Chapter 507 Fei Jin calls (11)

Fei Jinzhao put the vegetable bag in his hand on the ground and looked at the three teenagers in front of him calmly.

His mood remained calm, and the opponent's attempt to intimidate him with a stick was in vain.

"You are the one who ruined one of Lu Qing's skirts and embarrassed her, right? You just tied up a rich man's Phoenix Man?"

Under the moonlight, there was a silver glow on the boy's head, and the shadow cast by his broken hair blocked his eyes.

"It's me." He answered simply, not feeling embarrassed by his bad reputation.

The boy standing in the middle hit him on the shoulder with a stick and said rudely: "The incident in the club made everyone unhappy at that time. In the final analysis, it is your fault. You go to Lu Qing School to apologize to people in person, bow and ask for help." Forgive me, let this matter be over."

Fei Jin summoned the intention to delay for some time, took two steps back and retreated into the shadow of the alley, "She instigated you to take revenge on me."

"This is not called revenge, this is called taking out your anger on your girlfriend, do you understand?"

The boy pretended to wave the stick at his face, and barely touched the tip of his nose. Ordinary people would have been frightened by such treatment, but Fei Jinzhao didn't even blink, and was as heavy as a piece of stagnant water.

"Are you a piece of wood?"

When the boy met his indifferent gaze, he was unconsciously frightened. He tightened his grip on the stick in his hand, and the words in his mouth became more rude and irritated, "Do you understand what the hell you are saying? Just nod if you understand." , If you don’t understand, I’ll beat you and go home to find your mother!”

Fei Jinzhao finally said: "You go ahead and fight."

It was almost time, and he thought the person he was waiting for would come soon.

I have never seen someone so calm like him!
The three teenagers looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to deal with this person who was acting out of common sense.

Fei Jinzhao unzipped her school uniform, rolled up her sleeves, and exposed her arms with smooth muscle lines formed by years of work, "Don't waste my precious time anymore, I won't apologize."

His time is precious, and theirs is trash, right?
Boys in mixed society, especially in their teenage years, hate being insinuated that they are a piece of trash.

Anger bubbled up, and the boy in the middle swung his stick and hit him with curses.

Jiang Nuannuan had never worked so hard during the 800-meter test. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest as she ran so fast. She ran through two openings in a row without finding anyone. However, she found a handful of fallen objects at a fork in the road. When the green onions came out, she bent down to pick them up and found that the name of the nearest supermarket was printed on the tape tied on them.

Jiang Nuannuan casually stuffed the green onion into the grid used to hold water cups in her schoolbag, and hurriedly walked on another road.

The faint sounds of fighting and yelling gradually became clearer, and she knew she had found the place where the incident occurred. She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the police call while walking.

There were a number of rusty battery cars parked in the dark dead end. In front of the car, two teenagers surrounded Fei Jin, and another one acted as a sentry guarding the side.

Jiang Nuannuan's look of calling the police caught the other person's eyes. She clenched her phone and looked into the alley.

Fei Jinzhao also saw her, his eyes were blank for a moment, and he was accidentally punched in the face. His head turned to one side, and the angle of his jaw suddenly became particularly clear.

"Fei Jinzhao!"

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly became worried and said angrily to the three teenagers: "I've already called the police! Don't stop!"

Originally, this sentence was enough to intimidate people, but I didn't know what was going on with the two teenagers surrounding Fei Jinzhao. They always pulled his pants and clothes, and used fists in their hands to fight fiercely.

"You dare to record it, right? Hand it over!"

"Hand it over! Or I'll beat the hell out of you!"

Fei Jinzhao was in a defensive state from beginning to end, and seemed to be somewhat defeated by the opponent's four hands.

He just glanced at Jiang Nuannuan.

From the beginning to now, his emotions finally had extra waves because of the girl's intrusion.

The leading boy knew how to get back the recording in his hand, turned around and rushed towards Jiang Nuannuan.

Fei Jinzhao's expression turned cold, and his original defensive posture suddenly became fierce. He grabbed a person's stick with one hand, kicked his leg bone, threw the person aside and chased after him.

Jiang Nuannuan was ready to dodge, but Fei Jinzhao moved faster than her. She grabbed the boy's hair with her fingers, wrapped her elbow around his neck and pushed him back.

The suffocation at that moment almost made the other person think that his neck would be broken directly, but Fei Jinzhao restrained his movements in time, pushed him away and pulled Jiang Nuannuan to protect him behind him.

He was panting, his hair was messy with sweat, his shoulders were rising and falling, and he held Jiang Nuannuan's hand so tightly that she could almost feel the heat and heartbeat rushing over him. "Didn't I ask you to go home?"

He tilted his head and his tone was hoarse.

Jiang Nuannuan could just see the wounds on his face and said anxiously: "I'm very worried about you."

Fei Jinzhao was slightly startled, but fell silent.

There was someone to protect behind him. When the other person tried to attack again, he finally stopped restraining himself. He grabbed one person's arm, raised his foot to put the other person's arm, snatched the stick and pulled it back, causing the other person to scream in pain. I don’t understand why he suddenly beats people up so hard.

In just a short while, the police car from the nearby police station also arrived. When the three of them realized that something was wrong and wanted to run away, they were surrounded by several policemen and stopped them. They were all taken to the police station together.

On the way, Fei Jinzhao gently held Jiang Nuannuan's hand, "Wait a minute, I dropped something inside."

She was led by him into the alley, and when she saw the supermarket shopping bags on the ground, her heartstrings were plucked again.

Taking out the handful of green onions from the grid and stuffing them into the shopping bag, Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and said to him, "I picked it up after it fell out of the bag."

Fei Jinzhao nodded and took her out, "You picked it up yourself, and you can also eat the dumpling seasoning with onions."

His fingers were trembling. Jiang Nuannuan held his hands and comforted her softly: "It's okay, Fei Jinzhao, don't be afraid. If it hurts, we'll apply medicine when we get back later."

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and responded in a low voice.

He wasn't afraid or in pain, it was just the excitement of getting her full attention and succeeding.

The five people were taken to the police station in two cars and their parents were contacted.

The parents of the three problem teenagers were called. Jiang Nuannuan's parents couldn't be reached on the phone. She hadn't gotten through to them all day.

However, as a passing caller, she had little to do with this incident. It didn't matter if the parents didn't come. It was just that she felt a little confused in her heart. She didn't understand what happened to them and what they needed to hide from her.

She held her cell phone and walked to Fei Jinzhao and sat down, "Do you have any family members coming?"

"No, grandma is not in good health. There is no need to tell her about this. I will handle it myself today."

He shook his head and took off his school uniform. The white short-sleeved collar underneath was a little damp and lay close to his chest, outlining the vaguely healthy muscle curves.

Jiang Nuannuan only glanced at it and then withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and smiled, revealing the shallow dimples on both sides, "What a coincidence, I don't have anyone to deal with this matter today. My parents can't get through on the phone, so I'll stay with you. alright."

Fei Jinzhao turned to look at her, with the corners of her lips slightly raised. The bruises and scratches on her cheekbones combined with the smile on his cold features gave her a sense of vulnerability, which perfectly hit Jiang Nuannuan's heart. .

She moved her eyes away in embarrassment. Fei Jinzhao, who was beside her, reached out and touched her wrist lightly with his fingertips, "Does it hurt?"

He held her too tightly just now, and her tender skin still has a little red mark on it.

Jiang Nuannuan's ears were a little red, "It doesn't hurt."

The hand that was gently rubbing her wrist was taken away after the policeman came in. She silently covered the place where he had touched with her palm, feeling that it was particularly itchy.

Fei Jinzhao handed over his mobile phone. Before he had a fight with the three problem teenagers, he secretly recorded the audio of the conversation.

The obvious direction is that Lu Qing, a girl who is about to take the college entrance examination, is in a relationship with a troubled boy outside school, and she is trying to get him to retaliate and beat him. The reason for all this also involves a student going to an adult club to spend money. thing.

Be aware that this is absolutely prohibited in school.

That night, the police called Lu Qing's parents and the school. This was a serious matter and they needed to check whether there were any violations in the club.

It was a bad night. Fei Jinzhao was too lazy to wait here. He picked up his clothes and stood up. He only said: "I will not forgive you for beating people. When you find out everything, I will find a lawyer to contact the other party." of."

He lowered his head and looked at Jiang Nuannuan, "Should I take you home, or do you go home with me?"

Tonight is destined to be a special night.

The girl who always went home on time every day thought for a moment, then held his hand hanging on one side and said, "I'll go home with you."

(End of this chapter)

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