Chapter 522 Fei Jin calls (26)

Fei Jin called a taxi to take her grandma home, watched her go back into the bedroom and settle down for sleep, and said hello to the nanny who apologized after hearing the noise in the middle of the night, before returning home.

Jiang Nuannuan had been hiding in the closet since he left home. Fei Jin walked around and opened the third closet door in the bedroom to find the sleeping girl buried in his pile of clothes.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and she was indeed sleepy.

Fei Jinzhao bent down and took her out of the closet. She was still wearing the bath towel she had wrapped before. The edges were loose, and most of it fell loosely from her chest.

Jiang Nuannuan was in a daze, completely forgetting where she was. She opened her eyes dimly and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Go to bed." He turned around and wanted to put her on the bed.

The familiar scent surrounded her nose, and her heartbeat in her ears was steady and safe. Lying in the sheltered bay, Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to move at all.

She crawled into his arms, shrugged her shoulders slightly, and pressed against his chest, "No."

He lowered his eyes, held her and sat down on the bedside, and said softly: "Do you know who I am?"


Jiang Nuannuan whispered vaguely, "Fei Jinzhao."

Because it was him, he was unsuspecting.

Fei Jinzhao couldn't bear to let her down and did something bad. He lowered his head to the collarbone in front of her, opened his mouth and sucked lightly, then bit it.

"Go to sleep."

After waking up until dawn, Jiang Nuannuan's body was still wrapped in the bath towel from last night, and she was intact and trapped in the air-conditioned quilt.

She scratched her messy hair, put on the pajama dress laid out on the bed next to her, and walked out.

Fei Jinzhao was standing on the small balcony washing clothes. Hanging on them were freshly washed women's coats and underwear that were still dripping with water. They were all things she had not had time to clean up in her haste to hide last night.

If this is the first time a couple does this, it will definitely be awkward for both parties.

Jiang Nuannuan should have felt this way, but she felt that this scene looked familiar. The scene in front of her suddenly overlapped with an old house in an alley that she had never been to.

The same perspective, the same characters, standing in different house layouts, doing the same thing.

It seems like something you get used to after living together for a long time.

This emotion that was so normal that it was no longer normal shrouded my heart, but it was the biggest strangeness.

Jiang Nuannuan blinked hard. After the two figures summoned by Fei Jin completely overlapped, she turned to look at the living room.

There was a box of yogurt pots that had just been taken out of the refrigerator on the table, with many small drops of water condensing on the rim of the cup.

The same words sounded in different places at the same time.

"Wake up?"

Fei Jinzhao saw her bare feet for the first time. He wiped his hands and went into the room to help her take out her slippers and put them at her feet. "Put on your shoes. There is milk on the table."

Jiang Nuannuan stared straight at him, her distracted gaze catching his attention.

"What's wrong?" His fingers touched her face. The skin washed by the cold water was very cold. Jiang Nuannuan shivered from the cold. The overlapping images collapsed. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. All the hallucinations disappeared. Everything was gone, replaced by Fei Jinzhao's delicate face, which was very close at hand.

She couldn't help but wonder whether there were more reasonable or more absurd prerequisites for love at first sight.

"I feel it." She touched his face, and then held it up with both hands, "It feels so familiar."

Fei Jinzhao's chest was hit hard by her words, and his emotions aroused, "What are you referring to?" Jiang Nuannuan looked down at the bottle of milk and murmured: "It seems like we have been living like this for a long time. ."

They prepare breakfast for her every day, help her with laundry, cooking, and cleaning. They do a lot of intimate things together, just like a couple.

Fei Jinzhao picked her up and stepped on her slippers, stroking her back. Uncontrollable love filled his eyes. When he looked at her, he looked at her with such an indescribable and shocking possessiveness.

"The only one you see is me, right?"

He asked softly, and his expression was clearly disguised, but Jiang Nuannuan saw a hint of danger in it.

He seems to know what she saw. Does this happen to him too?

It's incredible.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Can there be anyone else? There should be more than two people in a family."

Her eyes were clear, and she didn't seem to be hiding anything. Fei Jinzhao looked at her for a long time, his eyebrows relaxed slightly, and he said with a smile: "There can't be anyone else, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."


Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously: "What can't you bear?"

Fei Jinzhao didn't say anything, but the smile on Qingjun's face made people feel strange.

Since those things happened in his previous life, he has become a little sick. This time, he must not make the same mistakes again.

If another accident locks her up, will she accept it as peacefully as before?Her composure at that time was always based on the fact that no matter what he did, she knew she had a way out.

He didn't want to leave a way out for her, he wanted to block all her paths, and while he supported her in growing up, she could only have him.

Jiang Nuannuan was pushed into the bathroom by him to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she came out refreshed, she drank the half-cold milk.

She didn't plan to go to school in the morning. Her mother said she wanted to talk to her today. She must have agreed on all the leave matters at school. She only stayed with Fei Jinzhao and ate a bowl of dumplings that he had wrapped and frozen in the freezer. , take a taxi back by yourself.

Before Fei Jin sent her to the car, she touched the top of her hair and said, "Everything will be solved."

Jiang Nuannuan waved, "Bend down, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, he held the car door with his hand and bent down in front of her. A kiss fell on the corner of his lips without any warning.

Fei Jinzhao looked at her, raising the corners of her lips, "Kiss me?"

Jiang Nuannuan said to him seriously: "I've recharged it with you."

So she can accept whatever happens next.

"Go back." Fei Jinzhao put a house key in her hand, "If I'm busy, you can come by yourself at any time."

"Okay." Jiang Nuannuan smiled and put the key away.

She has her own turtle shell and it feels so good.

She lay by the car window and left her last words, "Don't take me out to eat in the future. Do you often work in that noodle shop? I want to try it too."

The driver had been waiting for a long time. Before Fei Jin could recall the words, the car stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

As expected, Jiang Meng did not go to school today. The whole family was sitting in the living room, just waiting for her to come.

(End of this chapter)

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