Chapter 537 Fei Jin calls (41)

He has always been resentful of Jiang Nuannuan's rebellion and slander, and he has a tendency to hate iron. In addition, the story of the real and fake daughter has already spread in the school, and many people around him are asking whether this matter can be hidden. Now that we're here, there's nothing else to worry about. The Jiang family must have a daughter.

He decided to hold a banquet to officially announce Jiang Meng's return, which also meant that Jiang Nuannuan would be completely torn off the last layer of fig leaf.

Jiang Meng was ecstatic after hearing this. After getting into the car, she said with shame: "To Jiang Nuannuan, I must be the one who ruined her family. She must be angry now. Dad, why don't you tell her before sending the invitation?" Just say it, if there is still room for change."

"There is no turning around." Father Jiang groaned angrily. Compared with her considerate look, Jiang Nuannuan looked even more arrogant and domineering.

He said: "I can spend money to train her to be what she is now, and it's only a matter of time before you do it."

Jiang Meng lowered his eyes, slightly raising the corners of his lips with a strange smile.

On the first day when she returned to school to attend their senior year graduation party, Jiang Meng knew that the parents of many classmates in the class had received invitations from her home.

Like a victorious peacock, she came to Xu Jie who was cutting her nails. She bent down and whispered in her ear: "The Jiang family is about to announce my return. That invitation I sent to your family, you Bring Jiang Nuannuan, let her down and out see how right I am to get back what belongs to me."

Jiang Meng didn't seem to know that Fei Jinzhao was a hidden boss.

"You have exposed your true nature."

Xu Jie grabbed her pigtails and smiled evilly, "I really just acted as a vicious supporting actress today."

After the school reported that Jiang Nuannuan was violent to Jiang Meng, she became the second person to violent Jiang Meng. She slapped the other party so hard that the other party almost had his ear pierced.
Since the family could not compete with the Jiang family, her parents ordered Xu Jie to apologize. She called Jiang Nuannuan with a cry and complained. The latter calmly said that since she had been invited, she would definitely go to the banquet and would help Xu Jie then. Slap your face a few times.

Xu Jie, who had just received training from her parents, looked as confident and expectant as if she had found a supporter.

Fei Jinzhao heard Jiang Nuannuan say that she was going home for the banquet and handed her a bank card.

"Pocket money saved for you."

Jiang Nuannuan accepted it decisively and kissed him on the face, "It feels so good to be taken care of."

After hearing this, Fei Jin pulled her back, lowered her head and said, "Say it again."

She smiled crookedly and added three more words, "It feels so good to be taken care of by your boyfriend."

Satisfied, Fei Jinzhao pretended to be reserved and coolly nodded, letting go of her, "I'll go with you tonight, and remember to go to the driving school in the afternoon."

"I know, then I'll learn to drive first."

Jiang Nuannuan made an appointment with Xu Jie to go to Linggang Building in the evening to buy clothes for styling. She got into the pink supercar directly from the driving school, and the driver took her to pick up Xu Jie.

Surrounded by a bunch of luxury goods, and Jiang Nuannuan said that she paid for all the purchases today, which was considered as a reward for her two slaps in the face, Xu Jie lost all her temper after being cheated, "Sister, what are you living now?" It's more moisturizing than at home. If you say you want to buy a dress worth 80 yuan or 300 yuan, just buy it for me." Jiang Nuannuan chose a few dresses to try on one by one, and finally swiped Fei Jinzhao's card and bought them all. Her cheerful look made her angry. Xu Jie quietly pulled her wrist, "But is this really appropriate? You bought mine too. We spent two to three million on this trip."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and only replied, "If I don't like spending money anymore, he should panic."

Xu Jie was confused.

In fact, Jiang Nuannuan figured this out after spending time with Fei Jinzhao every day recently. In a certain time and space when they were not together, she was a very rich girl, and Fei Jinzhao was a really poor school student. Shit, she used a support agreement with him. Although it was to help, it also hurt the other person's self-esteem to a certain extent. After falling in love, he seemed to have made money for her as his first goal.

Although she didn't know why they were not together in the end, Jiang Nuannuan knew that the reason must be very bad. She had discovered that Fei Jinzhao was a little sick now, and she would catch those paranoid emotions from time to time.

He was very disturbed by her attitude and had a strong desire to control.

Every time she acted coquettishly and deliberately asked him to buy some jewelry and acted like she was very dependent on him, he would behave very happily.
If you tell others this conclusion, of course they will only think that Jiang Nuannuan is a top Versailles.

The two of them put on their formal clothes and hired a professional stylist to style them. It was almost time, and the Bentley was waiting at the door. Fei Jinzhao, who was dressed in a black formal dress, raised her hand to take Jiang Nuannuan into the car. Xu Jie looked at the other person's face. Seeing his boss-like dignity, he wisely said, "I can just ride in the original sports car. That would be cool enough."

Arriving at the banquet hall held by the Jiang family on the top floor of their hotel, there were acquaintances everywhere, including business partners from the Jiang family and Jiang Meng's new classmates in the future senior year of high school.

The reason why Jiang's mother invited these students was to prevent Jiang Meng from being bullied.

The family happily received guests in the banquet hall, until there was a small commotion at the door. A flamboyant girl in a sequined black dress with flaming red lips, like a red rose that finally bloomed, appeared on the arm of a man who also matched her. .

Jiang Meng's smile was a little ugly at first.

One is that she didn't expect Jiang Nuannuan to really come, and the other is that even though she came, she was still dressed so brightly that she didn't notice the mother and baby of the bereaved dog who was kicked out of the house.

Jiang Meng has lived in the countryside for a long time, and her skin has become much whiter recently. She also tried a pink dress that represents the princess in her heart for the first time, with a small crown on her head. Now Jiang Nuannuan, a fake, appears in such a high profile, it is like He stepped on her face and completely knocked her down.

The Jiang family's parents did not expect to see Jiang Nuannuan in such a scene after not seeing each other for almost half a month, as well as Fei Jinzhao, who seemed to have outstanding temperament and had begun to look like a man.

Xu Jie patted Jiang Meng's shoulder in a high-key manner, and said loudly and sinisterly: "You asked me to inform her, so I brought them to you. Do you want Jiang Qianjin to go up and say a few words to them?"

Jiang Meng didn't smile. She puffed up her chest and said to her mother, "I just hope she can come and be my sister. Let's start soon, mom?"

Jiang Meng was looking forward to announcing her return in public, announcing her complete abandonment of Jiang Nuannuan.

There was hesitation in Jiang's mother's eyes again. Seeing Jiang Nuannuan take the initiative to come over and hand Jiang Meng a gift box, she asked, "Are you here just now to express your gratitude?"

(End of this chapter)

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