Chapter 513 Li Jinzhao (16)

Fei Jinzhao let go of her waist, changed the bag to a handle, held her wrist, and pulled her forward without saying a word.

Jiang Nuannuan followed him and touched his arm, "I'll meet your classmates here, is that okay?"

Fei Jinzhao glanced at her and said, "You don't want people to know."

"No." She shook her head decisively, "I want to hold hands with you."

The young man's eyebrows were slightly relaxed, his fingers slid down, slipped into the gap in her palm, and held tightly.


The heart in his chest was always beating out of order. Jiang Nuannuan exhaled and couldn't suppress the smile on his lips.

Jiang's mother sent a WeChat message asking her to go home early for dinner in the evening. Maybe her strange worries before were really unnecessary.

Recently, Rong Zhao always thought about going to Fei Jin to discuss the matter between the two of them. After such a long time, she also realized that according to his cold and self-centered temper, what he said at that time was entirely possible. Because she was bothering him all the time, she deliberately spread those rumors.

In fact, she just wanted to tell him openly that she liked him, and hoped to go to the same university and date him after graduation.

She came to the street today and stood in front of a vendor selling walnut bracelets to choose from. The bracelets cost 100 yuan each and had a small jade bead on them that could be engraved with her name.

Rong Zhao wanted to buy it and give it to Fei Jinzhao as an apology. He hoped that the two could reconcile and that he could tell her face to face that he was just talking out of anger.

Seeing the hesitation on her face, the boss smiled and said, "I have a lot of older girls like you here to buy couple bracelets."

Rong Zhao's cheeks turned red and he quickly waved his hand and said, "I just want to buy one as a gift to a friend."

Seeing that there was something going on, the boss further promoted: "Many people come to buy two strings from me. The names of both parties are interchanged and worn on the wrist, which means long-term, loving and loving. If the little girl wants to give it to the person she likes, buy two strings. , wear one yourself.”

Rong Zhao imagined the scene of Li Jinzhao putting it on, and his heart moved. He gritted his teeth and paid 200 yuan.

She picked up the beautiful little gift box and held it with both hands, with a smile on her face. She turned around and planned to go out from this street and go home for lunch.

Fei Jinzhao, who was holding a piece of stinky tofu in her hand, suddenly came into Rong Zhao's sight. She immediately retracted her steps to leave, her eyes brightened, and she walked quickly towards him. She also walked towards him along the way. Because of the crowded flow of people, my shoulders were bumped back and forth several times, making me look a little embarrassed.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and picked out the animal ceramics in the small grid. Each one was only the size of a thumb and was a zodiac bracelet. Each small animal looked cute.

Fei Jinzhao said that she was born in the year of the rat, and she happened to be in the year of the tiger. She took a chubby little tiger and tied it with a red string, put it on his wrist and compared it, "How about one for each of us?" "

His wrists are clean, and the red rope and the little tiger stand out perfectly against it.

The more Jiang Nuannuan looked at it, the more she liked it, "Do you want to buy it?"

Fei Jinzhao looked down at her acting coquettishly, her throat moved slightly, "You want it very much?"

"I want it." She shook his arm, "It's only 20 yuan a piece."

In fact, the cost of this kind of thing is only a few cents. The boss is too much to kill the pig. Fei Jinzhao knew it and handed her the wrist, "Put it on, I will pay for it."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked and looked up at him, "Is that okay?"

Has she carefully considered that 40 yuan is a large sum for him?
Fei Jinzhao was a little helpless, "You can have whatever you want, just wear it for me."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't take his indulgent words to heart yet. She was in a very good mood. She put them on for him with crooked eyes, and then extended her socks to him, "Help me."

Fei Jinzhao temporarily put down the things in his hands, turned around, took the bracelet and put it on her, when Rong Zhao's greeting came from behind. "Fei Jinzhao, you haven't been home for the past two days, are you living on campus? What are you here to buy?"

As she approached, she also saw clearly the stall where he was, as well as the clothes bag temporarily placed nearby, "Are you here to buy clothes? But are you also interested in bracelets? Just right, I"

Rong Zhao lost her voice only halfway through her words, and her expression seemed frozen in place.

When Fei Jinzhao turned around, she also exposed Jiang Nuannuan who was blocking her side. Her hand was still in his palm, and there was a tiger bracelet on it that was exactly the same as the one on his arm.

Ignoring Rong Zhao's emotional collapse, he calmly took out his mobile phone to pay the merchant and responded calmly: "I'm here to buy something."

The hands of the two loosened their grip. Jiang Nuannuan wanted to get the stinky tofu. Fei Jinzhao put down her phone and handed the stinky tofu to her while lifting the shopping bag next to her.

Rong Zhao looked at the two of them being so intimate, and the bracelet he just spent two hundred on seemed like a joke.

She turned pale, "Are you really together? Didn't you deliberately make up a lie to tell me because I always annoy you?"

Jiang Nuannuan subconsciously paid attention to Li Jinzhao, and he gently put his hand on her shoulder, "I don't lie."

It's true, he really fell in love with a girl from a rich family because of money.

The Phoenix man on the forum is real.

Rong Zhao's eyes were moist, as if he was in great pain. He turned around and pushed away the crowd and ran away, the ponytail on the back of his head swaying violently.

Jiang Nuannuan bumped his waist with her arm, "You use me as a shield every time. I will charge you for getting out of the car."

Fei Jinzhao frowned slightly, "Why should I use you as a shield?"

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned.

When she first learned about this from their school forum, her first thought was that Fei Jinzhao was using her as a shield to reject other girls. They were not together at that time. Now that she is saying this, with the change of identity, it really doesn’t matter. So suitable.

After listening to Jiang Nuannuan's words, Fei Jinzhao just called her by her first and last name, and then said, "Jiang Nuannuan, I don't lie."

After walking out of the long street with him, finishing all the stinky tofu in his hand and throwing it into the trash can, Jiang Nuannuan finally thought about it and realized that the sweetheart he said at the beginning was really her.

Her feelings really weren't wrong.

Love at first sight sometimes goes both ways.

Fei Jin called her to the intersection and said, "Go back."

Jiang Nuannuan came to her senses and tugged on his sleeves, "I'll go to school tomorrow. Don't forget to pick me up tonight."

"Yes." His eyes were soft, and he couldn't help but touch her cheek, and then quickly put down his hand restrainedly, "Let the driver pick you up."

Waiting until a nanny car stopped in front of him, the driver recognized Fei Jinzhao, the young teacher who had recently been recruited by Jiang Nuannuan at home. Thinking that the two had just met, he didn't think much, opened the door and asked the young lady to get in.

Before leaving, thinking that her identity as a fake daughter would soon be exposed, Fei Jin said, "If you have any questions, please contact me."

Jiang Nuannuan was lying at the window, smiling and asking, "Are you okay?"

He replied: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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