the kitchen? Sample?"

After Fei Jinzhao finished kneading many mini balls, she said softly: "Do you want to raise me?"

He omitted the word "bao", and Jiang Nuannuan's ears automatically completed it.

She was also quite honest, "I wanted to support you when I knew you didn't have a partner."

Now that I know he is still a caring little white rabbit, I want to keep him even more.

But she is also very good at making amends, "I don't mean to look down on you, I mean you just look like me. I am richer than you, so it is normal for me to secretly want to raise you." , but I will still respect you."

The confession was caught off guard, and Jiang Nuannuan, who was a little worried about seeing the other person's mocking eyes, lowered her head, missing the accumulated emotions in Fei Jinzhao's eyes and the calculating smile.

"You are honest."

Fei Jinzhao turned around and poured the wine into the boiling hot water and boiled it. The heat caused a layer of mist to cover his chestnut eyes.

He said: "But I don't intend to be raised by you."

Rather than having a shady identity like a sponsor, he needs lovers, husbands and wives, anyone who can declare his sovereignty in public.

In this life, he must become her support instead of following the same path of his life.

I don’t intend to be taken care of by you, but I accept your high salary and cook a midnight snack for you at home. The 5 yuan debt I owe is not included in it and needs to be repaid. To maintain such a relationship is a bit of a lustful one, but you can’t. I deny that this method is suitable for Jiang Nuannuan.

She smelled the aroma of wine in the kitchen and watched him put the small meatballs on the chopping board in to cook. She raised her hand and fanned his sweaty neck. A prestigious university will become a social elite in three to five years, so this deal is not a good deal."

Fei Jinzhao took a bowl, filled the spoon with some boiled wine, blew on it and handed it to her mouth, "Have a taste."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, took another sip, and it tasted sweet. "tasty."

Fei Jinzhao nodded, turned off the fire, took out all the glutinous rice balls, took them out and put them on the small table outside.

The air conditioner was on outside and the room was very cool. Jiang Nuannuan was sipping rice dumplings made with rice wine. Fei Jinzhao was watching her from the side, "Do you need me to check your homework?"

She regarded this as a side service and nodded, "Let's take a look."

Fei Jinzhao took her homework and sat beside it to read it. After a while, he asked, "Where are you going to take the exam?"

"Go to London and study design."

His eyes darkened a little, "Well, the tuition is very high."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him and saw that his expression was not sarcastic as usual, and said, "Well, there is no upper limit. I think after learning jewelry, I will inevitably buy a lot of things in this area."

"You like jewelry." Li Jinzhao put the homework back into her school bag, "No problem, the completion rate is very high."

Jiang Nuannuan put down the spoon and wiped her mouth, "So I'm quite confident that I can get there."

Fei Jinzhao said quietly: "You have parents who love you."

Being able to support her unconditionally means that her parents really love her.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't really want to discuss this topic, because Fei Jinzhao had said that she had no parents, and it was not easy to grow up alone.

"I want to eat dumplings tomorrow. I won't eat a lot of dinner at school. Can you make a few more?"

Fei Jinzhao looked at her and pursed her lips, "Okay."

The next day Jiang Nuannuan got up and went downstairs, and found that her parents, who always had breakfast with her before going to work, were missing. They had gone out early in the morning, and the servant didn't know where they had gone, or that they were leaving before they left. She had specifically told the servant not to tell her before.

She frowned and thought about calling her mother to ask, but the phone rang several times before being hung up.

Jiang Nuannuan took the phone in front of her and looked at it. Finally, she put it in her pocket and got in the car. She didn't receive a message from her mother until she was approaching the school gate.

There are only two simple words.


He seemed absent-minded and perfunctory.

It's never been like this before.

Jiang Nuannuan walked into the classroom thoughtfully, not noticing the strange looks from others along the way. It wasn't until her butt touched the stool to put down her schoolbag that Xu Jie rushed over and grabbed her arm and shook it violently.

"What's going on!? Are you really with the school girl from No. [-] Middle School?"

She looked at the excited man blankly, "Not yet, I just started chasing him."

Xu Jie pinched her distracted face and asked doubtfully: "Are you sure you are chasing after me? Didn't you also fall in love with you at first sight and have a two-way love?"

Jiang Nuannuan slapped her hand away, "It's impossible, they just rejected my request for support."

Xu Jie: "?"

Is this a thing?Don’t people have self-respect?
(End of this chapter)

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