Chapter 535 Fei Jinzhao (39)

"No, not together."

He responded with a low voice, and Jiang Nuannuan was surprised for a second. He grabbed the back of her neck with his palms, swayed the orange juice in the cup, and bit her lips.

So the sweet relationship she saw ended up not being good at all?
He looked so sad.

He vented too many emotions, and the paranoid gloom and obsession in his eyes broke through the disguise and were all absorbed into Jiang Nuannuan's eyes.

She didn't say anything, she tilted her head and leaned on his tight shoulder to catch her breath. She didn't leave, she just wanted him to hold her like this.

"It's okay Fei Jinzhao, I won't leave you now, we will always be together."

In her eyes, he deviated more and more from his original character. Not only was she not afraid, but there was only a faint feeling of pain spreading in her chest.

She owed him a lot, and she was the culprit that caused him to change like this.

He lowered his head and gently sucked the side of her neck and shoulders, lingering ambiguously to coax her.

"The princess can only come and be raised by me."

"What I give you will be no worse than what they gave you."

Only by keeping her within his sight and territory can he rest assured.

Jiang Nuannuan looked up from his arms, her moist eyes were shining, and she said exaggeratedly: "Please, you have so much money, I am so jealous of money, tell me this earlier, so that I can have the confidence to bully others." a little."

The two looked at each other, and Fei Jinzhao suddenly smiled.

"You're right, I should have told you earlier."

Jiang Nuannuan was overjoyed, "I'm really lucky in Feng Shui. As a reward tomorrow, you can take me to buy clothes again."

Fei Jinzhao nodded obediently.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his young face and gradually stopped smiling. She put down the cup in her hand, held his face and gently rubbed it, and said softly: "Fei Jinzhao, thank you for your hard work."

After waiting for so long and working hard behind the scenes for so long, I finally got the wonderful life that I am now seeing through the clouds and light.

He lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead, closing his eyes slightly.

He had lived a miserable life in his previous life, and only then did he realize how happy he was to have his relatives and lover again in this life.

"You all remember?"

Jiang Nuannuan nuzzled him, "No, I just saw part of it. Our adult life is really exciting. I obviously like you so much, how could it end badly?"

Fei Jinzhao had a smile on his lips. He would not think about why she only remembered what happened with him and would not delve into it. He knew that this was the best.

He went to the kitchen to wash the two glasses, wiped his hands, and took her into the bedroom. "There is a cloakroom inside. I only have a few sets of clothes prepared for tomorrow."

Fei Jinzhao paused and asked her, "Do you want to transfer to another school?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Transfer to another school? Go to your place?"

He nodded, "Go to my place and try to rush to Linggang University."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "Linggang University?"

Who doesn't know that this school is ranked in the top 1 in the country, and its score line is even more terrifying. It is the top scorer in the college entrance examination in various places. It is more difficult than applying for Lun Yi.

Fei Jinzhao said: "This school has a pioneering talent training program. In terms of design, the qualifications are no worse than the school you choose." In her previous life, she could become famous with her design talent. What is impossible in this life? Encourage her Going abroad was what he said on the surface, and it was really difficult for him to take her out of his sight for a second.

The college entrance examination will be over before Jiang Nuannuan gets the offer. Whether she succeeds or not is another matter. She will definitely do well in the exam.

After much thought, she felt that this was also an opportunity, not to mention that she had just noticed Fei Jinzhao's gloomy expression. If this road was feasible, it was not impossible.

"it is good."

She nodded, "Then I'll leave it to you, genius school girl."

When it was only four or five o'clock the next day, Fei Jinzhao took Jiang Nuannuan back to his home in the countryside. The couple also got up at this moment, wanting to go to the fields to work while the sun was not rising and the weather was cool. Live.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan coming again, the woman took off her straw hat and came forward, "Nuan Nuan, why are you here at this hour? Have you had breakfast?"

"I've eaten." Jiang Nuannuan nodded and simply made his intentions clear to them.

Jiang Meng had only been back for a few days when she was faced with being kicked out of her home. The hard-working middle-aged man and woman suddenly felt heartbroken.

"how so."

"You don't have to worry about tuition and living expenses. I will take care of it myself and won't delay my studies. So can you let me go home?"

The latter words directly broke the hearts of both of them.

Her father put down the hoe, walked into the house and came out carrying a black bag and a jar of pickles, "Originally we thought that leaving you there to raise was the best outcome, but now that you are not doing well, we will Return all this money and you come back to be my daughter, and you will have this jar of pickles."

He stuffed the pickles into Jiang Nuannuan's hand, flashed his rough palm in front of her, and said simply: "Try it, your mother pickled it. It tastes good with porridge."

Jiang Nuannuan hugged the jar, the tip of her nose sore.

Things went very smoothly afterwards. Jiang Nuannuan and the second elder did a paternity test, took the report and went to the police station for notarization. Finally, the adult Jiang Nuannuan moved out her household registration separately and placed it in the second elder's. In the household registration book.

Fei Jinzhao was with him throughout the whole process, arranging everything in every detail. Especially to reassure the parents, he arranged for a high-end restaurant in Linggang, ordered the most expensive food and wine, and ate with him politely. A meal.

The amount of the bill on the table was almost 2 yuan, which made the two elders stunned.

"Here, isn't a meal too expensive?"

Fei Jinzhao said: "It's not expensive, I only have the best Nuan Nuan."

"But you are about the same age as her. Now she, um, she has returned to our house as a daughter. Do your family members still agree?"

Although both of them are farmers, they also have TV sets at home. Knowing that these rich people value status most, children of this age probably still spend their parents' money.

Fei Jinzhao: "The money I earned from running my own company, plus the income from real estate speculation, all the money can go to her. I only have one grandma left, and she likes Nuannuan very much."

What he said was completely unlike what a young man should achieve.

How old does he need to be to start a business?

The second elder was shocked.

Jiang Nuannuan did not deny it, "Grandma is very nice, and Fei Jinzhao is also very nice to me. Their family likes me more than my parents."

Seeing the slight smile on her face, the couple felt somewhat relieved.

"Okay, let's go to school and go through the transfer procedures."

(End of this chapter)

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