Chapter 546 Fei Jin calls (51)

Memories came out like a flood that had opened. Jiang Nuannuan stared at him for a long time, seeing a panicked change in his eyes, and seeing him frightened because of his silence.

She bent down and held his face, kissing him hard.

"Fei Jinzhao, you have to believe that I must have loved you in my previous life."

She stretched out her hand and put it into the gold ring of just the right size, knowing full well that he had already recognized her, and even the ring size had been changed in advance.

Fei Jinzhao's tense jaw finally relaxed and she smiled brightly.

"I love you," he said, "for a long, long time."

Jiang Nuannuan pulled him up, got into his thick cotton clothes and hugged him, "I know, I know."

She thought that if Fei Jinzhao still didn't feel safe, she wouldn't mind tying herself to him for the rest of her life.

It must have been so painful for him when she fell ill and died. She owed him so much, and she wanted to give him a unique love.

Back from the romantic Iceland, summer vacation has passed.

Fei Jinzhao took Jiang Nuannuan to the school to report. The two lived in Bishui Bay and bought some furniture there. Their life was going smoothly.

Jiang Meng studied at home for two whole months, and finally took a summary test. Before leaving, several teachers all shook their heads at Mrs. Jiang. What was even more fatal was that one of the teachers was a finance professor. :
"The suggestion I have made to help with tutoring is to let Qingyuan review her junior high school knowledge. It seems that she has not systematically learned high school knowledge in her previous high school campus. She has almost forgotten even the contents of the junior high school courses. She can’t understand the finance course at all. If she has to take this path when going abroad in the future, she’d better go to some universities that don’t require scores or money to enter.”

This kind of university is also commonly known as pheasant university. It is filled with people who go in with no knowledge and skills and come out wearing gilded skin.

The wealthy families in Kelinggang are full of talented people, and at least they have enough scores to go to a school recognized by the country, so that it won't be a shame.

What's even worse is that Jiang's mother is still watching TV in the living room right now. A talented boy like Fei Jinzhao, who is the youngest son of a wealthy family and who fell in love at a young age, is labeled as perfect. People, even if they enter a school, will be captured by the media and sent to the news.

On the screen where the Jiang family was playing, there happened to be the back figures of Fei Jinzhao and Jiang Nuannuan walking into the school hand in hand.

The daughter of the past was still radiant after leaving the family. The clothes she wore, the shoes on her feet, and even the diamond-dazzling hairpin on her head were all pointed out as limited edition.

Her life was not getting worse as Jiang's mother imagined. On the contrary, she was very happy.

Jiang Meng saw her mother sitting on the sofa with a gloomy look. She gritted her teeth and sat next to her. She blinked her eyes and tears fell out.

"not like this."

She buried herself in Mother Jiang's arms and whispered: "This professor has been harassing me. I have been in a daze for the whole month and have not studied hard. I'm sorry, mom. Now that he is talking about me like this, I really can't help it. It’s not that I don’t learn well, so don’t be angry.”

Jiang Meng broke down and cried, making false accusations, which made the professor angry.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why am I bullying you, an old man who is about to retire?"

Jiang's mother saw that she was so sad and took the matter seriously. She was so angry that she called the police and sent her to the police station on the spot.

"Mrs. Jiang! You do things indiscriminately! Look at which other teacher will dare to teach your daughter in the future!" The professor was handcuffed in his position by the police, his face turned red and he yelled.

Jiang's mother was still angry, "My daughter came back from the countryside and was very down-to-earth. She endured it for two months before saying that you were the one who hurt her! I'm going to sue you!"

The word "loyalty is harsh to the ear" has its meaning. Subconsciously, Mother Jiang did not believe that the talent of a daughter born from her family's excellent genes would be vastly different from the daughter she chose to give up. She did not want to tell herself that she She made a mistake. She didn't want to admit that Jiang Meng was not as good as Jiang Nuannuan.

Jiang Meng's words seemed to have found a step down for her.

It's not that her daughter is bad, it's entirely the teacher!For such an impulsive move, Jiang's mother had no idea of ​​the worse consequences that would follow.

The next day, Jiang Meng got into the nanny car that was used to transport Jiang Nuannuan to her old high school. She stroked the leather cushion under her body with her palms, crossed her legs and imitated the appearance of a famous lady, and looked at herself in the car window. An elegant figure with arrogant eyes.

She also put on the most expensive clothes and walked into the most expensive school. The air was filled with the smell of happiness and money.

Jiang Meng is also well-known in the school. With Jiang Nuannuan, who graduated from the last year and went to Linggang University, she staged a real and fake daughter-in-law drama and was able to force him to leave a wealthy family. These students all understood that it was impossible for her without means. Yes, when they saw her taking the initiative to make friends, they didn't show any obvious rejection.

Until all the students arrived at the class, the head teacher walked into the classroom. Before the first class after the summer vacation, a campus radio suddenly sounded.

First, an angry voice called Jiang Meng and said, "The place where you go to school now looks like a palace. There are children from rich families studying there, right?"

After a few seconds, a slightly sharp female voice said: "Let's start, try not to hit the face, just get some skin wounds on the body, be careful when you start."

How serious was the incident when Jiang Meng was beaten?That's what forced Jiang Nuannuan to leave!

In an instant, the whole school was in an uproar.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a self-directed and self-acted drama!

Jiang Meng's body stiffened as she sat in her seat, and those watching the excitement came from all directions. She hurriedly held the pen and shook her head desperately, "No, it's not."

She tried to explain to the students around her, "The voice is not mine, it must be someone else, and someone faked it to frame me!"

She covered her ears and the tears fell immediately.

At this moment, another classmate said: "Look out the window! What happened?"

Many people joined in the fun and opened the windows and reached out to pick it up. The teacher couldn't stop him even if he wanted to. He followed the students and walked over and got an A4 paper.

Printed on it were the WeChat exchange records between Jiang Meng and the gangster students, as well as the beating fee of 1000 yuan per person. The dialogue written on it was clear in white and black.

Combined with the sudden broadcast of the recording, a conspiracy against Jiang Nuannuan came to light.

Jiang Meng saw the transfer record and noticed that the eyes around her turned to mocking and wary. She stood helpless in her seat, completely panicked and a little hysterical: "It's not me, really, these are all fake." , it’s not me, it’s Jiang Nuannuan, it must be her again! She always doesn’t want me to feel better! "

Finally someone couldn't help it and said, "I don't know why Senior Sister Nuan Nuan keeps hurting you, a technical school student? She took the initiative to leave her family, was admitted to Linggang University, and got together with the young master of the Fei family. She is still her fiancée now. She's so good, so jealous of you, why is she doing this to you? Just for free?"

"Let me tell you, you are just afraid that the family you finally came back will not want you. Are you jealous?"

"I said I was bullied a few times. I guess I directed and acted. All the dirty water was thrown at Senior Nuan Nuan. This person is disgusting."

"Who wants this kind of trash in the class? I've long been unhappy with her."

All of a sudden, all the students with backgrounds in the class stood up to defy the teacher who wanted to settle the matter. They also took sides. Of course, it would be more cost-effective for the Jiang family and the Fei family to be friends with the latter.

Jiang Menglan's reputation was immediately known in school. His family was in the media industry. He posted the stuff immediately. After it was made news, it caused an uproar and he quickly left the circle.

Now, the whole network has recognized the fact that the Jiang family picked up sesame seeds and threw away watermelons.

(Words: Fei will finish tomorrow, go to Gu Shizhou, Fei’s Wuhuao is expected to be airdropped on Sunday, follow the group)

(End of this chapter)

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