Chapter 506 Fei Jin calls (10)

Just as the bell rang, Xu Jie hurried back to her seat as if she would take a lunch break. Lu Qing arrived late today, and her teacher led her in. She tightened her schoolbag strap and glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, and hurriedly Sit down in your seat.

The teacher at the front desk of the class patted the table and said meaningfully: "Now is the sprint stage. I hope everyone will focus on their studies, have less contact with people outside the school and society, and figure out what your future will be like." What path should we take?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't feel anything just now, but after listening to Xu Jie's words, she felt that the teacher's words were insinuating herself.

During the lunch break, Xu Jie came to see her again for dinner. On the way, she also said: "Teacher, you must have read the forum, but you are not guilty. I don't know what Lu Qing is guilty of. Her head is almost buried on the table."

"I guess she hasn't been embarrassed by teasing boys yet. She is only 18 years old."

"It sounds like you're not."

Jiang Nuannuan was really curious about what was written on the forum at this moment, because there were some little girls from the next class who passed by her, and they said, "You are so awesome that you are with the school girl of No. [-] Middle School."

She opened her mobile phone and entered the campus forum of No. [-] Middle School during her meal, and then she understood the whole story.

When she saw the girl who wanted to sit in the back seat of Fei Jin in the car, her name was Rong Zhao, and she was just his next-door neighbor. However, she always used this to deliberately obscure the relationship between the two, causing many people to think that they were ambiguous. They look like a couple, but they are not.

Until yesterday, Fei Jin called for a soft leather cushion on the back seat that was never occupied. Rong Zhao asked about this, and was directly told by him in public that the cushion was specially obtained for his sweetheart, not for her to sit on. His tone lasted for a long time. No mercy, it's as cold as the North Pole.

People on the forum described the scene vividly.

The rumors about the two of them were self-evident. Rong Zhao's one-sided lovesickness and overt and covert misunderstandings directly turned into a boomerang used by others to stab her, piercing her completely.

And that night, a day student took a picture of Fei Jinzhao driving a girl passing by the school. However, at that time, Jiang Nuannuan was sideways facing the school gate, and her face was not photographed, only the clothes on her body. The school uniform revealed that Fei Jinzhao was dating a girl from the aristocratic private school next door.

Xu Jie poked at the interface of her mobile phone and said frankly: "I can tell at a glance that the figure in the photo is you, and you still said that you two haven't talked? That handsome guy even said that you are his sweetheart in public. It seems that It’s the benefit of a hero saving a beauty.”

Jiang Nuannuan scrolled down again and replied. No one stabbed her. Most of the girls scolded Rong Zhao. Boys, most of them said that Fei Jinzhao's unattainable character was exposed. He was a poor man. The student talked about a rich and famous school girl, and he was labeled as a future Phoenix boy in advance.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned slightly, but she felt that she could understand Fei Jinzhao. He said that when he had a sweetheart, he was probably annoyed by the girl's entanglement. He was just as impatient as she was when she was harassed every day, and wanted to find an excuse casually. Send people away.

This is completely coincidental, but it will also have a certain impact on his good reputation. But it is said that he receives scholarships every year, which is the bulk of his livelihood, so it will not be affected by this.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Xu Jie said, "What are you thinking about? Tell me where are you going?"

"It's not what you think, but I can really confirm it." Jiang Nuannuan turned off her phone, picked up a spoon and lowered her head to eat.

Xu Jie was confused when she heard this.

Ying Hao had also seen what happened on the forum a long time ago. He knew that Jiang Nuannuan attended his birthday party and casually saved a beautiful man, so he became friends with him. Even though he had been following her as a follower for so long, she only regarded her as an ordinary friend. This is simply unreasonable.

He was so angry that he didn't talk to Jiang Nuannuan all day today, although Song Yang next to him said that he wished he could grow his eyes on the back of his head to pay attention to her.

When it was almost time for evening self-study, Jiang Nuannuan's phone vibrated in the drawer.

Fei Jinzhao sent a message.

[Cabbage and pork stuffing? 】

I really wanted to make dumplings for her. She thought they would be frozen ones, but he was really kind.

Jiang Nuannuan: Okay, are you in the supermarket now?After a while, Fei Jin recalled the message: Well, I will pick you up when you finish your self-study.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her lips and exited the text message interface. She switched to WeChat and looked at the message she had sent to her mother, telling her not to forget to eat no matter how busy she was. She has not replied to this sentence until now.

It had never been like this before. The mood that she had just felt a little happier because of Fei Jinzhao gradually faded away again.

She didn't know why, but she was beginning to feel uneasy now.

After finally getting through school, she packed up her things and was about to leave. Lu Qing suddenly walked up to her with an expression on her face that she was hesitant to speak. She was not in the right mood today.

Jiang Nuannuan: "What's wrong?"

She bit her lip, and finally chose not to say anything. She just said, "Don't blame me if something happens." Then she ran away under Jiang Nuannuan's incomprehensible eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the school gate alone, and soon discovered that the boy who was supposed to stand quietly under the street light and wait for her did not come on time tonight.

Wondering if she had been delayed for a few minutes on the way to the supermarket, she walked to the streetlight where he was standing and waited quietly like he did at that time.

And after waiting and waiting, I saw that all the day students at the school gate had almost left, and 10 minutes had passed.

He went to the supermarket while she was studying for self-study. Logically speaking, he wouldn't have taken so long.

Jiang Nuannuan called Fei Jinzhao.

In the alley at the other end, Fei Jinzhao's phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. He picked it up and took a look, pursed his lips and answered the phone, "Hello."

"Are you almost there?" A soft voice came from the other end.

Fei Jinzhao was silent and looked at the four or five teenagers in front of him who had dropped out of school at a young age and joined the society. "I have something to do tonight. Please ask the driver to pick you up and go home."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, "But didn't you just go to the supermarket to buy me meat fillings and want to go home to make dumplings?"

Faintly, she heard some noisy voices and casual words from the other party's silent receiver.

"Hey, are you planning to call your girlfriend for help?"

Before she could say anything else, Fei Jinzhao told her to go home and hung up the phone.

Today, two people like to hang up on her phone!

Jiang Nuannuan held the phone for a long time and bit her red lips. No matter how much she thought about it, she felt that Fei Jinzhao was very strange. Combined with the words that Lu Qing had just run up to him and dropped without a clue, a huge possibility appeared. in the mind.

Her expression suddenly became ugly.

Fei Jinzhao is likely to be blocked by those social people who don't learn well!That flowing sound is definitely it!
He must have had an accident when he came to pick her up on the way from school. Jiang Nuannuan pushed back the strap of her schoolbag, opened her legs and ran in the direction of No. [-] Middle School.

He must be on this necessary road, and she might be able to find him!

(End of this chapter)

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