Chapter 536 Fei Jin calls (40)

Jiang's mother, who rushed to the hospital early in the morning with porridge cooked at home to deliver meals to Jiang Meng, received a call from the school. Jiang Nuannuan applied to transfer to another school and brought her biological parents with her. The procedures were complete. I was going to transfer to No. [-] Middle School that day.

All connections have been completed at No. [-] Middle School, expressing their full welcome to Jiang Nuannuan, a student.

Jiang's mother gave her a slap in the face. Only two days later, Jiang Nuannuan was about to completely break away from her control, and she didn't even want to go to school.

What kind of school is No. [-] Middle School?It was just a public high school with mediocre qualifications. If she went there, wouldn't she be delaying her studies?

She was angry that the school could be so decisive in approving the notice without notifying her.

As a result, the school responded that Jiang Nuannuan's recent troubles had a great impact, and some parents also complained. They also tried their best to retain and persuade her, but they could not stop it.

A discerning person will know as soon as he hears these words that the school is also troubled by violent incidents every now and then. Jiang Nuannuan can solve many problems if he can leave, which is the best thing.

Jiang's mother quickly called the principal of No. [-] Middle School through her connections, hoping that the other party would reject Jiang Nuannuan's admission application. As a result, the person on the other end laughed and laughed, with a red stamp rising and falling in her hand, and approved the application.

What a joke, that day Fei Jinzhao came to his principal’s office in person, put a stack of red banknotes, and told him that he had recently been speculating on houses and playing games, and that he would definitely enroll in Linggang University in the future. Such inappropriate admissions Brochure, you want to be the number one person printed on the school admissions cover.

Even for the sake of next year's students, he would agree to Fei Jinzhao's request.

"Mrs. Jiang, there were not many students in our school who entered key universities last year. If a good student like Jiang Nuannuan can come, he may become our enrollment sign in the future."

Jiang's mother was so angry that her chest was so tight that she beat her.

It was a foregone conclusion that could no longer be changed, Jiang Nuannuan officially entered No. [-] Middle School.

She invited her friends from the previous class to have a meal together, and no longer paid attention to what was going on with the Jiang family now.

In addition to getting familiar with the new environment and attending classes seriously every day, I would call Fei Jin home to stay in the study room and be guided by him in studying.

She put down her pen, rubbed her sore arms, and leaned back in her chair, "I finally finished writing."

Fei Jinzhao sat next to her at work. Hearing this, he pulled out and poured a glass of warm water and handed it to her. He moved the office chair, took away the exercise book in front of her and opened it.

He lowered his eyes, and occasionally marked and crossed them with a red pen. His long legs were crossed and his posture was loose. His focused academic temperament was really eye-catching. Jiang Nuannuan took a few sips of water, rested her chin with her hand, and knocked it on the table. After a while, I asked him: "How was it? Are there still many wrong questions?"

The test paper was turned to the last page on his fingertips. After reading the last question, Fei Jinzhao returned the book to her, pinched the back of her neck, and coaxed her to say: "If you make progress, revise again." "

Jiang Nuannuan had lowered her head for a long time. When he squeezed it like this, she suddenly felt comfortable. She narrowed her almond-shaped eyes slightly and held down the hand he was about to withdraw. "Squeeze again."

Fei Jinzhao's eyes darkened, and she pinched her hand a few more times and withdrew her hand, "After you finish writing, I will give you a reward."


Jiang Nuannuan also knew that she couldn't be lazy in this matter, so she turned around and picked up the pen again, and re-wrote the wrongly marked questions.

Fei Jinzhao was very considerate and wrote a small note next to the wrong question. She basically understood it with one click. As the number of wrong questions gradually decreased, it became easier to correct it.

It took her half an hour to sort it all out. She checked it again to make sure it was okay. She turned her head and wanted to call him, but she saw the young man's eyes falling on the documents in his hand, and his brows were slightly furrowed.Seeing that he was quite busy, Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the clock on the wall that was almost 12 o'clock, yawned, and randomly picked out another set of questions to do.

It wasn't until almost one o'clock that Fei Jinzhao put all the documents away and found her biting her fingers. He pulled her wrist and said, "Did you change classes? Why didn't you call me."

Jiang Nuannuan dropped her pen, rubbed her eyes, and turned away, "Are you done?"

She fell forward and buried herself on his chest. Fei Jinzhao picked her up and put her on his lap. He wiped her hands with paper and helped her check her homework.

"Okay, no problem."

The tension in Jiang Nuannuan's mind suddenly relaxed, and she yawned again and raised her face. Her almond-shaped eyes were watery and misty, "Then I'm going to bed? You should go to bed early too."

Fei Jinzhao held down her legs as she was about to get up, "Do you still want the reward?"

He lowered his head, the edges of his jaw were still sharp, and with some force on his fingertips, he gently pinched her chin, and rubbed the two red lips with his thumbs.

The implication is too obvious.

After a long time, the temperature in the study became higher and higher.

"Can't continue."

Fei Jinzhao slowly withdrew his hands from her rolled-up clothes, helped her tidy them up, kissed her lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "There are still classes tomorrow."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes fell on his big hand pressing her leg, her breathing slowed down, her ears were red, and she moved, "Then you should let me get down."

"No." She refused firmly, her voice trembling a bit.

Fei Jinzhao paused, lowered his head and buried it in her neck for a moment, "Is it okay if you pass the exam?"

He said this kind of thing with the appearance of a flower on the high mountain, which is simply tempting to commit a crime.

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his black hair and pinched his ears, her cheeks turned red, "Go to sleep."

Jiang Meng came out of the hospital to recover, and the exams had just ended. The senior high school students were completely liberated, and there was a craze for tearing up books in the school, and there was also the discomfort of parting.

Jiang Meng, who had not experienced it at all, felt relieved. She knew very well that if she passed the exam successfully, she would not be able to get into a second-level university.

She said to Jiang's mother in an apologetic tone: "Mom, I've been going to the hospital this month instead of taking exams. I've missed too much. I must study hard next year and repeat for another year to pass the college entrance examination."

What she said was right. During the month of preparation for the exam, she was suppressed and bullied by Jiang Nuannuan. Jiang's mother felt nothing but heartache. She said lovingly: "Mom, I believe in you."

Jiang's father also came to the hospital to pick up Jiang Meng from the hospital today.

(End of this chapter)

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