Chapter 514 Fei Jin calls (17)

Rong Zhao cried all the way back to Shili Alley. When he looked down, he found that the bracelet bag he had spent a lot of money to buy was missing one piece. He probably dropped it halfway, as if he had lost all the years of his youth that he loved Fei Jinzhao with him. .

She was even more sad, turned around and walked out of the alley to find it back, and happened to bump into Grandma Fei who had just visited a neighbor's house.

The two of them bumped into each other. The old man held her wrist and saw who it was. He wiped her tears and asked with concern: "It's Zhao Zhao. What's wrong with you when you're walking in such a hurry? Who bullied you?"

Rong Zhao choked, looked at the kind-faced Grandma Fei for a long time, and actually cried and said to her: "Fei Jinzhao owes a lot of money outside, and he is forced to be with the female creditor who owes the money. What should I do? grandmother! "

Grandma Fei was stunned for a moment, looking slightly panicked, "Tell me slowly, how much do you owe?"

Rong Zhao lowered his head and wiped his tears, shrugging his shoulders, "A few, maybe tens of thousands. He hasn't been back for the past two days to deal with this matter."

Grandma Fei digested the matter for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was impossible. Her grandson told her that he rented a house near the school so that he could tutor the little girl he cared about. This was different from Rong Zhao. It's completely different.

"Are you telling the truth? Zhaozhao?" The old man put down the hand that wiped her tears, but still gave her a chance to tell the truth.

Rong Zhao's tearful eyes met Grandma Fei's clear gaze, his heart skipped a beat, and he said firmly: "Yes, it's true."

She also took out her mobile phone, opened the campus forum and turned to the post that almost scolded Fei Jin for calling Phoenix Man to the [-]th floor, "If you don't believe me, I'll show it to you."

Grandma Fei lowered her head and took a quick glance and found that this was indeed the case.

Although she felt reassured about her grandson and knew that he was the most capable person, she was still a little worried that such slander and negative comments appeared in their school and would definitely have an impact on him.

After returning the phone, Grandma Fei wiped her tears again and said, "I know, thank you Zhaozhao for caring so much about Jingzhao. I'll go find him and ask him when I have time."

Rong Zhao helped Grandma Fei return home. I don't know when there was an aunt in this old house. She was cooking in an apron. When the old man came back, she warmly greeted her to rest.

Fei Jin called the poor family and asked her to just think of it as a good neighbor nearby to help take care of the elderly.

She stood at the door and did not go in again. She held the door panel with her hand and said, "Grandma Fei, that girl comes from a wealthy family. People like us can't afford to offend, so it's best to stay away. I really hope you can I would like to advise Fei Jinzhao, if you are really short of money, I can ask your parents to lend you some."

Grandma Fei nodded, "I know, will Zhao Zhao stay for lunch?"

Her parents had always looked down on Fei Jinzhao's family, and didn't like her contact with them. Rong Zhao shook his head, "I'll go home to eat, and my parents are still waiting for me."

Jiang Nuannuan's parents didn't show anything strange in front of her. When everyone came back to have dinner together in the evening, Jiang's mother just announced something casually like a trivial matter.

"Nuan Nuan, your father's friend's daughter is coming to stay here for a few days tomorrow. Go and tidy up the empty bedroom next to you later. It's full of clothes you don't wear."

Jiang Nuannuan looked confused, "Isn't it okay for guests to stay in the guest room? What are you doing in the utility room where I use to pile clothes?"

Jiang's mother and Jiang's father looked at each other, and for a while they couldn't make up a reason to excuse her.

Later Jiang's father said: "Something happened at home and she will come to stay for a long time."

She was in a better mood just now because her parents brought her a brand-name bag when they came back, but now she is in a bad mood again.

She picked up her chopsticks and said, "You really have something to hide from me. You can stay in the guest room for a long time, right? Don't touch my room. "

Why do you have to live next door to her?
Strictly speaking, that room was the master bedroom that was vacant for her to use. It was full of her things, and it was very troublesome to pack it up.

Father Jiang also put down his chopsticks and looked at her with a frown, "I didn't come back all night, and I didn't eat breakfast with you. What are we hiding from you? How can we make a fuss when we bought you a bag? It cost 10,000+, for an ordinary person Many girls are still struggling to earn a little tuition, do you know it’s not easy to make money?”

Jiang Nuannuan looked confused when she was scolded. Was she begging them to buy it?

She didn't even understand why her father suddenly brought up a topic in the room to an ordinary person's house. She had always lived like this and they had never said anything. Even if she didn't mention buying her a brand-name bag, her mother would be jealous if she saw someone she liked. She buys it.The fire directed at her was inexplicable.

Jiang Nuannuan: "People have a hard time making money, what does it have to do with me?"

"You don't even have the most basic ability to empathize!"

Jiang's father became even more angry after hearing this. The difference in life between the real and fake daughter made him leave with a slap on the table.

This was the first time he had such a big temper towards Jiang Nuannuan.

Jiang's mother sat there in silence for a moment, then scooped a bowl of soup for her, "Xiaomeng will come over tomorrow, and you should get along well with her. Life is not easy, so you must treat her well."

A guest is just a guest. These words are often used to treat a guest.

Jiang Nuannuan held her breath in her heart, drank a few mouthfuls of soup, and went upstairs without looking back at the new bag placed on the sofa.

School was about to end that day, and Xu Jie secretly read a romance novel in her evening self-study class. There was a narrow aisle between the two of them, and Jiang Nuannuan could clearly see the words on the cover of the book page.

After the true daughter returned, she became a top wealthy family.

She was in a daze all night, and now she felt like talking.

"What are you looking at again?"

Xu Jie showed her the introduction, "Romance novels that are popular nowadays."

"Say what?"

"This book tells the story of the real daughter of a wealthy family who was exiled to herd cattle, and the fake daughter was beaten up after returning. She had a good harvest in love and career. It made me feel very comfortable."

Jiang Nuannuan put her chin on her hand, thinking of her parents' strange behavior yesterday and the guest who was about to stay at home, and asked, "What's the way to return?"

Seeing that she was rarely interested in books other than art, Xu Jie said a lot in one breath: "For example, at the beginning, she was found by her biological parents from a wealthy family and came home. In the end, she was ostracized and bullied by the domineering fake daughter of the family in every possible way, and then she was pregnant. With eighteen martial arts skills, he slapped the fake daughter in the face time and time again, boxing, racing, hacking, and getting offers from prestigious universities, and becoming a national athlete in biological research, etc. It’s not a problem to defeat the fake daughter and abuse the scum along the way to become a winner in life.”

Jiang Nuannuan listened to her long words and sighed softly: "If the real daughter is only 18 years old, she should have learned eighteen kinds of martial arts since she was born. It's ridiculous to be proficient in them all."

Which biological scientist or national athlete can devote so much attention to growing so many brains and learn so many things across majors? Even the genius among geniuses cannot do it.

Xu Jie pouted at her, "That's why it's called a novel. It's just for fun."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded in understanding, "I understand."

After school, she told Fei Jinzhao in advance that she would not go out for tutoring with him, so the nanny van came directly to pick her up.

As soon as she returned home, Jiang Nuannuan heard the TV on in the living room and the soft sounds of her parents talking to others from time to time.

As soon as she walked in, she saw a girl wearing a plain T-shirt and shorts sitting between her parents, holding a bag of potato chips in her hand, and her mother was gently stroking her head.

"The chicken wings will be ready soon."

"Thank you, Mom." Jiang Meng saw Jiang Nuannuan first, her expression changed, and she avoided Jiang's mother's hand in embarrassment, "Thank you, auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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