Chapter 524 Fei Jin calls (28)

The couple took her to their home, which was a two-story self-built house in the countryside. There was a small yard at the door, and the kitchen was placed in a small room outside.

The house was very clean.

The man went to the kitchen to cook, while the woman lowered her head and took a sip of lemon tea, smiling at her nervously, "Brought from the city? It's really delicious."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and looked at the furniture around her. Apart from the necessary daily necessities, there were no additional accessories in this house.

This was the first time she saw Shui Lingling's biological daughter, who was raised by a wealthy family. The woman put down the fruit tea and carefully opened the topic: "Are you okay studying at school?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and answered truthfully: "It's very good. I'm going to apply for an art university abroad."

Her mother didn't seem to have much education. Even after hearing about it from abroad, she thought it must be a promising school. She couldn't help but smile on her face, "That's good, that's good."

"Mom, why did you accept the 20 yuan?" Jiang Nuannuan suddenly asked: "For money or for me?"

The woman immediately suppressed the smile on her face, closed her eyes, rubbed her palms back and forth on her trouser legs, and finally just lowered her head and said softly: "This is good for everyone."

"Your father and I are not in good health." She glanced at Jiang Nuannuan's beautiful face again, feeling uncomfortable in her heart. The Jiang family spent a sum of money to buy out their family relationship, and their daughter could continue her education and study abroad. They can also go to a better hospital in the city to get medical treatment for money, and their lives can also be improved.

It's not that I don't want to admit it, it's that I don't have the ability at all.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her simple and helpless mother and understood her thoughts. She couldn't deny that this was indeed the best way.

Just because she didn't have enough money to study art, and it was impossible for her relatives to support her by farming, the Jiang family decided on this, knowing that even if she stepped back and became an adopted daughter, she would not leave. .

This is indeed the case.

The woman felt uncomfortable, so she stood up and turned away and said, "I'm going to see if the meal is ready. You can walk around the house as you like."

Jiang Nuannuan walked out of the small living room. There was a small bedroom with the door open next to it. The bed inside was unmade, and the surrounding walls were covered with large and small non-mainstream posters.

At one glance, she knew that this was Jiang Meng's room.

She walked in and sat down on the only small desk. In addition to the necessary subjects, the books placed next to her were nursing-related skill books.

Jiang Nuannuan casually took out a book and opened it. She frowned when she saw that it was filled with large and small graffiti.

"Xiao Meng is not studying well."

The woman stood at the door and told her: "We are very busy in the field and rarely have time to take care of her. As a result, she was led astray in junior high school. She failed to pass the high school entrance exam and has been hanging around."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and said, "She doesn't usually take the initiative to help with housework."

"Yes. She has been following a group of gangsters on the street all day without being seen." The woman sighed, "Now, her parents have taken her back and hope to teach her well."

"Let's go eat."

The meals for the three of them consisted of home-grown potatoes and vegetables, but when their daughter came here for the first time, the middle-aged couple specially killed a chicken and cooked it for her to eat.

When Jiang Nuannuan passed by the yard, she saw a fence with about seven or eight chickens in it. At first glance, they were not eating and were used to lay eggs.

She ate a piece of chicken and felt a little clogged in her heart.

"It was delicious."

The parents in front of them suddenly smiled and said, "Eat more."

In the evening, Jiang Nuannuan came out of the village and got into the nanny car. The couple stood at the door and said goodbye to each other in tears. In their eyes, this brief meeting was like an eternal farewell.

"You don't have to come here anymore, just live your life on your own."

Jiang Nuannuan calmed down, got out of the car and walked to them, handed them her mobile phone, "Leave your contact information." After taking a day off, Jiang Nuannuan finally went to school with Jiang Meng.

After Jiang Meng took her arm and said goodbye to Jiang's mother, she let go of her hand. She looked at the leaving black car with a smile and said, "You must be very proud. You still have to stay in my home if you are not your biological child."

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at her and said calmly: "My parents said that you seldom worked in the fields and that your grades were very bad. You played with gangsters in junior high school and didn't even pass the high school entrance examination. In the end, you went to a vocational school. Nursing major, but you still didn't study hard, your books are all filled with graffiti you drew in class, and I also saw a love letter in it that you didn't know who you confessed to."

Jiang Meng's face gradually stiffened.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled slightly, "Why do you think my home where I have lived for 18 years won't let me go? Isn't it too embarrassing to admit your identity to the outside world?"

"Jiang Nuannuan!" Jiang Meng tugged on her arm, "The reason why you became like this is because you took my original things. Originally, our lives were swapped!"

Jiang Nuannuan twitched the corners of her lips, "Even if I give them all back to you, you can't make good use of these things."

Fei Jinzhao's family background is so bad, but he is still a snow lotus blooming in the mud. He lives hard and studies hard, and without the blessing of a wealthy family, he can still grow into a dazzling figure that attracts many people.

There is indeed a gap between people. Some people are born to be scheming fools.

"You!" Jiang Meng was almost angered to death by the ridicule in her tone.

This scene was caught by Ying Hao, who was coming out of the canteen with a milk bag in his mouth. He passed directly between the two girls, with his back to Jiang Meng. He took Jiang Nuannuan's arm and left, "Follow a villager." Have you been chatting for so long? Can the price drop?"

Jiang Meng couldn't help it at all and yelled at his back, "She, Jiang Nuannuan, is the village girl! She took away everything I should have enjoyed! You shouldn't say that to me!"

The boy didn't even look back until the two of them walked to the corridor in front of the classroom. Jiang Nuannuan pushed his hand away and said calmly: "What Jiang Meng said is true."

"I know, Xu Jie told me about this when you and she didn't come to school yesterday." Ying Hao threw the milk bag into the trash can and put his hands in his pockets, "Do you think I still care about this?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, "Ying Hao, I do have a boyfriend."

His eyes dimmed slightly, a careless smile appeared on his face, and he said casually: "Isn't it normal for people of our status to have fun?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't accept his words: "What is my identity?"

Ying Hao frowned slightly, "Jiang Nuannuan, I didn't mean to say"

"I really didn't plan to just play with him." Jiang Nuannuan interrupted him, "I'm serious."

"Jiang Nuannuan, how old are we? You still want to go to college, right? Are you planning to go abroad in the future?" Ying Hao asked step by step, his expression stern and his jaw clenched tightly.

"You may not be able to go out." Jiang Nuannuan pushed him away and walked into the classroom.

Ying Hao: "If you break up with him, I will send you wherever you want to go."

When he said this, he didn't think about it at all, and his eyes were fixed on her back.

However, she didn't look back at all, she just said, "We are just friends."

She never thought about taking the relationship further, otherwise, they would have been together for many years.

Ying Hao should understand.

A calm morning passed. Xu Jie took Jiang Nuannuan to discuss the schools she would apply for in the future. Her scores and talent were not up to the standards of the University of London, but her family's money was enough to support her to go to a good university abroad. .

"I have done some research for you recently. If you can pass the exam successfully, they have scholarships for outstanding students every year. The money will be enough to support your school expenses. As for food and accommodation, my parents will definitely give it to me. If you want to rent a house, come to me and the expenses can be even lower."

Xu Jie didn't dare to ask Jiang Nuannuan how her family was doing. She could only be her good friend and try her best to help her find a solution without stabbing her.

(I worked overtime today and can't update much -.-. I'll make up for it later. The progress is almost fast.)

(End of this chapter)

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