Chapter 545 Fei Jin calls (50)

Outside are large clusters of clouds, and the evening glow is brilliant.

She blinked and calmed down for a while before she realized that she had just taken a nap and slept on the plane from the grassland.

She sat up on the bed and lamented that she could sleep like a dead pig without responding to the outside world.

Fei Jinzhao just came out of the bathroom and saw her confused face. He took her out of the bed and took her to the shower to wash her off.

The two had already met each other frankly, so Jiang Nuannuan didn't respond much to his service. She leaned on him and asked confusedly: "Are we not going to play on the grassland anymore?"

"I'll show you the aurora. The probability of it appearing here is low. Let's go directly to Iceland." Fei Jinzhao cleaned her up and put her back on the bed, then turned around and went to get the ointment she bought from the drugstore.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know what he was going to do until he pulled her leg over. Her eyes suddenly turned red, "Fei Jinzhao! Are you going a little too far? It hurts!"

He calmly retracted his hand, twisted the medicine aside, squeezed it out and applied it on his fingertips, "Relax, it will make you feel better."

Jiang Nuannuan saw the ointment clearly, and immediately fell back on the bed with her stiff head, pressed her face with a pillow, and let him apply the medicine.

She immediately took off the pillow and glared at him, "Why are you laughing?"

Fei Jinzhao suppressed her smile and said gently: "Let someone come and change the sheets later."

He turned around and washed his hands, but these words still lingered in Jiang Nuannuan's ears, deafening.

She looked down and silently covered herself with the quilt.

Shame, so shame.

When the stewardess came to change the sheets, she gave her a very understanding look.

Fei Jinzhao pushed the cut steak to her, Jiang Nuannuan poked it with a fork, and then looked at his energetic face, which showed no trace of gloom, and the emotions in his heart dissipated unconsciously.

She thought she was determined enough to choose him.

Fei Jinzhao caught her gaze and put down his knife and fork, "You went too far yesterday, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry. I was the one who took the initiative." Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to show that she didn't care, so she told him with a correct attitude: "You can't escape, Fei Jinzhao, you are my person."

He smiled, as if there were stars in his eyes, "I can't get it."

That should be real happiness. Jiang Nuannuan forked a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, "Eat."

The weather in Iceland is very cold, but in the long night, the emerald light surges across the entire sky, and the stunning scenery of nature will only make the trip worthwhile.

Jiang Nuannuan put on a thick cotton-padded jacket and stood in the snow. At this moment, all worries and sorrows, and any bad emotions were thrown away, leaving only joy and wonder.

Fei Jinzhao took out an old velvet box from his pocket, and when she turned around to call him, he knelt down behind her.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned.

Fei Jinzhao said: "This is the ring that my grandma left for me. Her dowry is now given to me so that I can use it to marry my wife."

"Would you like to try to marry me?"

Compared to verbally explaining to the media that she is a fiancée, standing in the snowy sky with the aurora background, receiving blessings and natural cheers from strangers around her, is more heart-warming.

(End of this chapter)

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