Chapter 531 Fei Jinzhao (35)

Seeing the two people turning around and leaving, Jiang's mother immediately said, "Jiang Nuannuan, where can you go?"

She glanced at the boy next to her and said sternly, "Do you really want to live in this man's house?"

In the eyes of adults, the two of them are just students who have just grown up.

Seeing that the situation was really bad, the head teacher also advised: "Don't be impulsive in everything. The school also prohibits falling in love while you are in school. Jiang Nuannuan, your academic performance is good and you have good prospects for the future. Don't go your own way and violate school rules. When the situation gets serious, the school has the right to withdraw." What you are studying is about to take the college entrance examination, so you must carefully consider what your mother says."

The school doctor still spoke out with personal emotions, "Other schools don't dare to accept your classmate Jiang. No one would want a bad girl who forms a small group to bully others in school."

The underlying meaning is to pressure her by losing school, forcing her to admit her mistake with Jiang Meng, and then return to the Jiang family to be her false princess. What is the difference between this and wearing the emperor's new clothes?

Jiang Nuannuan stopped and realized what it means to be defeated by the crowd. Once the aura of a wealthy little princess is lost, the teachers in the school are just the lackeys of the Jiang family.

The head teacher himself believed that the starting point of these words was not wrong. He took Mrs. Jiang into consideration and brought the serious consequences to the table. He hoped that both of them could calm down and think carefully.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes to face Fei Jinzhao. Her immature mind began to waver. She suddenly didn't know what to do. It was because she was worried and confused about the future that was about to be cut off.

If she just wants to leave home and doesn't apologize, she will have to endure everyone's oppression and hurt. Will she compromise?
The boy looked at her, and his firm voice turned into a kind of pleading, "Just walk with me to the school gate."

He needed her trust, all of her trust.

Only half a step away from stepping out of the school doctor's office, Jiang Nuannuan looked out at the fierce sunshine. The chirping of insects sounded hoarse, as if playing a swan song for this bad relationship.

Cut it off.

No matter what awaits her.

She held his warm hand tightly, took two quick steps forward, and walked out of the door in the light all over the ground, surpassing Fei Jinzhao. As she walked, she suddenly pulled him and started running, despite the sharp shouts behind her. He hurriedly did not stop.

There was always a voice in her heart telling her that she must do this.

So she ran very fast, faster and faster.

The back view of the two looked like a funny elopement in the eyes of adults.

Out of concern for the students, the head teacher still chased her out. Mother Jiang looked back at her daughter who was calling her, and finally slowly took back the steps she took.

The moment she saw Jiang Nuannuan running out, she felt her heart suddenly drop, and the panic that she hadn't noticed was spreading.

She thought that at the latest evening, the daughter she had raised for many years would come back.

For the money-filled dream of becoming a jewelry designer, and for the wealthy life, the arrogant daughter she had raised for 18 years could only say angry words. Jiang Nuannuan would never, ever leave her mother.

All she wanted was for her to apologize to her daughter Jiang Meng.

This is her greatest indulgence, and she should understand.

When Jiang Nuannuan ran to the school gate, she was panting, "Where is your bicycle? Let's go quickly."

There are many luxury cars in private schools, so she didn't pay special attention to the three brand-new luxury cars in the distance.

"There's no bicycle." Fei Jinzhao held her shoulder as she was about to start running again, and held her down, with a smile in her eyes, "We'll take a car." The Bentley parked three or four meters in front of them At this time, the driver, who came down in a neat suit and wore white gloves, opened the door and respectfully shouted to Fei Jinzhao: "Boss."

Then, he politely said to Jiang Nuannuan: "Miss, please."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned.

Where is the car from?

The head teacher who came over was stunned when he saw this posture.

Doesn’t it mean that the man’s family is poor?Is this called poverty?

The students who chased after to see the excitement, even the school bell did not stop them from gossiping, their footsteps took root, and they stretched their necks to look from a distance.

Xu Jie's concern for her friend turned into shock at this moment. She pinched Xu Qing's arm next to her, "Am I hallucinating? Was it Fei Jin who called for that full-scale battle? There is a legend on that forum that she works 24 hours a day to purify sleep. A diligent academic?"

Xu Qing slapped her paw away in disgust, "It hurts, it's not an illusion."

"Maybe it's rented?" someone next to me said.

Xu Qing and Sister Xu rolled their eyes in unison at this moment. Both of them were from good backgrounds, so they naturally had the best information on these things.

Xu Qing said: "It costs tens of thousands to rent a car like this. How could Fei Jinzhao rent a car just to show off and support Jiang Nuannuan? That's something he can't even earn from working for several years. Look at the Bentley That Lamborghini behind is a new global limited-edition supercar that was just released in the first half of this year. Who dares to rent it? Go to the official website to check the price."

Even more dazzling than the Bentley is the pink supercar covered in diamonds at the back, which looks like a moving luminous object in the sun.

The sensible Xu Jie had already checked the official website on her mobile phone. When she saw the list of prices, her eyes almost popped out of her head.

She lost her voice and said, "I know it's expensive, but 985 million? Damn it, who could rent this car out? Who can afford it?"

Even her family can't afford such an expensive one.

So how did the high school boy from No. [-] Middle School, who had always changed his life by working part-time, suddenly become like this?
Xu Qing was also a little shocked. Xu Jie had already used her imagination after reading novels for many years and said, "This is the real-life version of Ma Jiawen, right? Or is it a play where the poor boy is actually the lost child of a wealthy family? Did you just recognize your ancestor and return to your clan recently?"

Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the Bentley, and was attracted by the fast-moving sports car behind her. After taking a few more glances, she looked at Fei Jinzhao, "Is this your car?"

He nodded, motioned to the person driving the pink sports car to throw the key over, and handed it to her, "Do you think it looks good? If not, change it again."

Jiang Nuannuan was like a puppet. She took the key and subconsciously pressed the button, and the Lamborghini's headlights immediately came on.

"I haven't taken my driver's license test yet," she said.

"That's not right." She came back to her senses and quickly stopped this seemingly light topic. She held the key in her palm until it hurt, and then asked him, "This is all yours, why do you pretend to have no money again?" Have I been together these days?"

Not just getting along with her, Fei Jinzhao's disguise deceived everyone around him who thought they knew him.

How on earth did he do it?
He's only 18, right?When others still need to take pocket money from their families to squander, and when he is doing the hard work that is inferior to others on the surface, what on earth is he doing behind the scenes to earn so much money!

(End of this chapter)

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