Chapter 527 Fei Jin calls (31)

The conversation at this end was heard by a boy who was also taking a nap in the gym class on the rooftop. He poked his head out from behind the stacked abandoned tables and chairs.

Jiang Meng saw him in a blink of an eye. He looked like the boy who threw a bowl of soup at her in the cafeteria. She still remembered that the teacher asked this boy to handle the matter. It turned out that the boy was on the same level as the Jiang family because of his family background, and even had several friends. Despite the cooperation, she didn't even get an apology in the end.

When she saw him again, she could only glare at him hatefully, hold her phone in her hands and walk away.

Watching the rooftop door close, the boy took out his mobile phone and immediately made a call, "Hey, brother, your girlfriend seems to be bullied again, do you care?"

Jiang Nuannuan was in the classroom smoothly when she was suddenly called to the office by a serious-looking teacher.

Her mother hurried from the company.

"What happened?" She expected it in her heart and her face was calm.

"Are you in love?" Jiang's mother was furious. When Jiang Meng found out that she had been deceived by her daughter, she personally helped her find her boyfriend to give her tutoring. The two of them had not studied for a day these days. Not to mention, she was still playing around wildly. When she thought of this, she had nowhere to vent her anger, and her tone towards Jiang Nuannuan was particularly bad.

"Jiang Nuannuan, at what time did you trick me into falling in love with someone from the school next door!?"

What's more, the person he's talking about isn't a well-matched person, he's just a brat who needs to earn a living through work-study.

Jiang's mother sternly ordered: "It must be stopped! From today on, all your so-called tutoring after school will be cancelled."

Faced with her mother's rebuke, Jiang Nuannuan just said: "I have submitted all the application forms for Lunyi University. The test results are not very important."

That school only required her grades to reach the standard line, and what was more important was her design. Unfortunately, her mother was busy with work and did not conduct in-depth research on the school she wanted to apply for. She always seemed to feel that she could arrange everything, as before. It's the same as when free-range.

Mother Jiang frowned and said, "Then you can't fall in love with someone like him. How old are you?"

"Jiang Meng also fell in love, didn't he? In the previous school?" Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Have you dealt with it? Maybe we are still in contact now."

Jiang's mother didn't know about Jiang Meng's previous love affair at school. After she found out that this was her biological daughter, she immediately took her out of that poor place and put her in a big city.

"Now it's your business. I've already asked someone to call the principal of No. [-] Middle School. Their teacher will bring him over by then."

She calmed down and said: "What's more, I still paid two hundred an hour at the beginning. In order to make this money, he would tell all kinds of lies. You must let him come over and tell you everything in person." clear!"

"I reject."

Jiang Nuannuan simply refused, looking at her mother with a calm expression, "Don't bother him, it's me who is stalking him, isn't it clearly written in the forum posts? "

Mother Jiang had never seen her daughter so rebellious. When she saw her rudely scorning her in front of the teacher, she was about to leave. She took a few steps to catch up with her and grabbed her shoulders. She deliberately raised her voice to be particularly sharp, "Jiang Nuannuan." ! You deliberately went against your mother because of Jiang Meng, didn’t you! How did you become like this? "

Jiang Nuannuan looked back, "Did she send the post to you?"

Jiang's mother's eyes moved slightly and she subconsciously said, "No."

"Right." She turned around, broke away her hand, and said calmly: "You and dad are busy 365 days a year. If the teacher found out about this, he would contact me immediately, but he directly stepped over her and found Besides Jiang Meng, who else is there for you?"

"I said no, it's not!" Mother Jiang patted her heavily on the shoulder, "What's wrong with your kid? You think about Xiao Meng every day, don't you? She's doing it for your own good, and she's been trying Be friends with you! It’s you who don’t accept her!” Therefore, blood relationship is always the first reason for Mother Jiang’s preference.

Jiang Nuannuan's feelings for her family have not yet been extinguished, but she thinks they are almost exhausted.

"Except don't bother Fei Jinzhao, I'll accept whatever you want to do. Just tell me when you don't want me to live in the house anymore."

She leaves the office.

Mother Jiang said loudly from behind: "Where else can you live if you can't live at home? Nuannuan! Stop being willful!"

The teacher, who had been sitting there without a chance to adjust the relationship, felt as if he had heard some terrible secret.

When Jiang Meng saw her coming back, she ran over with a worried look on her face, "Nuan Nuan, are you okay? Just admit your mistake to mom."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at her, took the thermos cup on the table, unscrewed it, and poured it directly over her head.

There were a few more cheers and laughter in the class.

The sweet honey water instantly covered Jiang Meng's face. She took two steps back and exclaimed.

"Jiang Nuannuan!"

Jiang Nuannuan replied expressionlessly: "Go and cry to your mother, village aunt."

She wanted to solidify her reputation as a bully, so she did. She had already thought of a way out, and she was fearless.

Lu Qing knew that her matter was settled because of Jiang Nuannuan, and it did not go as far as being dropped out of school and detained, so she had some bad thoughts towards her. She led a few little sisters to unite with Xu Jie and ignored Jiang Meng at all. , resulting in her extremely poor popularity in the class, which was no different from being isolated.

Jiang Meng only attributed all this to her low status. Once the truth of the matter is revealed, it will be her, Jiang Nuannuan, who is abandoned.

She endured all her embarrassment and anger, wiped her face, and still looked at Jiang Nuannuan with kind eyes and said: "I am a village girl, so Nuannuan, don't be angry with Auntie. Everything is the same." I'm not good."

She glanced at the surveillance camera in the classroom, lowered her head and rubbed the corners of her eyes, turned around and left. She didn't come to the last class in the morning. She just huddled in the school doctor's room, lying on the table and crying.

The female doctor in the school doctor's office was also admitted from a rural school. She had a burn on her arm that day. When the two of them chatted, Jiang Meng said that she was a transfer from the countryside and had excellent grades, but she was often bullied.

The doctor could only comfort her distressedly, saying that she would try her best to help with everything, and she could not let the students in the school bully a good student like this.

"Go back and rest, then come back to school in the afternoon."

After finally being comforted, Jiang Meng came out of the infirmary and did not return to class until lunch time at school. There were many day students not eating in the cafeteria, so she slipped out while the security guard was not paying attention.

Friends I had met in the vocational school were also near the school gate.

Five or six boys and girls dressed in a fashionable manner were holding cigarettes in their mouths and looked at Jiang Meng's school with envy, "The place you go to school now looks like a palace, and there are only children from rich families studying there, right?" "

(End of this chapter)

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