Chapter 530 Fei Jin calls (34)

The incident happened just at noon, and people had already run away. Moreover, the incident involved Jiang Nuannuan. If she was caught by the police, it would undoubtedly be a slap in the Jiang family's face. Jiang's mother, who still had sense, did not choose to call the police.

But with so much personal and material evidence, she didn't think there was any other possibility for this matter. All signs showed that Jiang Nuannuan hated Jiang Meng.

Mother Jiang said: "Here are all the evidences!"

In the video retrieved from the monitoring room, it was clear that Jiang Nuannuan unscrewed the hot water cup and splashed Jiang Meng in the face. The evidence was conclusive.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned out half of her body from behind Fei Jinzhao and asked her, "What would mom do if I did it all?"

Mother Jiang, who was looking at her and was getting angry, didn't know what to say when she asked her this question. After beating her and scolding her, what else could she do?
"Why not just publish it in the newspaper." Jiang Nuannuan simply said for her, "You don't have to force yourself anymore and act like the whole family is trying to accommodate me. Dad also wants to recognize Jiang Meng back, doesn't he? Nowadays, many Everyone knows it, so why not change our identities and return to our respective positions."

Mother Jiang: "It was you who did something wrong, Jiang Nuannuan! Don't deliberately provoke me with such things! You should apologize to Jiang Meng first!"

"I'm not irritating you with this matter. After returning from Jiang Meng, my mother is no longer my mother. Of course, I was the one who wanted to throw the glass of water at her. There is a reason for everything and you won't be able to hear it. I have also been detained by my family for the past two days. It’s a lot of trouble.”

Jiang Nuannuan took a breath, stood next to Fei Jinzhao, and said to her calmly: "Publish it in the newspaper, announce it on the news, and announce that Jiang Meng has returned to the Jiang family, and I want to return to my own home."

I thought she had experienced such a dirty environment in the countryside. The girl who was so carefully crafted would not dare to leave home and leave the life of fine clothing and fine food. Sooner or later, she would accept Jiang Meng's existence. The two of them are like sisters. .

The reality did not go in the direction Jiang's mother expected.

"Jiang Nuannuan! Do you know what you are talking about!"

Jiang's mother refused to let go on both sides. She couldn't believe that Jiang Nuannuan would make such a choice. She even ignored how many pairs of eyes around her looked at her and said to Jiang Nuannuan: "You have nothing after you leave home. Do you understand?" ? You can't even afford to go to college! If you want to bet your whole life on whether my breath will go smoothly, you'd better think it over yourself."

"Think clearly."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded seriously, and said under the gaze of several pairs of eyes: "Let me tell you clearly, I hate Jiang Meng, and I am tired of her despicability and methods. If she did not take into account the face of the family, what would she be like before? I can definitely spread the word to people, but I choose to remain silent for your sake, but it doesn’t mean that I have to live this kind of life of being humble and petty.”

"I don't want to be the daughter of the Jiang family anymore."

She had never been so awake, and the hand behind her back seemed to have magical power, giving her endless courage.

Although there is a very tacky saying, she still wants to say that gold always shines wherever it is.

She has confidence in herself.

But the school doctor listened to her words and made a sarcastic comment at the right time, "Jiang Meng used to be a good student with both good conduct and academic performance. What kind of person is she? Now, if you call the police, you will be arrested and detained in the detention center. If you want to come, It’s good.”

Fei Jinzhao looked at her and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure that Jiang Meng was beaten by Jiang Nuannuan? Are you willing to be her witness?" The school doctor insisted, "Isn't this child Jiang Meng's previous life in a different environment?" Okay? These young ladies in school like to use this to tease an innocent poor person. I will definitely help with this. If Mrs. Jiang doesn’t want to call the police and make the matter bigger, then I have nothing to say. "

From her standpoint, she really felt sorry for Jiang Meng, an innocent child, and wanted to do justice urgently.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Jiang Meng, who was lying motionless on the bed, and thought that she had indeed been beaten badly. She was cruel enough to kill herself like this.

Fei Jinzhao looked up at the infirmary's camera and nodded calmly.

"oh, I understand now."

Jiang's mother knew that was not the case. Jiang Meng was obedient, but her grades were just a cover.

She said to Jiang Nuannuan in a deep voice: "Don't threaten me, we are a family."

One family, one family. Mother Jiang kept talking about one family for who knows how many days.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed slightly, and no longer left any room for herself in her tone, "I will give you one chance, do you want Jiang Meng or me?"

Facing so many pairs of eyes filled with gossip, Mother Jiang was silent, "If you want me to say it here instead of going home and talking behind closed doors, there will be no room for everything as soon as it comes out. Nuannuan, My daughter, the daughter I was most proud of before, the gem design you want to do is destined to become an empty talk. You know that your dreams all require money."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I know that my life at home is nothing more than paving a shortcut for the future."

Jiang's mother continued to exert her strength, trying to force her to compromise, "I will no longer support you with any school expenses, Nuannuan, you have always been my daughter, you have thought about it, as long as you go back and apologize to Xiao Meng now , I will never bully her again, and I can still pretend that this incident never happened."

Jiang Nuannuan firmly held Fei Jinzhao's finger, "I want to go back to my home."

Jiang Meng, who had always treated him like a dead person, hissed weakly, "Mom."

The call almost made Jiang's mother cry again. She quickly walked back to her and saw her daughter's miserable state in front of her eyes again. She turned back to Jiang Nuannuan and said, "She is my biological daughter. She has to take care of you for us." I am willing to conceal my identity, Jiang Nuannuan, don’t regret it.”

Mother Jiang's choice came to fruition, and it was within everyone's expectation.

Jiang Nuannuan tilted her head, the light in her eyes had been completely extinguished, but she smiled at Fei Jinzhao, "I may trouble you to take me to move tonight."

"Go now."

Fei Jinzhao: "Just bring your important documents and follow me."

(Comments: I will go to the hospital tomorrow, so there may not be any updates)
(End of this chapter)

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