Chapter 532 Fei Jinzhao (36)

Fei Jinzhao raised her lips slightly and answered patiently: "I didn't hide it from you on purpose. I just started to succeed recently. I haven't given you the guarantee of a good life before. Isn't it easier for you to accept and control with an ordinary identity?"

Because she lives too hard and still stretches out tenaciously in the mud, this kind of personality attracts her the most. Being too rich will bring many negative effects. He doesn't want to package himself as a rich second generation, so in Jiang Nuan's eyes In Nuan Yan's eyes, he might be no different from Ying Hao.

Everyone has a beautiful face, but to add something attractive to the beauty, great contrast is often required.

Jiang Nuannuan had to admit that Fei Jinzhao handled her perfectly.

Her eyes trembled slightly as she thought of something and said, "You didn't always choose to hide it just for me, right?"

The words she said sounded narcissistic, but that was what she thought subconsciously.

The campus forum of Poor School Girl, Flower of the High Mountains, and that of No. [-] Middle School had existed since he first entered school three years ago.

Fei Jinzhao didn't start his own business until he was fourteen or fifteen years old. From making a small amount of money at the beginning to making games and then to real estate, he also spent a lot of money to treat his grandmother's illness. The accumulation of wealth was a long process. When he was 18 years old, Years later, the territory was first built.

There is no need to hide the matter now. He admitted: "I didn't fall in love with you at first sight."

I stay by your side, observing your every move, and have been planning for a long time.

She was being plotted to death. The plot started three years ago and broke out when she was about to leave home. It was hard not to wonder if he had known something for a long time.

The answer struck Jiang Nuannuan's heart, and the overlapping phantom rushed into her mind again. She asked: "What does Ten Mile Alley look like?"

Fei Jin clicked on the door frame of the car door, "Go and take a look now?"

She pursed her lips and got into the car with him.

The head teacher stood at the door and called Jiang Nuannuan in surprise and anxiety. When Fei Jin took a step back and stepped into the car door, she tilted her head and said, "I will come over tomorrow to handle the transfer procedures for her."

With the support of those big bodyguards in black and luxury cars, Fei Jinzhao's image has become unattainable and somewhat threatening.

All the words of the head teacher were choked back in his stomach, he folded his hands together and patted them, and hurried back.

The students who were watching the excitement were completely in an uproar.

The fact that Fei Jinzhi was actually a super rich man spread so much that even the teacher couldn't control it.

Xu Jie watched the car go away and gloated to Xu Qing: "Jiang Meng has always been bullied these days and is so unlucky. It is indeed not Nuan Nuan's fault. I know it. Now it seems that the real culprit is a little clear. This matter There will definitely be a reversal, let's wait and see, Aunt Jiang was sometimes crying."

Across the Linggang River and arriving in Jiangbei, this area is home to a lot of housing for the elderly. In their time, this area was truly prosperous and glorious, but with the new construction and development, it gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

The luxury car drove onto the relatively crowded streets here. Camphor trees on both sides were evergreen all year round, blocking the thick sunshine. On the pedestrian path passing underneath, there were many old people setting up stalls extending from the entrance of the market. They were all growing vegetables in their own fields, shouting The price offered was so cheap that Jiang Nuannuan doubted whether it could really pay off.

She looked at everything here curiously and asked, "So you lived here at first, and you bought that house in Jiangnan on purpose."

Fei Jinzhao leaned over and looked at her, "For a reasonable identity, there is also the issue of distance. It's too far here, isn't it."

"It's very far." Jiang Nuannuan nodded. If his house was across the Linggang River in a very old alley, with her initial temper, she wouldn't come.

She couldn't help but sigh, "You really understand me, Fei Jinzhao."

Fei Jinzhao: "This is not a bad thing." As the car turned into a certain section of road, a strange sense of familiarity came to my mind.

Cars can no longer drive into Shili Alley further inside.

Jiang Nuannuan bent down and got out of the car. The familiar alley entrance, the path paved with bricks and the moss in the gaps, and the pool made of slates outside the old house were all things that had a sense of the times, just like what she had seen when she had hallucinations. The scene was exactly the same.

She has been here before, and she even knows which tiles on the floor will loosen after rain and cause mud.

Fei Jinzhao stood at the door of her home, pushed open the door that was not closed, and said, "You are having a massage."

Grandma Fei opened her eyes when she heard her grandson's voice, hurriedly patted the back of the nanny's hand with her fan, and stood up with a smile on her face, "Hey, why are you back at this hour?"

Fei Jinzhao stood on the steps, turned her head to Jiang Nuannuan and said, "Bring your girlfriend here to see."

A word of address brought her back to her senses, and she stepped forward and climbed a small step.

The grandmother inside has sparse hair, but she is in good spirits, with a rosy face and a kind look.

"Hello, grandma." Jiang Nuannuan greeted.

"I know, I know, Nuannuan, that little girl." Grandma Fei had an expression on her face that I knew well. She got up and turned on the air conditioner at home, then went to the refrigerator to find some fruit and stuffed it for her to eat. "Isn't it hot now? Go take a shower. Wash and eat pears and blow on the air conditioner at home."

None of the embarrassing things Jiang Nuannuan had considered happened. Familiar people, familiar places and familiar life made her quickly relax and chat with Grandma Fei.

I don’t know why, but Grandma Fei also has a natural affinity for this little girl. She thinks everything is good, and the more she looks at her, the more she likes her.

The two stayed here all afternoon, and her grandmother also let her visit Fei Jinzhao's room at will. She turned to look at him.

Fei Jinzhao took out a few vegetables from the refrigerator and prepared to cook today's dinner. Hearing this, he said, "You can take a look at it."

Pushing open the door of his bedroom on the second floor, Jiang Nuannuan wondered inexplicably whether his quilt was covered with little mushrooms?There should be a cute umbrella-shaped lamp beside the bed. It seemed that he didn't buy it himself, but she gave it to him on her own initiative.

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door, and all the furnishings in the bedroom matched up, and even those weird shadows appeared again.

This time it was for her and Fei Jinzhao.

She paused at the door for a long time, then suddenly exited with a blushing face and asked Fei Jinzhao in the kitchen on the second floor, "Did you buy these specially?"

The reason why she said it was because she thought he also remembered what happened between them in a certain time and space, so she put it here deliberately.

Fei Jinzhao's eyes dimmed, "I bought it specially."

He was the only one in her hallucination last time, so he took a gamble and replaced the furniture in the bedroom with the styles she had moved there. He wanted to evoke more memories that only belonged to the two of them.

After the three of them finished their dinner, Grandma Fei had something to say to him alone, so Jiang Nuannuan came out first.

A small velvet box was handed to Fei Jinzhao.

(End of this chapter)

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