Chapter 525 Fei Jin calls (29)

Jiang Nuannuan moved the chair towards her. When her heart was touched, she also told her the family's decision.

Although she doesn't know when the Jiang family will announce the real and fake daughter to the public, she doesn't need to worry about life issues for the time being.

While the two were chatting, a classmate suddenly ran to Jiang Nuannuan's desk and said, "Nuannuan, your guest has been locked in the toilet. There is a big puddle of water on the ground. The teacher asked you to bring a coat with you. .”

Jiang Nuannuan looked confused, but she still took her spare jacket and went to the women's restroom.

The teacher had just dismissed the spectators. When she arrived at the door, she saw Jiang Meng walking out of the toilet cubicle in embarrassment, soaked to the skin and with a few vegetable leaves hanging on his head.

It looked like someone had stolen the vegetable washing water in the cafeteria and poured it out for her.

Jiang Meng herself was confused. She knew that her classmates didn't pay much attention to her because she parachuted into the class, but she didn't expect to receive such treatment.

The first time she saw Jiang Nuannuan, she identified the culprit and said with a cry, "Do you have to do this to me?"

Jiang Nuannuan immediately didn't want to give her the clothes. The hand she had just stretched out in the air missed the teacher's hand to take the clothes and took it back, "I won't borrow it anymore."

She turned around and left, but the teacher called her to no avail. Ying Hao happened to come out of the men's room and heard the teacher's cry for help. He met Jiang Meng's pitiful gaze and glanced at her, pretending not to see her walking away.

Isolated and helpless, Jiang Meng clenched her fists, feeling a layer of huge grievance in her heart.

In the end, the teacher personally came forward to borrow a school uniform for Jiang Meng to change into, and the farce ended.

As soon as Jiang Meng entered the classroom, she walked to Jiang Nuannuan's desk and whispered, "I won't blame you if you don't lend me clothes. I just hope you don't hate me so much."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and slapped the pen on the table, "Didn't you yell at me as soon as I entered, saying that I was the one who poured water on you?"

"Isn't it? Didn't you realize that you were going to lend her clothes after listening to the teacher's words?" Xu Jie immediately opened her voice to support her like a hen.

We are all smart people, who can see that this is not a small thought on the table.

Some people couldn't help but wonder: "Did her parents save the lives of your parents?"

Jiang Nuannuan said to Jiang Meng, "Who knows? You have to ask her about this. "

Does Jiang Meng dare to say it?She didn't dare to say it now. Firstly, her family had not agreed to disclose her identity. Secondly, her academic qualifications would be revealed after a little investigation. She was surrounded by a group of wealthy young men with rich backgrounds and many tricks.

Jiang Mengmeng's method of provoking trouble to gain pity and sympathy has no effect except for being easy to use in front of his parents.

She returned to her seat with her head lowered and her wet hair, her expression gloomy, and she tightened her skirt.

But it was all because of the blessing of the aura of the wealthy family. These people were just looking for food. She knew that it must be because of this. She had to deprive Jiang Nuannuan of her identity and expose her unbearableness to the public.

In the evening, when the students were all going to the cafeteria to eat, another thing happened.

Two tall boys walking side by side did not know whether they were not looking at the road or the person. One of them was holding a piece of freshly baked noodles and directly bumped into Jiang Meng's shoulder. The soup noodles splashed from her shoulders and neck. Fall down.A shrill scream suddenly resounded throughout the bustling canteen.

When Xu Jie heard the news, she stood next to Jiang Nuannuan and laughed gloatingly, "Tsk, it's better now. What did she say before? If you throw vegetable soup at her, it will be a good thing for someone else to throw it at you." To be honest, this half of my arm would be useless if it weren’t blocked by clothes.”

Jiang Nuannuan watched all this without thinking deeply. She just thought that today was Jiang Meng's unlucky day. Watching her being rushed away by the school doctor, she found a seat to continue eating with an indifferent expression.

But that night, Jiang's mother learned that Jiang Meng had been scalded at school. She ran over worriedly and took Jiang Meng to the hospital again. She also heard that during the day, her biological daughter was locked in the toilet and suspected of being bullied. , they just grabbed Jiang Nuannuan and went to the hospital together, not even allowing her to attend evening self-study.

"Do you know who Xiaomeng was bullied by? Mom is not doubting you, she just wants to ask you if you have found any students in the class who particularly dislike her, such as the good friend next to you."

After thinking about it, Jiang's mother didn't know who would do this. The only possibility was Jiang Nuannuan's good friend Xu Jie. Before, Jiang Meng said that Jiang Nuannuan threw vegetable soup at her, but she later changed her story and said I didn't say everything, it was all Xu Jie's doing.

At this time, Jiang's mother immediately pointed the finger at Xu Jie.

Jiang Nuannuan stood in the corridor of the hospital and looked at her mother who looked worried and had doubts in her eyes. She said softly: "I don't know. When I got the news, the teacher only asked me to deliver clothes. My mother was more concerned than ever. I got the answer here, why don't you check the surveillance to make it more convincing."

She knew that there was a barrier of no blood relationship, and she completely lost trust in front of her mother.

Jiang's mother said: "Nuan Nuan, I told you I'm not doubting you. You know Xiao Meng was raised with a low self-esteem. Being bullied like this will dampen her enthusiasm for learning. You should help her take care of her more. her."

When Jiang Nuannuan heard this, she suddenly smiled and left only one sentence before leaving alone, "Mom, you don't know how to raise a daughter, and you will spoil her sooner or later."

Before high school, she lived in the county town with a nanny, and also went to a public school. Compared to that time, Jiang Meng still had the control and care of her parents. The Jiang family had worked hard outside for many years, so she relied entirely on her own self-discipline to study and live. , what dampens the enthusiasm for learning is just like this, it is a piece of scrap metal.

Jiang's mother, who was left alone, looked at the tearful Jiang Meng in the dressing room, and the rebellion she had felt for many years suddenly aroused.

She doesn't know how to raise a daughter, so how did Jiang Nuannuan become such an outstanding person?
Jiang Meng will be like this sooner or later.

There was no evening study today, so it was two hours earlier than the time agreed with Fei Jinzhao.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the small noodle shop where Fei Jinzhao often went in advance.

She didn't contact him in advance today, thinking he would work here as usual, but the noodle shop aunt was the only one working in the store.

"Hey, it's Nuannuan, why are you here today?"

When the aunt saw her coming out to greet her quickly, she paused and said, "Jinzhao didn't come to work today. Maybe she's still a little busy at school."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I know. See if there is anyone in this restaurant who wants my help. I'll try to work here too."

The noodle shop aunt didn't expect that she would come to work. She subconsciously glanced at her hand and smiled without immediately refusing, "Then wait a minute. There are still two bowls of noodles in the kitchen."

When she arrived at the back, she immediately called Fei Jinzhao and said quietly: "Your girl came to my place, and she looked like she didn't work. Is there something big happening outside, or is she just here to experience life? Come over quickly and take a look, she must work here, I can't find any reason to stop such a good child."

(End of this chapter)

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