Chapter 515 Fei Jin calls (18)

Jiang's mother followed her gaze and spotted Jiang Nuannuan. She lowered her hand and rubbed the hem of her skirt to hide it, "You're back. This is the child who will be staying at home recently. His name is Jiang Meng."

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and took a look at the bag that was squeezed to the corner of the sofa and was almost deformed. It was the one she didn't take away last night.

"There are several sets of sofas. Why do you all have to squeeze in and sit on one today?" She retracted her gaze and focused on Jiang's mother.

Jiang Meng quickly sat up straight and said, "I just came here and I'm not used to it, so my uncle and aunt accompanied me."

In order to take care of Jiang Nuannuan's mood, having his biological daughter call him uncle made Jiang's father uncomfortable. Looking at Jiang Nuannuan's cold face, he felt even more irritated.

"You still want to take care of us when we sit together? Whose daughter is using all the good things like you and still making trouble without reason?"

Jiang's father felt like he had eaten a keg of dynamite since last night. He specifically picked out Jiang Nuannuan's squeamishness and said that he did not think about who had masterminded her arrogance and luxury.

After seeing the brick house where her biological daughter lived and attending a vocational school, she burst into tears and was grateful for her birthday. Compared with Jiang Nuannuan, who was as arrogant and beautiful as a princess, he was even more mediocre. Jiang Meng, who had been wasted, felt heartbroken to the core.

Jiang's mother also signaled her husband to stop talking, stood up, walked to Jiang Nuannuan and held her hand, "Your father has been in a bad mood recently. You don't need to pay attention to him. Take the guests to her room to rest. She just arrived not long ago." , the luggage hasn’t been packed yet.”

Jiang Meng quickly stood up and walked to Jiang Nuannuan and introduced himself to her, "My surname is Jiang and my name is Jiang Meng."

She stretched out her hand in front of her, looking very friendly. Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and shook it back, "What a coincidence, our last name is Jiang."

Mother Jiang's eyes flickered imperceptibly. This happened suddenly. She was not ready to tell the daughter she had raised for more than ten years. The motherly tendency made her want to stabilize both sides temporarily.

Jiang Meng lowered her eyes and stared at the hands held by the two of them. Her own skin was rough due to the weather, but the skin of the hand in her palm was as white and tender as a shelled egg. Standing in front of her was the girl protected by her mother. She was so angry at the girl who took away her 18 years of wealth and youth.

"It's a coincidence."

Jiang Nuannuan let go of her hand, took her to the next bedroom upstairs, and left without saying a word.

Jiang Meng entered the room to tidy up, and when she opened the closet, she was almost dazzled by the row of logos.

There was a pile of brand-new luxury clothes. She reached out and touched them as if in a dream, murmuring: "Are these all prepared for me?"

After Jiang Nuannuan took a shower, she called Fei Jinzhao. After ringing for a few seconds, the person on the other end answered the phone, followed by the sound of gurgling water.

"What's wrong?" His voice was hazy and resonant, magnetic and pleasant.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank into the quilt, "Are you taking a shower?"

There was the sound of the door opening on the other end, and the sound of the TV playing.

"Well, I just finished washing."

Jiang Nuannuan turned over and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Fei Jinzhao didn't say anything. She just put her cell phone on the bedside and held a book in her hands. The occasional sound of turning pages reached her, calming her impetuous mood for no reason.

"Fei Jinzhao."

Jiang Nuannuan bent her legs and huddled up, pressed her phone against her phone, and said softly: "I suddenly have a bad feeling. I may not be able to go abroad in the future." The hand turning the page paused, the quilt was rubbed, and he took a shallow breath. The sound is approaching.

"No." The gentle male voice seemed to comfort her ears, "You can go if you want."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't speak. Ever since she listened to Xu Jie's words during the day, the words "real and fake daughter" have been circulating in her mind. Her intuition has always been sharp, especially when faced with family members who get along day and night, her emotions suddenly changed. , a strange girl with the same surname suddenly entered the house and called her parents uncle and aunt, the two old people flashed unhappy looks.

She buried her face in the quilt and responded muffled, her tone low and soft.

Fei Jinzhao closed her eyes, and now she wanted to go to the door of her house, hug her tightly and take her away, but that didn't work yet. He admitted that he despicably hoped that she would completely lose all support, and that he would become the only light in her life. He would give her everything for her light, so she didn't need any family ties, she just had to rely on him.

"Jiang Nuannuan."

He called her softly.

"Hold on to your dreams."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the corners of her lips raised silently, "Remember to pick me up on time tomorrow."

After a long period of silence, both of them made a tacit understanding not to hang up the other party's call. She closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully listening to his shallow breathing.

It wasn't until Jiang Nuannuan finished cleaning up and picked up her phone the next morning that she discovered that she had been on the phone all night and had not hung up. The phone was so low on power that it had automatically shut down.

By the time she went downstairs after charging for a while, there were already three people sitting in the restaurant, the most conspicuous being Jiang Meng, who was wearing designer clothes.

Jiang Nuannuan saw that the cuffs of her clothes were still an inch too short on her body. She frowned and walked over and said, "What are you doing wearing my clothes?"

Jiang Meng's face, which was still smiling, suddenly froze. She turned her head at a loss and said awkwardly: "I thought my uncle and aunt bought new clothes specially for me and put them in the cabinet, so I put them on."

Jiang's mother noticed this 10 minutes ago, but because she wanted to protect her biological daughter's self-esteem, she didn't say that these were clothes Jiang Nuannuan didn't want, and it was hard for her to say anything about it.

Now being exposed directly to Jiang Nuannuan's face, Jiang's mother's face turned a little ugly. She kept winking at her, "I bought her new clothes. Didn't you put all your clothes in the guest room?"

"Really?" Jiang Nuannuan looked at Jiang Meng's exposed arm. She moved her mouth and before she could make a sound, her father slapped the table and angrily scolded: "You may not be able to wear those clothes you bought so much. Look at it." You are not happy if others wear you. You really need to change your selfish temperament! If you really can’t speak, get out of school!"

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Nuannuan only asked questions, but the answers she gave her were only inexplicable anger, because there was an extra guest in the house, and her parents seemed to have changed overnight.

Jiang Meng stood beside his father, gently rubbing his back, and defended Jiang Nuannuan, "I admitted my mistake myself, don't be harsh on her, it's okay, uncle."

Jiang's mother also said to Jiang Meng: "After school, ah, aunt will take you to buy some new clothes."

Jiang Meng waved her hands repeatedly, and her awkward look made the biological parents feel distressed.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had been ignored from beginning to end, silently walked out of the house with her schoolbag on her back, knowing in her heart that things that only existed in romance novels might not really happen.

Reality may be worse than fiction.

Her parents' attitude towards her could change drastically overnight, and they would no longer love her. It seemed that the only possibility left was this ridiculous possibility.

(Words: Something happened today, will be updated tomorrow)
(End of this chapter)

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