Chapter 544 Fei Jin calls (49)

Fei Jinzhao held a camera in her hand and did not participate. She just stood on the periphery and watched the two lambs rushing to stand on Jiang Nuannuan's crouched legs, eagerly grabbing the goat milk in her hand.

The smile on her face was surprised and bright. She raised her hands and turned to him and shouted: "Fei Jinzhao! Did you take the photo?"

The man was standing outside in black casual clothes. Against the emerald green background, his face was particularly clear and gentle.

He nodded and raised his camera to her.

My heart is filled with love.

The two interacted lovingly, and naturally some people recognized them and did not come forward to disturb them. They just quietly took photos and shared them on WeChat Moments, and then reposted them with each other through people in WeChat Moments.

The news that Fei Jinzhao accompanied his fiancée, the girl abandoned by the Jiang family, on a trip to the grassland soon spread in the Linggang circle.

Some media also set their sights on the rural residence of Jiang Nuannuan's biological parents. When they rushed there, the building was already empty. The neighbor next door said that his son-in-law had temporarily taken him away to live there.

The two elders, who were eating iced watermelon with Grandma Fei on the flat floor of Bishuiwan, both sneezed loudly.

There are many people in the family, and there is endless chatter. Upstairs is the home of my grandson and daughter. Both families have never been so comfortable.

On the other hand, for the Jiang family, the door was closed and it was gloomy all day long.

When dusk fell, Fei Jinzhao set up a tent in a specially booked private ranch. Their location was at a higher altitude. There were not many mosquitoes in the evening, but the temperature also dropped and it was very comfortable. Jiang Nuannuan stood next to the barbecue. , roasting sizzling beef and mutton.

Herds of cattle and sheep were driven back into the circle by herdsmen riding motorcycles at the foot of the mountain. When night fell, only the two of them and the boundless wilderness were left in the world.

A small lamp was lit in the tent, and the wind swayed, and Fei Jinzhao's shadow also changed inside. He laid out a comfortable mattress and bedding, lit mosquito coils in it in advance and placed it in a corner, and opened his backpack to take it out. He took out a bottle of toilet water, closed the tent and came to Jiang Nuannuan.

"I come."

He handed her the toilet water, rolled up his sleeves, and took over the barbecue job from her hand.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the small refrigerator to get a can of beer, opened it, took a sip, and put it to his mouth. She watched him lower his head and took a few sips from her hand, and then took a tissue to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "Thank you very much." ”

After saying that, she took a small fan bought from the scenic spot and fanned him.

Fei Jin looked at her with his chestnut eyes, her hair slightly raised on her forehead, and her tone was gentle: "Why are you so good?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and put a patch on his arm, "I want you to feel more secure."

Fei Jinzhao's hand while roasting the marshmallow paused, raised it a little, blew on it, and handed it to her, "Am I insecure?"

"Yeah." Jiang Nuannuan ate the marshmallow, took a bunch of chicken drumsticks and put them on the plate. She lowered her head and said, "I actually don't know how to make you feel more secure besides spending your money."

These words made Fei Jinzhao laugh. After the faint laughter, only the crackling flame of briquettes in the stove was left.

He lowered his eyes, the flickering firelight reflected in his eyes, and his expression was dark and unclear, "It's because I don't feel safe. Even though I know you only have me in this life, I'm still afraid that you will have more legs and fall in love with someone else."

Jiang Nuannuan almost coughed out the can of beer she just drank.

The chicken legs on the plate were no longer fragrant. She looked at the young man Qingjun's face in shock. She had never figured out the answer to why they were not together in another time and space.

How many boats did she have, including him?

Then he didn't want to take revenge on her, but he still...
Facing Fei Jinzhao's dark and paranoid eyes, Jiang Nuannuan's heart trembled, and she noticed the morbid emotion again.She suddenly felt not very good, but this discomfort was more due to worries about Fei Jinzhao. He obviously saw many more hallucinations and memories than she did.

In Jiang Nuannuan's own memory, she clearly only liked him, and he was the only one in her life.

She wiped her mouth and looked at Fei Jinzhao like a wounded wolf. After thinking about it, she pulled his hand and said, "What you said about your fiancée before, I suddenly felt that my answer was a bit hasty. Of course, what you said was very hasty, do you want to tell me again?"

Fei Jin called: "Marry me?"

Jiang Nuannuan thought about the age of the two of them, "Get engaged first?"

Fei Jinzhao tightened her jaw, and the sausages on the stove had a burnt smell. Jiang Nuannuan took out the sausages first, and when she put two new ones on, her back was hugged.

He put his arm through her shoulders and pulled her into his arms, "Really?"

"Really." Jiang Nuannuan touched his tense arm, "I also want to hold a luxurious engagement party. It's best to let the whole Linggang know about it. It has to be published in the newspapers. The bride price can be waived. After all, I swiped your card to send me the plane, so tens of millions are enough, and you support me, so if you round up the money, it goes in with the left hand and goes out with the right hand. Anyway, in the end, it's all mine."

"You see, no one is spying on me anymore?"

She spoke arrogantly, but every word was comforting. Fei Jinzhao kissed her on the back of her neck, "Okay."

"But one thing."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and held his cheek, "Don't work so hard. Please do more things with me that are appropriate for your age."

Fei Jinzhao asked her, "What about? What should I do?"

"More exercise, go to bed early and get up early."

Fei Jinzhao's expression became a little subtle, and the hand on her shoulder rubbed the thin material, "Sports?"

"What are you thinking about? I mean playing badminton, going out to participate in more activities, and enriching college life." Jiang Nuannuan squeezed his face hard, "Don't act like you're not allowed to approach the mountain snow lotus all day long. Behind the scenes, it’s another story.”

"Although I do like it quite a bit." She added her murmur later, but all in all, the gloom that swept across his eyes from time to time still made her feel nervous, and she always felt like he would lock her up if she didn't pay attention.

Fei Jinzhao watched her dodge unnatural eyes, let go of her shoulders, walked to the stove and cooked a new batch of barbecue, and the two sat down on two small chairs outside the tent. Above their heads, there was the vast expanse of The sky is dotted with shining stars.

"I lived without self-esteem before." Fei Jinzhao raised his head, admiring the bright stars in the sky, and said calmly: "No one can trample on me. Except for you, all my remaining self-esteem is given to you."

Jiang Nuannuan felt a pain in her heart.

"I feel so inferior in front of you, even liking you is like a joke."

Fei Jinzhao tilted his head and looked into her gentle and sad eyes, "Now that you say you like me, it's like the sun that has died in your heart has risen again."

"If one day you have to regret it again."

"I'm going to lose control."

In the mountains and wilderness, his voice was particularly lonely and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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