Chapter 509 Fei Jin calls (13)

She took a bath very slowly, and when Fei Jinzhao came back with the bag, there was still the sound of water in the bathroom.

He placed the bag at the door and knocked.

As soon as the sound of water stopped, Jiang Nuannuan leaned against the door and asked, "Are you back?"

"The things were left at the door."

Fei Jinzhao took two steps back and placed the midnight snack she bought on the table, "wash it and come out to eat."

Not long after he sat down on the sofa, he saw a wet arm stretched out, grabbing the bag and returning.

Jiang Nuannuan, who originally planned to put the dirty clothes back on for the night, was shocked when she looked at the brand new nightgown and underwear in the bag.

He actually went out to buy this for her.

The nightdress also suits her liking after being unfolded and put on. The white cotton skirt has small strawberries printed on it, which is very cute.

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door and came out, looking at the young man who was sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for her. Half of the floor heating lamp beside the sofa was shining on his shoulders. The warm and healing scene made her feel like something was about to burst out of her heart. .

Jiang Nuannuan walked over, held her skirt with her fingers and sat down next to him. Looking at the spicy mushroom soup in front of her, she couldn't help but ask: "Have you ever had a girlfriend? I'm talking about the past."

Fei Jinzhao looked calm and handed her the chopsticks, "No."

I have never had a girlfriend, but I know how to buy her pajamas and even close-fitting clothes, even the size is correct.
Jiang Nuannuan clenched her chopsticks, "Have you read the campus forum recently?"

Fei Jinzhao: "I don't have time to watch."

"That Rong Zhao, do you dislike her very much?"

He paused, wondering why she suddenly mentioned her, but he still explained to her, "I don't like the girl next door very much."

Jiang Nuannuan put some vegetables into the bowl and ate it, "So when you told her that you had someone you liked, was it also a lie?"

With their current level of acquaintance, the drama of falling in love at first sight is not as good as the ambiguity that arises in a gradual process.

Fei Jinzhao hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and Li Duo said, "So am I the first girl you buy pajamas and the first girl to live in your house?"

He glanced at her and pursed his lips slightly, "Don't make that expression. This is not something worth publicizing."

"Really?" She put a beef ball in the bowl and handed it to his mouth. Her almond-shaped eyes were crooked, as if she wanted to force him to speak.

Fei Jinzhao tilted her head back slightly, lowered her long eyelashes, glanced at the floor, and said in a calm voice with helplessness, "Yeah."

"Then you eat a beef ball."

Jiang Nuannuan moved closer to him, smiling.

"Stop it."

"Eat one and I won't bother you anymore."

She acted a little coquettishly that she didn't even know, and she didn't know how much Fei Jinzhao wanted to destroy her in the eyes of Fei Jinzhao.

The boy's thin lips were slightly opened, and he bit the greasy and juicy meatball. His lips covered the chopsticks, and the tip of his tongue quietly licked it.

Unexpectedly, he also took his own chopsticks into his mouth. Jiang Nuannuan blinked and her heart pounded.

So good, so good and beautiful.

Until she finished her supper, Fei Jinzhao was still sitting quietly next to her, but she didn't know when she had a book in her hand, leaning to the side with a focused expression. "Fei Jinzhao."

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly pressed down on the sofa on the outside of his thighs and leaned halfway over.

The young man took a moment to look away from the book, with a faint shadow of eyelashes sweeping across his eyes.


Jiang Nuannuan boldly raised her hand and moved his vest back to its original position. The back of one finger seemed to accidentally brush against the red plum blossoms.

The young man's body suddenly trembled, his maroon pupils shrank, and he looked at her in disbelief.

The latter didn't seem to notice his stiff expression, and patted his chest with his little hand, speaking in a normal tone, and did a trivial and convenient thing.

"You're showing off a little bit, so be careful next time."

Fei Jin called: "."

She could actually say that she couldn't help but eat tofu more openly.

Looking at the roots of his ears and neck that were gradually turning red, and the way he was staring straight at her, Jiang Nuannuan felt a little embarrassed.

But the more shameful she is, the bolder she becomes.

"I see there is only one room here. If I sleep in your bedroom, where will you sleep?"

He put down the book and stood up, adjusting the position of his vest, "Sofa."

After tidying up the garbage on the table, Fei Jinzhao carried it outside the door.

The pendulum on the wall has also reached 01:30.

After eating and drinking, sleepiness swept over her, and she stopped thinking about teasing Fei Jinzhao. Jiang Nuannuan yawned, went to the toilet to wash up, and rolled onto Fei Jinzhao's bed.

There is a small air conditioner inside, and the quilt and body are filled with a strong smell of lavender.

It was like being held in his arms, an extremely reassuring smell.

This excitement lasted for about 10 minutes. The girl curled up in the quilt fell into sleep and became quiet.

Fei Jinzhao, who had been sitting alone outside for a while, walked to the window sill and clicked on her phone.

It was a message from Rong Zhao. There were several messages in a row, asking him why he hadn't been home in the past few days. She had something to say to him.

Fei Jinzhao deleted this string of text messages with a swipe of her finger, threw the number into the blacklist, got up and walked to the toilet to wash up.

A few minutes later, he walked into the bedroom, looked at the two exposed long legs on the bed, walked over at a relatively leisurely pace and squatted down on the side of the bed.

Half of the beloved girl's face was buried in his pillow, her hair was messy, and her arms were hanging outside.

Fei Jinzhao held her little hand and played with it for a while. She seemed to be bored, so she whimpered softly and changed from side to lying down, withdrew the arm that had been harassed and put it on her lower abdomen.

A low chuckle seemed to come from her ears. Jiang Nuannuan closed her eyes sleepily and did not move. Her cheeks were gently stroked by rough fingers, and her ears were lightly rubbed.

"I've let you have enough fun before, now you help me."

"Good night."

The young man left slowly with a comfortable body and closed the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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