Chapter 528 Fei Jin calls (32)

Jiang Meng didn't waste any time. He pulled out the WeChat ID he used to contact them before, transferred a thousand red envelopes to each person, and threw his phone to one of them.

"Let's start. Try not to hit the face. Just get some skin wounds on the body. Be careful when you start."

Her plan was very good, she was going to pretend to be a poor guy who had been violently admitted to the hospital, and completely package Jiang Nuannuan into a perpetrator.

With the infirmary teacher, her friends, and the surveillance as evidence, she believed that this time she would be able to push Jiang Nuannuan to the forefront. Even if her mother could not give up on her, she would have to make everyone admit that Jiang Meng belonged to a wealthy family. daughter.

Several people received the transfer and took Jiang Meng's phone and looked at it for a long time. One of them suddenly dropped his smile and changed his face. He said helplessly: "This is a bit difficult to handle. I don't know where there was someone 10 minutes ago." The young master found our contact information and transferred [-] yuan to each of us."

Jiang Meng was stunned for a moment, "Transfer money to you? What do you mean?"

"It means that the total we collected is 5 yuan, which is ten times what you paid, and the other party asked us to turn the fake beating into a real beating."

Several boys from vocational schools also looked helpless, "Can you give more money than him?"

In order to show her inferiority complex that she needed love and affection, Jiang Meng asked Jiang's mother, who had never asked for a penny. The 1 yuan she had now was forced upon her by Jiang's mother.

Jiang Meng unconsciously took a step back. Frightened, she couldn't figure out who was secretly helping Jiang Nuannuan. Even the call she made in the morning was intercepted in the afternoon.

Was it the man who splashed noodle soup all over her?She was on the rooftop making a phone call at that time. He was also there, right?Did he do it?

She swallowed and said, "Aren't we friends? Are you so greedy for money that you ignore the friendship we have had for three years?"

"We are friends, but since you left with a rich family, you have also changed your WeChat account and mobile phone number, and your whole person has disappeared out of thin air. If you didn't ask us for help, you wouldn't take the initiative to contact us, right?"

"You ditched us a long time ago."

Boys and girls of this age all believe in brotherhood and loyalty. Jiang Meng used to be a member of their gangster team. He could talk back to teachers at first, smoke and drink at others, but now he is dressed like a good student, wearing a plain face and looking up to the sky. Her face was pretending to be pure and innocent. In order to save her wealthy parents, she meant to draw a clear line and part ways with them.

Jiang Meng clenched her fists, "I don't care who called it, if you really hurt me today, you should find a way to take responsibility."

The young man shook his phone and smiled, "You asked us to call you yourself. Not only did you call us, you also sent us a WeChat message. Now you also have a recording."

Unless Jiang Meng can come up with 10 yuan now, this beating is a certainty.

She looked at the other person holding the long pedal under the wooden stool and bouncing it in the palm of his hand. He was obviously prepared, so he turned around and ran away in panic.

The person next to her had quick eyes and quick hands and pulled her braid.

"Ah! Help!"

Jiang Meng screamed in pain, but was slapped in the face, and immediately stopped.

She agreed not to slap her in the face, but now her cheeks were burning and her ears were ringing.

Fei Jinzhao received a call from Jiang Nuannuan's school and left with her schoolbag on one shoulder during lunch break. Because she was called away by the teacher in front of all her classmates, everyone speculated that it was related to the incident with the school beauty next door.

Rong Zhao carried his schoolbag and caught up with him, panting and grabbing the corner of his clothes, "Fei Jinzhao, my mother wants me to go abroad for further study."

Fei Jinzhao kept walking, "Oh, congratulations."

"I'm going home this afternoon. I won't take the college entrance examination." Rong Zhao took two steps forward to block him, raised his head and said to him: "Stop! Listen to me, I don't like your identity now, but I am telling you as a friend that if you are called to the school next door, you will definitely be punished. If the other school is too powerful, you may have to drop out of school. Fei Jinzhi, will you take off this bracelet and go abroad with me?"

Her family's clothing factory has been doing very well recently, and her parents can afford her study abroad expenses. Fei Jinzhao has always been excellent. She knew that since the first year of high school, he had been approached by several foreign universities because of his special computer talent. pass.

As long as he agrees, wouldn't they go abroad together and be happier in the future than at home?
It's a pity that all this is just her persistence and whims.

Fei Jinzhao covered the bracelet that was put on by Jiang Nuannuan himself, "Take it off? I wish she could keep catching me with it." The morbid look he showed when he said this was another sign that Rong Zhao had never seen before. There is another dark side that is completely different from the mountain snow lotus that I have never seen before.

"Fei Jinzhao"

"Get out of the country."

He lowered his hand and hid the bracelet under the cuffs of his school uniform. He glanced at her with his pale eyes, "Do you understand?"

Rong Zhao suddenly lost his voice, "You"

It took several seconds for her to find her voice that had been frightened, and was stung by the look of disgust in his eyes, "Fei Jinzhi! Are you crazy! Don't you want to take care of your grandma anymore! Don't you think about her?"

No matter what happened, she knew that Grandma Fei had always been the most important relative in Fei Jinzhao's heart.

"If you bother my grandma again and talk nonsense to her, don't go abroad. Just die here."

Fei Jinzhao looked into her eyes and said coldly: "I won't joke with you Rong Zhao, I do what I say."

As soon as the words fell, the cell phone rang.

He took it out of his pocket and answered.

"Brother, the car is ready and parked in the parking lot of your school. Let's see if you like it."

Fei Jinzhao lowered his hand, too lazy to care about Rong Zhao anymore, and walked towards the parking lot.

There are three cars parked at the entrance of the parking lot. The first one is a new Maybach, with an extended Lincoln in the middle, and a pink diamond-encrusted long-distance car hanging from the tail.

Now it's lunch time again, and people are coming and going, which can be said to be a sight to behold.

Rong Zhao listened to the commotion over there, and when he followed her, he saw Fei Jinzhao straddling into the back seat of a luxury car. There were several bodyguards around and got into the car. Three cars passed by her at a loss. Pass.

After a few seconds.

"what's going on?"

She asked the thoughts of all the classmates who witnessed this incident.

The two schools were only five or six minutes apart by car. When the luxury car made a high-profile appearance at the school gate, Jiang Meng, who had a lot of hair pulled out, rushed out from the side. In a panic, he bumped into the side of the car and staggered back two feet. He fell to the ground.

What happened at the school gate, the security guard immediately saw the movement here and quickly ran up to check.

Seeing how badly she was injured, he immediately turned on the intercom: "Call the school doctor quickly! Call the school doctor! There is an injured student at the door!"

Jiang Meng's face was swollen and ugly, with nosebleeds, and there were scars on her hands and legs from being beaten.

She was lying on the ground with blurred vision, and saw under the halo of the summer sun, the door of the luxury car she hit opened, and a young man stepped out, his tall figure covering most of her face from the blazing sun. Qingjun.

Jiang Meng gasped in discomfort, "Save, me."

Fei Jinzhao stood condescendingly, the corners of her straight lips raised coldly.

"Good fight."

(End of this chapter)

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