Chapter 523 Fei Jin calls (27)

As expected, Jiang Meng did not go to school today. The whole family was sitting in the living room, just waiting for her to come.

Jiang Nuannuan had already imagined the worst outcome, which was just to get to know her biological parents and have to learn to bear all her expenses in the future.

She decided to try an ordinary life with Fei Jinzhao. The world she saw was both terrible and warm, and she was sure that she was ready.

She took off her shoes and entered the house.

"I'm finally back. Have you had breakfast?"

Mother Jiang brought a small pudding and put it on the table, and invited her to sit down and eat.

When Jiang Meng saw her coming, he immediately gave her an apologetic look, "I'm so sorry, Nuannuan. I already explained to auntie last night that I accidentally got it myself."

If she hadn't been reluctant to spit out the dumplings Fei Jin summoned to cook for her, Jiang Nuannuan would have definitely vomited by now.

She walked to the single sofa on one side and sat down, took a bite of the pudding handed to her by her mother, suppressed the nausea in her throat, and said, "Change the title, she is your mother."

Jiang Meng looked at a loss and looked at Mother Jiang for help.

Jiang's mother sat on Jiang Nuannuan's armrest, held her shoulders and said, "Nuannuan, but I am also your mother. I did not hide this from you on purpose. It's just that I didn't know how to talk to you for a while. .”

They had mixed up the children in a small town hospital, but the fault in this intertwined life was not the fault of any of them, it was just the negligence of the damn hospital and medical staff.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it, so I told Xiao Meng not to talk about it for the time being. I won't tell the truth until the relationship between you sisters is settled. You two are both my daughters. I didn't I want to hurt your heart on purpose.”

To be fair, compared to Jiang Meng, who has been living in the countryside with no education, no appearance, and no temperament, and Jiang Nuannuan, who is ranked top in everything, there is a huge gap between the two.

It takes a long time to educate a biological daughter who has nothing. Even Jiang's father has thought clearly in the past two days. They have a lot of entertainment and there are many gatherings of rich families around them. They can't just have one who can't even stand in the spotlight. Daughters who stand firm, they need Jiang Nuannuan's label as an excellent socialite as a facade.

Although there are interests and face involved, Jiang's mother really can't let go of a daughter she has raised by her side for 18 years. Even if she is not her biological child, the relationship for many years will not go away easily.

After hearing that they didn't seem to have any intention of sending him back, Jiang Nuannuan put down the pudding and asked, "Don't I need to go back to see my biological parents?"

Compared with the restlessness and uneasiness of the previous two days, she was able to deal with this matter calmly after she was fully charged.

Jiang's mother felt a pain in her heart when she saw her face calmly accepting the facts, and said quickly: "No, your father called them as soon as he got up this morning. The matter has been settled."

Jiang Meng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his eyes and asked, "Did Dad call?"

What she has been looking forward to is for the two girls to go back to each other. She is looking forward to her parents sending Jiang Nuannuan back to where she should go back because of this incident, so that she can legitimately go to college to study as a real daughter, letting everyone who doesn't care about her People think highly of themselves.

But the reality didn't seem to be going in the direction she expected.

Jiang's father nodded and said in a deep voice: "We spent 20 to negotiate with them. From now on, Nuan Nuan's household registration will still be with us. Once we get the money to sign the agreement, Nuan Nuan will still be the daughter of our Jiang family. They will not come." Get you back."

So the Jiang family just has one more real daughter who returned from the countryside.

Mother Jiang put her arm around Jiang Nuannuan's shoulders, "This will still be your home from now on, and I will still be your mother. There will be no change in this matter. I was the one who lost my temper with you yesterday. Mom, I apologize to you for what I did wrong." Can you and Xiaomeng get along well? Just think that you have an extra family member."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't react much and looked at her, "Will mom be fair?"

Mother Jiang hugged her and assured her: "Of course I will."

Jiang Nuannuan felt a trace of sarcasm in her heart. She had lived with her for 18 years and knew her temper best.

"I'll go back and have a look." She said, "Jiang Meng met his biological parents, so I should go back and have a look."

I think Jiang Nuannuan is used to a life of fine clothing and fine food, and she will never leave them. It would be better to let her go back and see the terrible environment at home.

Mother Jiang thought so and nodded, "Of course."

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and said, "I have a day off from school today, so I will go take a look today."

Jiang Meng also stood up quickly and said, "I'll go with you. I haven't gone back for a few days."

She wanted to show her kind side, which was very annoying in Jiang Nuannuan's eyes. She simply refused, "No, mom usually likes shopping the most. You go with her to buy clothes. My clothes are too small for you." Is not it."

Faced with the huge temptation of luxury goods, Jiang Meng left the choice to Jiang's mother. The latter also wanted to buy her some clothes similar to Jiang Nuannuan's, so she said, "Xiaomeng, let me go out for a walk."

Jiang Meng nodded obediently and said to Jiang Nuannuan "kindly": "The roads in the village are not very easy to walk. Your parents should still be in the fields at this moment. You'd better wear plastic boots when you go. I used to wear boots when I was working for them to prevent my feet from getting hurt."

At first glance, it sounded like it was really good for Jiang Nuannuan, but it indirectly gained the unanimous support of Jiang's parents. At this time, the family was crowded into a sofa again.

Jiang Nuannuan looked back at this scene, without saying hello, she called the driver and left.

Jiang's father couldn't help but lose his temper at her back, "Her arrogant temperament cannot be faced with Xiaomeng every time. We are all a family, so I kindly reminded her but I still don't give her a straight look."

Jiang's mother motioned him to say less, "Always give her time to accept." She praised Jiang Meng again, "I know Xiaomeng you are kind, and Nuannuan is also a good child, but she is spoiled by us, don't talk to her Careful about every detail.”

Jiang Meng nodded, hiding the gloom in his eyes, "I won't care."

After driving for two hours, the sun was beating down. Jiang Nuannuan was holding a cup of fruit tea and two more cups in her hand. The driver stood beside her with an umbrella to protect her from the sun.

As far as the eye could see, there were mountains and fields, and the ground was so hot that it was very hot to the feet.

Later, she did listen to Jiang Meng's words and bought herself a pair of boots. She stepped into the dirt and watched the big ants crawling by her feet and the unknown insects lying on the green leaves. She had For a long time I was frozen there, not daring to move.

Is this where she was supposed to live?

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips.

An old couple working in the fields soon discovered her. They approached carrying a bamboo basket full of vegetables and a hoe. They were wearing blue suits and straw hats on their heads, and their faces were half exposed underneath. sunburn.

They seemed to know who she was, their expressions were awkward and uneasy. When they smiled cautiously at her, the fine lines at the corners of their eyes deepened, "Is it Miss Jiang?"

He knew she was his daughter, but he didn't call her that.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and glanced at the fruit tea in her hand, then saw that they only had water in a fruit can, and finally raised her hand and handed it to them, "Lemon tea, do you want to drink it?"

The couple looked at each other and took it, "Thank you."

The man greeted her awkwardly again, "The house hasn't been tidied up yet. Do you want to come and sit down next time?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Now."

(will be updated tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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