Chapter 516 Fei Jin calls (19)

In the room, Jiang Meng lowered his head and touched the precious materials on his body, his eyes dark and unclear.

When she was trying them on in the bedroom this morning, she discovered that all the clothes were one size too small. She knew clearly that the clothes were not prepared for her, but were just unwanted items hung here by the girl who took away her life. The clothes are enough for her living expenses for a whole year.

Thinking of the jade-white hand last night, Jiang Meng's dark thoughts arose, prompting her to put on these clothes.

She walked down the expensive marble stairs, showed a shy smile to her astonished biological parents, and said to them: "I saw it in the cupboard. Did my uncle and aunt prepare it for me? This is my first time wearing it." It’s made of such good material and so comfortable.”

At this moment, Jiang Meng successfully saw in their eyes the emotions growing into a storm, guilt, pity, and pain, all of which would help her.

Now that she is back, everyone's identities can return to their original positions.

Jiang Nuannuan took the nanny car at home to school alone, and Jiang's mother drove Jiang Meng to school.

Ying Hao was depressed these past two days because of Jiang Nuannuan's love affair. He was late for class for several days in a row. He walked out of the dormitory building with a bag of milk in his hand and walked toward the teaching building. , the warm sunshine made him squint slightly.

A familiar black car stopped in the parking lot not far in front of him. He recognized the license plate number at a glance as Jiang Nuannuan's mother. Looking at the two figures coming out of the car, he turned around and walked over. .

Jiang Meng just bent down from the car to take out her schoolbag. When she turned around, her face was blocked by a bag of milk. She shrank back in fear, and a strange male voice said to her: "Here it is."

Ying Hao looked away and raised his hand like this, as if he wanted to ask for peace.

Jiang Meng tilted her head, her eyes fell on Ying Hao's heroic face, her heart skipped a beat, and she raised her hand to pick it up, "Thank you, thank you."

Her voice was different from Wu Nong's soft words that Jiang Nuannuan had cultivated since childhood. It was thinner. When Ying Hao heard something wrong, he immediately turned around and saw an unfamiliar face. The milk bag in his hand suddenly shrank back, and Jiang Meng The raised fingers passed by and caught an empty space.

"Who are you? Why did you get out of Jiang Nuannuan's car?"

Ying Hao frowned, and the obedient feeling like a tamed wild dog disappeared instantly.

Jiang Meng froze on the spot.


Jiang's mother quickly walked around the car in front of her daughter and said with an unhappy expression: "This is a temporary guest in our house. I'm here to take her to school today."

Ying Hao never looked at Jiang Meng again, but nodded towards Jiang's mother and softened his tone: "Nuan Nuan can't live in school, she didn't come with you today?"

Jiang’s mother: “She was having a bad temper, so she came first.”

Ying Hao lowered his eyes and glanced at the hands held tightly by Jiang's mother and the girl, his eyes revealing his thoughts, "Then I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute." Jiang's mother took a few steps forward and introduced him: "Xiaohao, her name is Jiang Meng, and she has just transferred to the same class as you and Nuannuan. I still have some procedures to go through. Could you please take her there? Come to class, your teacher already knows."

As soon as he heard that her name was Jiang Meng, Ying Hao's eyes fell on her again. This girl was wearing a brand-name outfit that obviously didn't match his temperament. Not to mention she was a size too small. Her awkward facial features were also different from those of the girl next to her. bit.
What a coincidence.

Ying Hao put the milk bag into his pocket, "There is only one month left for the college entrance examination. Will you put this girl here?"

Do you expect to cram in this month?Then he should be put in the sprint class of No. [-] Middle School. What use would he have among them?Jiang's mother was a little embarrassed to say that her biological daughter recognized her, but she didn't even pass the junior high school entrance examination. She went to a third-rate school. If she was officially listed in the newspaper and returned to the family in the future, her image would be really bad.

Political regulations clearly stipulated that she could not directly get her daughter to go to a formal high school. She could only spend some money to borrow money and declare to transfer to another school. Moreover, Jiang Meng was unable to pass the exam for most universities, and she would only have to After spending money, I can say that I am a high school alumnus when I come back, and I can still say that I came from this school.

Jiang Nuannuan could be trained so well by her, let alone her biological daughter who has the same bloodline as her.

Jiang's mother is quite confident in Jiang Meng's future growth. She thinks that she can teach her well and she won't be any worse in the future.

"Yes, something happened at home and she transferred here." Mother Jiang said, "You take care of her, and tell Nuannuan to take care of her at school."

Ying Hao turned around, "I can't control whether she takes care of her or not. She's even getting angry with me."

Mother Jiang locked the car and walked to him, "What did she bother you with again?"

Ying Hao's lips moved, and he hooked his mother's shoulders and said softly: "Auntie, there is a serious trend of puppy love in school now. She is so beautiful and there are a bunch of love letters on her desk every day. It's very troublesome for me to clean them up for her every time. You can tell her by yourself Tell her not to think about puppy love at such a young age."

Of course Jiang's mother knew that Jiang Nuannuan was beautiful. When her facial features first unfolded, she received unanimous praise from her friends around her. For a long time at that time, they were all proud of giving birth to a beautiful little princess. Over the next ten years, , and always responded to her requests, coaxing her like a treasure.

She turned back and glanced at Jiang Meng, who was following silently behind, but felt uncomfortable in her heart.


The three of them separated in front of the teaching building. Ying Hao turned around and motioned for Jiang Meng to follow.

The two of them entered the classroom where classes had already begun. He pointed at Jiang Meng and said, "Teacher, the new transfer student."

Jiang Meng raised her eyes and looked at the various faces below, which were generally fair and wealthy. They were completely different from the mixed-race boys in the vocational school where she used to stay.

She bowed her back, feeling a strong sense of inferiority welling up in her heart, and subconsciously looked for Ying Hao, the person she met first and who led her into the classroom.

He just fulfilled his duties, walked into the aisle, stopped when passing by Jiang Nuannuan, and took out the milk he had given her before from his pocket.


The milk bag was thrown on the table. Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and looked at him, "What are you doing?"

Ying Hao glanced away, "Just give it to you."

The two have known each other for many years, and they knew that this was a sign of acknowledgment of mistakes and goodwill. It was not a big deal in the first place and there was no need to make the relationship so rigid. Jiang Nuannuan quickly put the things away.

Jiang Meng saw the interaction between the two clearly and knew that she had been recognized by the wrong person. When she clenched her teeth, the teacher asked her to introduce herself, so she tried her best to hold up her chest and said, "Hello everyone, my surname is Jiang and my name is Jiang Meng. "

During the break, Jiang Meng was sitting alone on a desk. Someone brought her new books. She looked around awkwardly. The new classmates were all curious about her, but no one went further to talk to her.

Xu Jie's eyes rolled between her and Jiang Nuannuan. They sat next to her and whispered: "What a coincidence. Didn't you just tell me on WeChat that a guest with the same surname came to your home? Couldn’t it be her?”

(End of this chapter)

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