Chapter 512 Fei Jin calls (16)

Her ability to seduce people has never changed at all no matter which time she goes through her life.

Fei Jinzhao's mouth felt dry, and the heat rising from her body made the scent of lavender all over her body become richer.

The tip of his tongue pressed hard against the roof of his mouth, and his lips gently licked it, bringing up a patch of moisture.


"Are you already as interested in me as I am when you first met me?" She smiled more and more happily, her eyes widened, and she got closer.

It was much earlier than she thought. Fei Jin felt her throat rolling and couldn't help but clasp the finger that was constantly rubbing on the back of her hand into her palm.

He didn't answer, but his ears turned red.

This look of a bully boy made Jiang Nuannuan even more excited, "Then I will be your girlfriend. Can we do a lot of things now?"

Fei Jinzhao's body froze, and her chestnut eyes were full of emotions. What do you want to do? "

In the past, he would have scolded her that as a girl, she should know shame, but now he has two lifetimes of love and desire hidden in his body, making him lose control and sink just by listening to her teasing.

When his reason and desire were torn apart, the girl's warm palm pressed against his cheek.

"We'll talk about it later. Have you taken your medicine today? Go get it and I'll give you the medicine before we go out."

His prepared attitude made her seem like she was going to do something bad. Jiang Nuannuan felt funny in her heart. She bent down and took the ointment that was casually placed here last night on the coffee table. She took the opportunity to hold his wrist and said, "Sit over here."

"I actually didn't want to go shopping, I just didn't want to go home." Jiang Nuannuan held the cotton swab to apply medicine to him, her eyes fell on his clean, but obviously missing old T-shirt that was several sizes too big. Then he changed his mind and said, "But I'm interested in the place where you often go shopping. Can you take me there?"

Fei Jinzhao looked at her, "Yeah."

Jiang Nuannuan still got on his bicycle and was taken to a long street in the old city that she had never set foot on, but was the most frequented by ordinary people in this area.

Fei Jinzhao found a place to lock the bicycle, turned back to look for someone, and saw Jiang Nuannuan standing in the middle of the flow of people with curious eyes, and walked back.

"Where do you want to start?"

"I don't know." She turned her head to look at him, pressed her hand on her chest, and said with an incomprehensible expression, "I seem to have been here before."

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes, "Why are you here?"

The average price of clothes here is less than a hundred, and the little things sold here are all wholesale from the cheap commodity city. Logically speaking, Jiang, who has always lived a luxurious life, even looked down upon the shopping street Xu Jie went to. Nuannuan, it is indeed impossible to come here.

But she just felt inexplicably familiar, as if she had been here before.

When did it come?

She took a few steps forward and looked at the obviously cheap clothes in the window, as well as the blue and white jeans wrapped around the model.

She suddenly turned around and looked at Fei Jinzhao, who had not followed but was still standing in the crowd of people and looking at her quietly, and the feeling of familiarity became stronger.

"Fei Jinzhao." She couldn't help calling him.

Hearing this, the young man walked up to her, his hands hanging by his side, "Yes."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him for a while, wanting to say that she felt like she had been with him before, but such words sounded like a very bad way to pick up a conversation. She pursed her lips and lowered her eyes to fall on his slender hands. I sighed inwardly.never mind.

It was already abrupt enough when he said he was in love. If an acquaintance found him holding his hand in the street again and posted it on the campus network, it would really cement his reputation as a Phoenix man. They were not in the same school, and she had no idea what he would do next. Will campus life be hard? I believe that a cold-blooded person like him would not like to get into all these unnecessary troubles.

After enduring it, Jiang Nuannuan suppressed her desire to hold hands with him, and just turned the corner and walked to the clothing store she had just taken a look at, "Go in and have a look."

Fei Jinzhao walked behind her, watching her standing in the middle of a row of men's T-shirts, looking left and right, turning around to compare with him from time to time.

"Go and try." Jiang Nuannuan put the few items he wanted to choose into his hand.

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips and said, "There are a lot of clothes at home."

"This is also my first time in love, and I want to give you a gift." Jiang Nuannuan said, "And the things are very cheap. When we go on summer vacation, you can buy them for me when you work."

There was only one month left before their entrance examination, and time passed quickly.

Fei Jinzhao took the clothes and went in to change. When she came out, because of her superior figure and facial features, she just stood by the window of the store and gave people outside the illusion that the store's patterns and quality were really good, attracting people. Many aunts buy men's clothing for their children.

Jiang Nuannuan also held a few pairs of good-fitting jeans in her hands and handed them to him, "Change into them."

Fei Jinzhao looked a little weird, "Do I need to buy pants too?"

She nodded matter-of-factly, "You're already old."

He now has a lot of money for games and investments, but he never shows up in public, and he still retains his previous habits in personal dressing. More importantly, he expects that this will get her attention, and she is indeed attracted by it. Attracted, he tried to become a beam of light into his dark and barren life just like before.

Fei Jinzhao went back in and changed into a pair of blue and white slim jeans.

His legs were very long, and his loose black T-shirt hung down to cover half of his hips, but it could not block the golden proportions of his nine-headed body. His bulging chest undulated against the cheap thin cotton material, and the outline of his chest muscles was vaguely visible.

"Is that okay?" Fei Jinzhao walked up to her and looked at the girl in the mirror. Her eyes were almost glued to him, and her admiring expression did not restrain her body.


She raised the corners of her lips, straightened his slightly crooked collar, raised her head and repeated, "It looks good!"

The lady boss next to him kept praising him for his handsomeness. When the two of them went to check out, they even gave him a big discount, hoping that they would come to take care of her business in the future.

Fei Jin called to change out of it, but Jiang Nuannuan held his wrist and said, "Just wear it like this and wash it when you go back at night."

His eyes fell on her hands and he nodded.

It was almost lunch time, and there were a lot more people on weekends. Jiang Nuannuan walked down the steps from the door and entered WeChat messages on her phone. As she walked, she lowered her head to check, and was greeted by someone walking towards her. The same old man who was looking down at his cell phone bumped into him.

Fei Jinzhao grabbed her waist and brought her into his arms. The bag in his hand patted her thigh and shook it.

"Watch the road." He reminded in a deep voice.

Jiang Nuannuan was shocked for a moment while holding her phone, "Sorry, it was my mother who sent me the message."

Fei Jinzhao let go of her waist, changed the bag to a handle, held her wrist, and pulled her forward without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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