Chapter 529 Fei Jin calls (33)

Jiang's mother didn't see Fei Jinzhao sorting things out today, so she had no intention of leaving the school and kept sitting in the head teacher's office drinking tea.

Unexpectedly, it was only after noon that she saw the head teacher hurriedly come in holding the mobile phone and said to her in a hurry, "Jiang Meng was injured and has just been carried into the school doctor's room for emergency treatment. "

The news was like a bolt from the blue.

She hurried over and saw her daughter lying on the hospital bed with a bruised nose and face. This tragic sight almost broke her heart.

"Xiao Meng!" She took a few steps forward, looking at the bruises on her body, and breathed in with sadness suppressed in her throat.

One of Jiang Meng's eyes was completely swollen, and it was difficult to even open it. He could only hold on to leave a small gap, and gently called, "Mom, Mom."

"Mommy is here, Mommy is here."

At this time, Jiang's mother could not think about the consequences of the matter being exposed. She focused on Jiang Meng, her eyes were red, she turned around and asked loudly: "I didn't put her in your school to be bullied! "

The doctor in the school doctor's office was angry when he saw that the girl who was so good to him not long ago was beaten badly when she came back. "Mrs. Jiang, if this is your daughter, then Jiang Nuannuan in Teacher Hua's class is What's going on? If both parties are your daughters, you can't always allow her to bully Jiang Meng."

"Nuan Nuan? Did she bully Xiao Meng?" Mother Jiang clearly remembered that she had just told her to treat Xiao Meng well. They were a family, but she didn't even listen to a word. Did she get worse?

The doubts were verified by the school doctor, who seemed to have found an outlet to vent his dissatisfaction with these wealthy teenagers and girls who bullied the weak.

"Jiang Meng was poured a glass of water from her head by Jiang Nuannuan in the morning, and she cried for a long time. She told me that there was another time when a man deliberately poured hot noodles on her, and it was Jiang Nuannuan's instigation. She said What kind of hatred does Jiang Meng have? Now she is asking people to beat her again. This is completely bullying someone to death."

The more she talked, the angrier she got, and the more she talked, the angrier she became. The female school doctor kept talking about Jiang Nuannuan's crimes, perfectly serving as a sharp knife in Jiang Meng's hand.

Jiang's mother was also very angry, but her remaining sanity recalled Jiang Nuannuan's disappointed eyes. The daughter she had raised by her side for 18 years was usually very docile despite being a bit arrogant.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Check the surveillance camera. Check the surveillance camera for me."

Since Jiang Nuannuan wanted to trust her, she had to put the factual evidence in front of her before making a conclusion, she told herself.

Fei Jin summoned Jiang Nuannuan's class just after the lunch break. He knocked politely on the door, and the girls in the class immediately became excited when they saw him.

He can dress up in school uniform to look like the male protagonist of a youth drama, so he is the only one chosen by two schools.

The weather in summer was very hot. His long-sleeved coat was hanging on his arms, revealing the clean and tidy white uniform of No. [-] Middle School. His neatly styled hair was blown by the wind when it came, and a strand of it was broken. The hair is placed in front of the forehead, dotting the deep and cool facial features below.

He is indeed just like Alpine Snow Lotus. When he purses his lips, he is so indifferent that he can repel people thousands of miles away. He can only be looked at, without any thoughts of getting close to him.

No one came up to talk to him, and the corner of his lips showed the first gentle touch of the day, "Nuan Nuan."

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and was about to walk over. The sleeves of the sun protection clothing she was wearing were yanked by Ying Hao, who reached out from behind and said, "Class will begin soon."

"Let go." She turned back.

Ying Hao gritted his teeth, "Are you going to fight your family to the end for a poor guy?"

Jiang Nuannuan was dissatisfied with the way he called Fei Jinzhao after he got angry. She waved her hand, walked around and walked to the door of the classroom, with a look of guilt on her beautiful face, "You don't have to come, these things have nothing to do with you."

She knew that he must have been scolded by the teacher and even called his parents.

Out of concern for her grandmother's health, she asked nervously: "You didn't call Grandma Fei, did you?"

"She knows I'll take care of it, don't worry, it's okay."

He held her hand in front of everyone and said, "Let's go see your mother."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't think much about it, "She's still sitting in the office now. She will definitely hurt you later and even cause you to be expelled from school."

But if she bites him to death, it's his own problem, and nothing will happen to Fei Jinzhao.

She wanted to protect him, which was a very good idea.

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and looked at her, "Don't you trust me?" They had discussed this issue a long time ago, and the answer was self-evident.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Trust."

In the eyes of outsiders like Xu Jie, the man and woman stood together holding hands and looked like a perfect match.

She turned back to look at the gloomy Ying Hao, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, sighed and said pityingly: "How about forget it, you and him stand together, the gap is quite big."

If you just pick up Ying Hao, he is definitely a sunny and cheerful handsome guy, but in front of Fei Jinzhao, his appearance and temperament are both crushed. Xu Jie doesn't even understand that such a guy said he came from a poor place. How could this boy look as powerful as these wealthy young men, and even have a tendency to crush them?

It's no wonder that her friend Jiang Nuannuan, a serious beauty control, fell in love with Fei Jinzhao at first sight.

When there was a commotion in the classroom because of the two of them, a classmate who was sent by the teacher to call someone ran up to them and said, "Jiang Meng was beaten. The teacher asked you to go to the infirmary quickly."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned and was speechless, "Beat?"

She was either splashed with noodles or beaten. She had enough scenes.

The classmate came closer to her and revealed the information in a low voice, "Your mother is here too. The school doctor said you hired someone to beat Jiang Meng, and the surveillance cameras have been deployed."

"Surveillance?" Jiang Nuannuan immediately raised her eyes to look at the flashing red surveillance camera in the classroom, with a sarcastic smile on her lips, "She really took great pains to drive me away."

Fei Jinzhao pulled her, "Let's go then."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and looked at his straight back, tightened her fingers, "Yeah."

He could stand up and grow into a tree in his own right in such an environment, so why couldn't she?
No one has to follow the planned path in their life. The road ahead is about to collapse. She has to try to take other paths. That is not necessarily a bad thing.

Sensing her emotional change, Fei Jinzhao slowed down his steps and stood side by side with her. His voice was gentle and firm: "No one will hurt you."

The one who arrived at the infirmary before the two of them was a video pulled from the monitoring room. The content was directly transferred to the head teacher's mobile phone. After clicking it, a video of Jiang Nuannuan twisting the hot water in the thermos cup in public appeared. Jiang Meng The picture of water pouring down from the head leaked out.

This behavior was extremely bad in the eyes of Jiang's mother, and it undoubtedly confirmed that the school doctor's words were true. She didn't even need to question whether Jiang Nuannuan was responsible for the subsequent beatings. She was disappointed with her daughter in her heart. , sentenced her to death.

When they arrived at the door of the school doctor's office, the hands they held were loosened. Because it was recess, there was a long line of tailgaters behind them who came to quietly watch the fun.

Jiang Nuannuan had to push the door open first and go in.

There were also many people standing in the crowd, including school doctors, teachers, security guards, and doctors from nearby hospitals who rushed over to help. Seven or eight pairs of eyes looked at her, with a sense of judgment in everyone's eyes.

When she walked in, Mother Jiang pushed away the crowd and gave her a hard push, "Why do you do this! I believe you so much!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Nuannuan was pushed a few more times, and she stepped back repeatedly. Her unsteady body was caught by Fei Jinzhao, who put his hand on her lower back to help her stand up, and blocked Jiang's mother's hand.

Seeing that the two of them were so close to each other in front of so many people, Jiang's mother was even more furious, "Jiang Nuannuan! What are you thinking! Just because I gave my biological daughter away After I took you home, you have always been brooding about this, going against me and hurting Xiao Meng? Doesn’t our family owe you something! Does our family owe you something!?”

At the end of the sentence, because Mother Jiang was a little angry and hysterical, she pointed at Jiang Nuannuan's nose, "Do you know that because a group of students you asked to beat Xiao Meng, her nasal bones were broken, her wrists were dislocated, and her face was broken." The scars are even more serious! Are you going to destroy her!"

Stripping away all dignity, Mother Jiang completely exposed an embarrassing mystery of her life experience to everyone today.

Jiang Nuannuan is not the daughter of the Jiang family at all. Jiang Meng, a village girl who suddenly transferred from the countryside, is the real daughter of the Jiang family.

Listening to the commotion around him, Jiang Meng, who was lying on the hospital bed and barely regaining consciousness, still had an uncontrollable smile on his lips.

She still succeeded, didn't she?Although the price paid is a bit tragic.

Fei Jin summoned the person to protect her behind her, and faced Mother Jiang with her tall figure. Her aura was not weak at all, and it was very oppressive.

"Did you catch the person who beat your daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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