Chapter 510 Fei Jin calls (14)

After Jiang Nuannuan woke up, she felt that her wrists were sore and her mouth was dry. Something was wrong.

She felt that she had had a good sleep after a dreamless night. This kind of soreness after doing physical work for a long time was really strange.

Maybe the bed board was too hard. She didn't think much about it, and she didn't notice that there was a faint different smell in the room.

The soundproofing of the houses in the old community is not very good, and even the slightest sound of chopping meat in the kitchen can be transmitted to the bedroom.

Jiang Nuannuan lifted the quilt and got out of bed, yawned and walked slowly through the living room and outside the kitchen.

Fei Jinzhao was still wearing the vest and pants from last night, and a black apron, lowering her head to chop meat on the chopping board.

Jiang Nuannuan: "What are you doing?"

Fei Jinzhao turned her head when she heard the sound, "I'm chopping meat. Did it wake you up?"

She shook her head, walked in and saw the dumpling wrappers prepared nearby, "Of course I woke up, do you want to make dumplings?"

"Yeah." He lowered his head again, leaving her with a nice profile, "Don't you want to eat?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "I'm going to wash up first and I'll help you later."


In fact, she walked to the toilet, called Xu Jie, and told her that she was staying overnight, and asked her to help cover up if her mother called her at that time.

Hearing that she stayed at Li Jinzhao's house last night, Xu Jie sat on the bed and barked like a marmot.

"You guys had sex?! Is it going so fast!"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but put her ear away from the phone, and waited until she finished calling before placing it again to tell her no.

"What's going on? I always pay attention to this flower of the high mountains, but I have never heard of him taking girls home to spend the night in his school. What on earth did you do?"

Jiang Nuannuan was actually a little curious herself. Fei Jinzhao's various behaviors towards her seemed to be unique and no one else had done it before.

Is this kind of service really what creditors should be treated with?

She also felt that she could talk about it, so she told Xu Jie about what happened recently and his various attentive behaviors towards her.

After Xu Jie listened blankly, she realized that the school sweetheart described by her friend was completely different from the person she knew from others.

"No man, no 18-year-old boy, will cook for you. Even if you are his creditor, he only needs to pay you back in installments. In the end, there is no need for him to catch up. I’m here to serve you.”

Speaking of this, Xu Jie was a little confused again, "Do you really care about your money? Is the flower of the high mountain the Phoenix Man they call you?"

Jiang Nuannuan denied it directly, "No, I believe him."

If he was really that kind of person, just because of his face, he would have been cut off by another woman long before he met her.

Xu Jie was silent for a while and then came up with a possibility, "I read in a book that men are very tough-mouthed. They say they don't like you, but in fact they like you very much. What's the common name for you?"

Jiang Nuannuan answered her words: "Mensao."

Xu Jie: "Yes!"

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly understood. According to Fei Jinzhao's temper, this term is indeed appropriate.

"Stop talking, I'll hang up first."

"Why are you going? Let's have a meal together at noon? Can you tell me more about it?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "No, Fei Jinzhao is making dumplings in the kitchen. I'm going to help him."

Xu Jie looked at the hung up phone and murmured in shock, "Did this ungrateful young lady just say she wanted to enter the kitchen?"

After washing up, Jiang Nuannuan walked into the kitchen with her slippers on.

Fei Jinzhao had already prepared the meat filling. She came close to him and said, "Let me make dumplings with you. I haven't made them yet."

He nodded, got everything ready, sat down on the sofa in the living room with the minced meat, and turned on the TV.

"See what?"

"Just order any movie."

Jiang Nuannuan took a piece of dumpling wrapper and waited for him to wrap two first, while she learned how to order it next to her.

Fei Jinzhao placed a piece of dumpling wrapper in the palm of his hand, scooped out a spoonful of meat filling, and slowed down his movements in front of her to teach her.

What he makes is the simplest style. Put the meat in water, fold it in half and pinch it tightly. You can do it like a fool at a glance.Jiang Nuannuan learned how to make two, and became a little interested. Thinking of the Xiao Long Bao that she often eats at home, she randomly pinched a few small pocket buns and put them in the palm of her hand to show off in front of Fei Jinzhao.

"How about it?"

This seemed to be played by a 10-year-old kid next door. Fei Jinzhao raised his hand to help her pinch the opening a little tighter. His fingertips rubbed against her palm and put the bun into the tray. He breathed lightly and said, "First Do this for the first time.”

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Do you think I'm naive?"

Fei Jinzhao was silent, "Keep pinching, just keep your breakfast for today."

Jiang Nuannuan was inspired and became curious. She pinched seven or eight strange dumplings. Some looked like steamed buns, some looked like leaves with openings at the joints, and some had bulging belly.

Little half an hour passed before I knew it.

At 9:[-] a.m., her family called her. It was the nanny, asking her if she had returned from her classmate's house.

Jiang Nuannuan stood outside the kitchen and looked at Fei Jinzhao, who was quietly cooking dumplings. Her relaxed expression slowly dimmed, "Mom and dad are home?"

"My wife is already at the company. She worked overtime last night and didn't come back. Today is too busy. Let me call the lady and ask. If I can't make it back in time in the morning, how about coming back for lunch? "

"I won't go back, I have to go shopping."

Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone.

The hot steam from the boiling hot water hit her eyes. Fei Jinzhao's eyelashes were moistened. She leaned her neck back and took a small step back to get the dishes and seasonings.

The dumplings were divided into two pots, and the odd part was cooked in a separate pot.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't understand why Fei Jinzhao cooked them separately at first. She felt that he didn't like the weird things he made that affected his appetite. He didn't want to eat hers, so he separated them. Look at the dumplings he made himself, each with thin skin and full flesh. It's very beautiful floating on the water.

She pursed her lips, but didn't say anything in the end. She went to the living room and took two pieces of paper and patted his neck, "Wipe the sweat yourself."

Fei Jinzhao turned around and watched her go out without looking back, her tone also angrily.

Did the family mess with her?

He took off the paper attached to his neck, paused, wiped his sweat and threw it into the trash can.

Jiang Nuannuan held her chin in her hands and watched Fei Jinzhao bring out two bowls of dumplings. To be honest, for a moment, she didn't really want to eat the monsters she made.

A bowl of soup dumplings that were too normal and had some sauce was placed in front of me, with a handful of chopped green onions sprinkled on top.

Not one of them was made by herself.

She was stunned for a moment, and looked at Fei Jinzhao's bowl opposite. After boiling, the strange dumplings she made had many openings, and the minced meat was separated from the skin. They looked ugly and unpalatable.

Fei Jinzhao ignored her slightly twitching gaze, put the vinegar bottle in front of her, and said softly: "The dumpling skin is so thick that it is hard to cook, and it is easy to crack, so we divide the pots."

He knew early on that she wouldn't eat the little monster he made, and he didn't want the minced meat to get all over the soup pot, so he simply cooked it separately and ate it himself.

He neither reminded Jiang Nuannuan, indulged her interest, nor let her eat a bad dumpling, but wrapped them all up himself.

Understanding Fei Jinzhao's intention and tolerance, Jiang Nuannuan poured out the vinegar, picked up the spoon, and pursed her lips, "Why don't we switch over? It was originally my bag."

"Eat, aren't you going shopping at noon?"

Jiang Nuannuan moved her lips, and finally lowered her head to eat the bowl of fragrant soup dumplings.

She is still self-aware in other people's homes, and she has to at least share some of the work, such as washing dishes.

But after Fei Jin collected the dishes and chopsticks, she directly stuffed a bottle of after-dinner milk into her hand and said, "Go and sit down."

Jiang Nuannuan held the bottle and stood there, listening to the sound of water in the kitchen. She pursed her lips and walked over.

"Fei Jinzhao."

The girl's voice behind him was soft, and the boy tilted his head and responded softly.


"I also think the word "support" is insulting to you."

"Well, you are my creditor." The young man said quietly.

"I'm not a creditor, I just suddenly want to fall in love with you."

Jiang Nuannuan stood by the door, looking at the water in the pool that was being washed away, her stiff arms, "Are we in love? A serious kind of thing."

(End of this chapter)

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